An open authentication and authorisation platform.
- Form validation
- Persistance to PostgreSQL
- Generating a UUID identifier for every user
- Downcases email address for case-insensitive searching
- Issuing of a Single Sign On token (JWT), signed with a private key
- Form validation
- Defence against timing attacks when comparing password hashes
- Issuing of a Single Sign On token (JWT), signed with a private key
- Issuing an Auth Code if the user is signed in
- Redirects to Sign In page if user is not signed in
- Persists Auth Code to database, referencing the user that it belongs to
Clone the repo:
git clone
cd turret
Start a local PostgreSQL server:
docker run \
-d \
--name turret-db \
-p 5433:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=turret_dev \
-e POSTGRES_DB=turret_dev \
-v $(pwd)/tmp/db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
Generate a ECDSA key pair (used for signing tokens):
mkdir -p ./certs/signing
openssl ecparam -out certs/signing/ec_key.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey
openssl req -new -x509 -key certs/signing/ec_key.pem -out certs/signing/ec_cert.pem -days 365 -subj "/O=Turret/OU=Local Development"
Generate a self-signed certificate (used for HTTPS):
mkdir -p ./certs/tls
mkcert -cert-file ./certs/tls/turret.localhost.pem --key-file certs/tls/turret.localhost-key.pem turret.localhost
Update your hosts file:
echo " turret.localhost" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Use the default configuration, suitable for local development:
cp .env.dist .env
Install the npm dependencies:
Syncronise the database to create the tables and fields:
node scripts/syncDatabase.js
Run the tests to confirm you're all set up:
yarn test
Run the local development server:
yarn watch
Open the application in your browser at https://turret.localhost:3000
Future development tasks are being tracked using this GitHub project board.
Run yarn test
to run the unit tests.
Run yarn test:e2e
to run end-to-end tests using CodeceptJS in a real Chrome browser.
Tests run using HTTPS and exercise the database too.
Released under the MIT license.