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Releases: ropensci/stplanr

Origins and destinations

03 Nov 11:57
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stplanr 0.1.5


  • New argument destinations added to od2line(). See example(od2line) for an example.
  • New dataset destinations for showing how OD matrix with destinations can be converted to spatial data
  • New argument list_output allows the route information to be saved as a list, allowing save_raw = TRUE (which does not return a Spatial object) to be passed to the route_ function.
  • tmap dependency removed for faster installs


  • Bug with line2route() (#124) fixed
  • Various improvements to documentation

Bearings and reprojections

30 Aug 11:52
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stplanr 0.1.4


  • New function reproject() is a simple wrapper around spTransform() that uses
    crs_select_aeq() to convert a spatial object in geographic (lat/lon) coordinates
    into on with projected coordinates, with units of 1 m. This is useful for various
    spatial operations, such as finding the length and area of an object.
  • Implement gprojected(), a function for performing GIS operations on a temporary, projected, version
    of spatial objects.
  • Addition of line_bearing() to return the bearing of lines based on start and end points.
  • Addition of angle_diff() for finding the angular difference between lines: are they roughly parallel or perpendicular?


  • line2df() now works on lines with multiple vertices and is faster.
  • Fixes in the examples used to illustrate how od_dist() works.

stplanr 0.1.3


  • Update to OSRM functions to support API v5.
  • New parameter byvars in the overline() function, to allow disaggregation of results by a grouping variable (see example(overline)).
  • Faster implementation of od2line(): od2line2(). Plan is to replace the original if no issues are found with new implementation.
  • New function od2odf() which converts OD data into a dataframe of origins and destinations (feeds od2line2() but also useful as self-standing function).
  • New argument new_proj in buff_geo() allows the results to be exported to any coordinate reference system (CRS).
  • New function gprojected() generalises concept of buff_geo(), building on crs_select_aeq() to allow any GIS query to be conducted on a temporary projected version of spatial objects with geographical CRSs.
  • New function od_dist() can quickly calculate Euclidean distances of OD pairs without converting to spatial objects.


  • Bug fix in onewayid() so it captures all lines.
  • Various improvements to documentation and code.

Google Distance Matrix

31 May 23:17
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stplanr 0.1.2


  • Interface to the Google Distance Matrix API with dist_google.
  • New transport planning API added, with route_transportapi_public (for testing).
  • Update to line2route, allowing it to accept different routing funtions via the new argument route_fun (for testing - tested with route_fun = route_cyclestreet).
  • New functions for creating origin-destination data frames (point2odf) and SpatialLinesDataFrames (points2flow).
  • Addition of n_vertices and is_linepoint for identifying the number of vertices in spatial objects and whether the 'line' is really a point.


  • line2route refactored, with 10 fold speed increases on large (1000+) batches of lines.

stplanr 0.1.1

21 Jan 14:28
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This is was the first major working update on CRAN.


  • Addition of new class definition SpatialLinesNetwork, methods for plot
    and summary and functions calc_network_routes and find_network_nodes
    allowing fast route calculations via igraph and other network analysis
  • Functions for removing beginning and end of lines: toptail and
    toptailgs. Helper functions buff_geo,
    crs_select_aeq and line2points added.
  • Functionality for reading in the UK's stats19 data: read_stats19_*
    functions download, unzip and re-categorise the data.
  • read_table functions added for reading Australian OD data.
  • decode_gl added to decode Google polylines and other functions for
    querying and reading data from OSRM services.
  • gtfs2sldf added to import GTFS routes as SpatialLinesDataFrames.