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Installation & Tools Instructions

Riz Panjwani edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 5 revisions

getting the front-end running:

  1. install nodejs (please don't use homebrew on mac for this). sudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel works really well for aws ec2 instances.
  2. git clone
  3. Go to the capcast directory and do the following:
  4. sudo npm install
  5. sudo npm install -g yo bower grunt
  6. bower install
  7. grunt serve
  • if the above command gives an error, try sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
  • grunt serve again.

You should now see your browser automatically load http://localhost:9000, which should display our meeting app.

Dear TAs, we will have amazon VMs running for our signalling servers, so you don't need to run the signalling server on your machine. The front-end code will reflect this and connect to our signalling servers.

Using Websockets for signalling (using websocket-over-nodejs library):

  1. Install Nodejs (sudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel works really well for aws ec2 instances.)
  2. npm install websocket-over-nodejs
  3. npm install node-static
  4. npm install request-promise
  5. overwrite the signaler.js with the one under capcast/signalingserver/signaler
  6. node node_modules/websocket-over-nodejs/signaler.js
  7. check http://localhost:12034/