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Data from Gnan et al. (2014) 19-way Arabidopsis MAGIC


Data from Gnan et al. (2014), on seed size and number in the 19-way Arabidopsis MAGIC lines of Kover et al. (2009).

The raw data were included as supplements: the genotypes in File S1 and the phenotypes in File S2.

There is genotype data (at a total of 1260 markers on 5 chromosomes) on 703 MAGIC lines. 677 of the lines have phenotype data, for 8 phenotypes.

We don't have a genetic map of the markers, but we do have a physical map, in two forms: positions in the "TAIR8 build" were present in the Gnan et al. (2014) data (though just for 1024 markers), and positions in the "TAIR9 build" are from (for 1251 markers).

For related data, see and the supplementary material from Kover et al. (2009).

File conversion

  • R/convert_data.R for converting the data to R/qtl2 format.

  • Makefile to automate and document the data conversions.

  • I also make use of a Python script,; the Makefile includes instructions for downloading and using it.


File format

See the R/qtl2 input file format.


  • Gnan S, Priest A, Kover PX (2014) The genetic basis of natural variation in seed size and seed number and their trade-off using Arabidopsis thaliana MAGIC lines. Genetics 198:1751-1758. doi:10.1534/genetics.114.170746

  • Kover PX, Valdar W, Trakalo J, Scarcelli N, Ehrenreich IM, Purugganan MD, Durrant C, Mott R (2009) A multiparent advanced generation inter-cross to fine-map quantitative traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 5:e1000551. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000551

Use with R/qtl2

Load these data into R directly from the web as follows (for the TAIR9 version of the physical map; replace 9 with 8 for the TAIR8 version):

file <- paste0("",
arab <- read_cross2(file)