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File metadata and controls

247 lines (185 loc) · 9.69 KB

Tutorial Actions

These actions support creation of a RADIUSS Tutorial.

❓️ Frequently Asked Questions ❓️

What is a tutorial?

A tutorial is a lab notebook (or similar environment) that can be requested by a user to try out software. By way of providing metadata and assets in a predictibly organized version-controllued format, we can easily deploy tutorials.

What is a tutorial repository?

A tutorial repostiory provides:

  1. An organized structure of named tutorials
  2. Metadata to go along with each tutorial folder in a tutorial.yaml
  3. A Dockerfile (optional) that provides an automated build for a tutorial.
  4. Notebooks or other assets for the tutorials.
  5. A web interface that displays tutorials available, and provides a static API.

What are the actions here?

The actions here provide both templates (e.g., workflow files you can copy) and actions to include within to help you to deploy your tutorials. To continue reading, you can read more about:

⭐️ Automation ⭐️

If you want to deploy your own tutorials repository, you can use any of the "-tutorials" repos in the rse-ops organization as a template! The design is outlined here, and instructions described. Basically, you'll be adding workflows to your .github/workflows to do each of the following.

Site and Contributor CI

Each workflow repository deploys its own site and project (repository) metadata. The initial generation of this site (and continued generation of the metadata, nightly) is determined by the workflows/update-data.yaml action. First, add a contributor-ci.yaml file to the root of your repository. It should include (under repos) the GitHub identifier for the main project you are demo-ing.

member_orgs: []
orgs: []
outdir: _data/cci
- flux-framework/flux-core

In the example above, we are showcasing Then, you can finalize the generation and using the action by adding the workflows/update-data.yaml example to your .github/workflows directory.

✅️ Validation ✅️

The metadata that your site provides (where the site is generated and maintained via the action above) must conform to a specific schema, and the container that it promises must be pull-able. To ensure that your generated metadata is valid, you can use the the validate action, and an example is provided in the workflows/validate.yaml workflow. Add this to your .github/workflows to activate it in your tutorials repository. For validation, we build the site that displays the tutorials and check the following:

  1. Your tutorial names are all lowercase, with only special characters - allowed
  2. A title, container, and project (with github name) are defined
  3. The GitHub name only has one slash (no git@ or https, etc.)
  4. The docker container needs to be pullable.

🚧️ Container Builds 🚧️

Each workflow repository deploys any needed automated builds, each defined by a Dockerfile in the root of a container directory. To support this build, we use uptodate that requires an uptodate.yaml file in the root of a tutorial. As an example, here is how to build a container with one build argument for a 22.04 version of ubuntu:


      key: ubuntu
       - "22.04"

The initial generation of this site (and continued generation of the metadata, nightly) is determined by the workflows/update-data.yaml action. It's again helpful to look at examples in "-tutorials" repos for how these files (alongside build args) are used. If you are comfortable with Docker, you basically are defining the build args to use in your Dockerfile via this file, and it can be a matrix.

🔍️ Details 🔎️

Repository Structure

Each tutorial is basically a notebook and a base container, where the base container should have jupyter installed and your tutorial software. Each tutorial should be put under a named group, under "tutorials":



      # This is also optional, but it's nice to show how to build/run the container locally
      # This is optional, if a base container is elsewhere it can be referenced

      # Supporting materials can go in this top level directory
      # This material you don't want to share publicly (in a UI someday)
      # Material in this directory can be linked/shared in the playground

      # Numbered to present a logical ordering (like a table of contents)

      # Metadata about the tutorials and resources

And it's up to you how to organize! In the example above we use a latest and version, however you could also namespace to cloud providers and dates, or even HPC conferences that you present them at. Also note the contents under each. If a Dockerfile is provided in the tutorial folder, this should build the base, and this is specified in container.yaml. By default, the containers will build to<org>/<repository>/<tutorial>. For the tutorial here, we might see


Each tutorial folder has a tutorial.yaml file that will be used to deploy the tutorial and to generate the site (with metadata). Importantly, you should provide the name of an associated project repository on GitHub that will provide more metadata about the project, along with labels that map to instance preferences for each. This is currently a limited set, and will be expanded.

title: "Flux Tutorial: 2022 for RADIUSS"

  cpus: 1      # number of cores
  memory: 4000 # This should be a number in GB

  # This should be changed for a production deployment
    optional: true
  # Note that ports 80 and 443 are automatically exposed, these should be extra
    - 8000:8000

  # This is the main port to tell the user about
  expose: 8000
  github: flux-framework/flux-core  
  - name: 01-radiuss-aws-flux.ipynb
    title: Flux Jobs Tutorial

We currently ask for a GitHub identifier to retrieve metadata about the project. Note that for the resources spec, we use Cloud select to find a cost effective instance, given that the tutorial runner is using a region and cloud that we have prices for. The current assumption above is that tutorials are grouped based on similar resource needs using the same container.

Suggested Interactions

The following are suggested setups for your tutorials. You are free to choose to do this however you like, however the assumption is that we will deploy a container that has some service on a port.

Environment Variables

If you are running a notebook, it's generally expected that you'll provide the user with a browser to open a notebook. This means we need to authenticate, which can be done by way of the container user as a username, and a custom password from the environment. You should provide a default password in the container (primarily for development) but also define it as an environment variable that can be controlled by the deployment technology. As an example, with our config here, the variable GLOBAL_PASSWORD is defined in our Dockerfile, but also can be defined on deploy for a custom password.

Entrypoint Command

The start of your container should generally run a notebook to demonstrate your software. It's also recommended to post a welcome message to inform the user of any needed credentials. As an example, the notebook here sets the password for Jupyterlab from the environment, and prints a message to the user in the terminal:

# This allows the running user to set the password on the container start
CMD /bin/bash / && \
    echo "c.DummyAuthenticator.password = \"${GLOBAL_PASSWORD}\"" >> /home/fluxuser/ && \
    PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH \
    flux start --test-size=4 /home/fluxuser/.local/bin/jupyterhub -f /home/fluxuser/

And the welcome script will show:

🌀️ Welcome to the Flux Framework RADIUSS Tutorial! 🌀️
If you are running this locally (and can see this message)
You can open your browser to
We use self-signed certificates, so you can proceed.
Your login information is:

🥑️ user: fluxuser
🥑️ password: playground

Have fun! ⭐️🦄️⭐️


Copyright (c) 2022-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

RADIUSS is licensed under the MIT license LICENSE.

Copyrights and patents in the RADIUSS Docker project are retained by contributors. No copyright assignment is required to contribute to RADIUSS Docker.

This work was produced under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.