Abbrev | Expansion | Abbrev | Expansion |
pu | public | main | Create a main method |
pri | private | #Test | @Test template |
pro | protected | sysout | System.out.printf(“_%n”); |
st | static | | |
vo | void | | |
ab | abstract | | |
bo | boolean | | |
cl | class | | |
impl | implements | | |
ext | extends | | |
pa | package | | |
re | return | | |
Binding | Function | Description |
C-c C-v C-c | malabar-compile-file | Compile the file in the current buffer |
C-c C-v p | malabar-package-project | Run ‘mvn package’ |
C-c C-v C-b | malabar-install-project | Run ‘mvn install’ |
C-c C-v M-t | malabar-run-all-tests | Run ‘mvn test’ |
Binding | Function | Description |
C-c C-v * | malabar-fully-qualified-class-name-kill-ring-save | Copy the binary class name current buffer to the kill ring |
C-c C-v w | malabar-which | Copy the location of the binary class name to the kill ring |
| | |
Binding | Function | Description |
C-M-f | forward-sexp | Move to next interesting thing |
C-M-b | backward-sexp | Move to previous interesting thing |
C-c , m | semantic-complete-jump-local-members | Jump to a method, variable or class. Use space to cycle between methods |
C-c , J | semantic-complete-jump | Jump to a method, variable or class. Use space to cycle between methods |
c-c , , | semantic-force-refresh | Refresh the navigation tags |
c-c , n | senator-next-tag | Navigate to the next semantic tags |
c-c , p | senator-previous-tag | Navigate to the previous semantic tags |
C-c C-v C-y | malabar-jump-to-thing | Jump to the definition of the thing at point |
C-x C-SPACE | pop-global-mark | Use after malabar-jump-to-thing to pop back to previous point |
C-c C-v C-p | malabar-visit-project-file | Open the project file for this buffer, ei nearest pom.xml |
Binding | Function | Description |
C-c C-v C-e | malabar-extend-class | Prompts for a class, adds stub implementations of all that class’s abstract methods and accessible constructors and inserts the appropriate extends clause. |
C-c C-v C-i | malabar-implement-interface | Prompts for an interface, adds stub implementations of all that interface’s methods and adds the interface to the class’s implements clause. |
C-c C-v C-g | malabar-insert-getset | Insert a getter/setter for a field, adding the field if needed |
C-c C-v C-. | semantic-ia-complete-symbol | Complete the current symbol |
C-c C-v . | semantic-ia-complete-symbol-menu | Complete the current symbol with menu |
| malabar-delegate-interface | Similar to malabar-implement-interface and creates a delegate field |
| malabar-update-package | Add or update the package statement to match the current directory |
| | |
Turn on debug logging with ‘malabar-project-logging-debug’
Turn off debug logging with ‘malabar-project-logging-info’