Web server with Load balancers
Custom Inventory
ansible -i inventory --list-hosts all
With ansible.cfg
ansible --list-hosts all
ansible --list-hosts webservers
ansible --list-hosts loadbalancers
Ansible Tasks(run adhoc commands)
ansible -m ping all
(ansible command) (module flag) (module name) (inventory)
ansible --list-hosts "*"
ansible --list-hosts app*
ansible --list-hosts webservers:loadbalancers # using group functions
ansible --list-hosts \!control # using negate function
ansible --list-hosts webservers[0:10]
ansible -m ping all
With uname , RC=0,Success
ansible -m shell -a "uname" webservers:local
ansible -m shell -a "uname" app1:local
ansible -m shell -a "uname" local
Return code RC=1,Failure
ansible -m command -a "/bin/false" \!loadbalancers
processes & manage configuration
run synchronously & asynchronously
ability to create infrastructure as code and manage it all in source control
list out everything we need & want to apply to each instance
Group them accordingly to configuration usage
Ensure they are in a logically defined order
Run each tasks according to the order they are listed
Example: update, install, configure check status etc
Run each tasks according to the order they are listed
Service Handlers
Import playbook
import_playbook: playbook_name
Ansible adhoc command to stop apache
ansible -m service -a "name=apache2 state=stopped"--become loadbalancers
Gathers useful facts about host, that can be used in playbooks
Use status module to see all the facts gathered during the TASK[Gathering Facts]
Use jinja2 template and expressions
ansible -m setup app1
Variables from info returned from tasks; call the registered variables for later use
Use debug mode
Ansible provides framework that makes each part of variables, tasks, templates & modules fully independent
Group tasks together in a way that is self containing.
Predefiend directory structure
Break configurations into files
Reuse code by others for similar configurations
Use ansible-galaxy webservers init
to create predefined framework of roles
Check Mode("Dry Run"): Reports changes that Ansible would have to make on the end hosts rather than applying the changes
Run Ansible without affecting the remote system
Reports changes back
Use at one node at a time basic(example: configuration management)
ansible-playbook settings-app.yaml --check
flag to check the status]
Error Handling in Playbooks
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: yes
- task :
- command : /opt/app.py
async : 360
poll : 60
register : app_result
- name : Check status of tasks
async_status : jid={{ app_result.ansible_job_id }}
register : job_result
until : job_result.finished
retires : 30
Linear Strategy (Default) [Each task is finished first in each server before proceding to next task]
Free Strategy [Independantly run task in all server]
Batch Strategy [Based on Linear]
marked with serial: 3
[Ansible ll run 1st 3 server to execute task and then next]
serial: 30%
Forks - Ansible uses parallel processes/forks to remote host. By default ansible can create 5 forks at a time.
any_error_fatal: true
Email after finishing deployment
- mail :
to : devops@scp.com
subject : Job deployed
body : Successfull
ignore_errors : yes
- command : cat /var/log/server.log
register : command_output
failed_when : " 'ERROR' in command_output.stdout"
String Manipulation
{{ os_ name }}
{{ os_ name | upper }}
{{ os_ name | lower }}
{{ os_ name | title }}
{{ os_ name | replace("Ubuntu", "CentOs") }}
{{ os_ name | default("Ubuntu")}} {{ "CentOs" }}
List and Set
{{ [1,2,3] | min }}
{{ [1,2,3] | max }}
{{ [1,2,3,3,4] | unique }}
{{ [1,2,3,3,4] | union[2,3] }}
{{ [1,2,3,3,4] | intersect[3,5,6] }}
{{ 100 | random }}
{{ ["My", "name", "is", "Bond"] | join("") }}
Filters in file
{{ "/etc/hosts" | basename }}
{{ "c:\windows\hosts" | win_basename }}
{{ lookup('csvfile', 'targer_file=file/hosts.csv delimiter=;') }}
Lookup file - ini
, dns
, mongodb
ansible-vault encrypt inventory
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory --ask-vault-pass
Store vault password in a file
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory --vault-password-file ./vault_pass.txt
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory --vault-password-file ./vault_pass.py
ansible-vault view inventory
ansible-vault create inventory
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -i inventory.py
Ansible Inventory Command
ansible-inventory --list -y