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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 19, 2021. It is now read-only.

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algorithm implementation 📐
algorithm implementation :triangular_ruler:
collaboration 🐜
collaboration :ant:
communication 📢
communication :loudspeaker:
community 🤗
community :hugs:
data processing 🔩
data processing :nut_and_bolt:
discoverability 🔍
discoverability :mag:
documentation 📄
documentation :page_facing_up:
ease-of-use 🐨
ease-of-use :koala:
geospatial 🌐
geospatial :globe_with_meridians:
graphics 📊
graphics :bar_chart:
metadata 🔖
metadata :bookmark:
multi-language/bindings 👅
multi-language/bindings :tongue:
open data 🎁
open data :gift:
package development support 📦
package development support :package:
publication 📯
publication :postal_horn:
reproducibility 🐵
reproducibility :monkey_face:
security 🔐
security 🔐
so-meta ✨
so-meta :sparkles:
social ☕
social :coffee:
testing 🔨
testing :hammer:
text 📚
text :books:
training 🐕
training :dog2:
web APIs 🐝
web APIs :honeybee: