subcategory |
-> Note This resource has an evolving API, which may change in future versions of the provider. Please always consult latest documentation in case of any questions.
This data source constructs necessary AWS cross-account policy for you, which is based on official documentation.
For more detailed usage please see databricks_aws_assume_role_policy or databricks_aws_s3_mount pages.
data "databricks_aws_crossaccount_policy" "this" {}
(Optional) (List) List of Data IAM role ARNs that are explicitly grantediam:PassRole
In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
- AWS IAM Policy JSON document
The following resources are used in the same context:
- Provisioning AWS Databricks E2 with a Hub & Spoke firewall for data exfiltration protection guide
- databricks_aws_assume_role_policy data to construct the necessary AWS STS assume role policy.
- databricks_aws_bucket_policy data to configure a simple access policy for AWS S3 buckets, so that Databricks can access data in it.
- databricks_instance_profile to manage AWS EC2 instance profiles that users can launch databricks_cluster and access data, like databricks_mount.