diff --git a/examples/ipfs-101/.snyk b/examples/ipfs-101/.snyk new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40de356cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/ipfs-101/.snyk @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +# Snyk (https://snyk.io) policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities. +version: v1.16.0 +ignore: {} +# patches apply the minimum changes required to fix a vulnerability +patch: + SNYK-JS-LODASH-567746: + - ipfs > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-bitswap > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-floodsub > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-multiplex > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-tcp > ip-address > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-bitswap > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > ipld-dag-pb > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-pb > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-dag-pb > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-floodsub > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > lock-me > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-cbor > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-git > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > ip-address > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > libp2p-tcp > ip-address > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > ipld-dag-pb > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-pb > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-dag-pb > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-floodsub > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-cbor > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-git > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-pb > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-floodsub > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > lock-me > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-cbor > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > ethereumjs-block > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-git > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-ping > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > multistream-select > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-pb > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-dag-cbor > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-git > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-ping > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-ping > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-secio > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > lock-me > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipld-ethereum > ethereumjs-block > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-info > peer-id > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-api > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-mdns > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-railing > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-webrtc-star > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p-kad-dht > libp2p-record > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-info > peer-id > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > peer-book > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > libp2p > libp2p-swarm > libp2p-identify > peer-info > peer-id > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > multihashing-async > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-fs > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' + - ipfs > ipfs-unixfs-engine > ipld-resolver > ipfs-repo > datastore-level > datastore-core > interface-datastore > libp2p-crypto > libp2p-crypto-secp256k1 > async > lodash: + patched: '2020-07-05T03:23:29.231Z' diff --git a/examples/ipfs-101/package.json b/examples/ipfs-101/package.json index ab0435699b..2c3b67ceca 100644 --- a/examples/ipfs-101/package.json +++ b/examples/ipfs-101/package.json @@ -4,12 +4,16 @@ "description": "this package.json needs to exist because of new npm config https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/977#issuecomment-326741092", "main": "1.js", "scripts": { - "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" + "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", + "snyk-protect": "snyk protect", + "prepublish": "npm run snyk-protect" }, "author": "David Dias ", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "async": "^2.5.0", - "ipfs": "^0.25.4" - } + "ipfs": "^0.41.0", + "snyk": "^1.360.0" + }, + "snyk": true }