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not edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 9 revisions

Lovely statusline

Feel free to change "love" to your favourite Rosé Pine accent colour

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 14 31 40
vim.opt.laststatus = 2 -- Or 3 for global statusline
vim.opt.statusline = " %f %m %= %l:%c ♥ "

	highlight_groups = {
		StatusLine = { fg = "love", bg = "love", blend = 10 },
		StatusLineNC = { fg = "subtle", bg = "surface" },


Captura de tela de 2024-01-28 16-21-39


Leafy search

Leaf coloured search highlights on Rosé Pine Leaf coloured search highlights on Rosé Pine Dawn
	highlight_groups = {
		CurSearch = { fg = "base", bg = "leaf", inherit = false },
		Search = { fg = "text", bg = "leaf", blend = 20, inherit = false },

Transparent telescope.nvim

This example uses "base" instead of "none" in some cases to match our kitty theme and kitty's background opacity feature

Remove selected background and use foreground + bright caret to distinguish current selection.

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 14 02 47
	highlight_groups = {
		TelescopeBorder = { fg = "highlight_high", bg = "none" },
		TelescopeNormal = { bg = "none" },
		TelescopePromptNormal = { bg = "base" },
		TelescopeResultsNormal = { fg = "subtle", bg = "none" },
		TelescopeSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "base" },
		TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = "rose", bg = "rose" },

Borderless telescope.nvim

    highlight_groups = {
        TelescopeBorder = { fg = "overlay", bg = "overlay" },
        TelescopeNormal = { fg = "subtle", bg = "overlay" },
        TelescopeSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "highlight_med" },
        TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = "love", bg = "highlight_med" },
        TelescopeMultiSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "highlight_high" },

        TelescopeTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "love" },
        TelescopePromptTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "pine" },
        TelescopePreviewTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "iris" },

        TelescopePromptNormal = { fg = "text", bg = "surface" },
        TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = "surface", bg = "surface" },
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