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TimezoneDB Hits

A rewrite for the backend of the BetterDiscord/Aliucord's Timezones plugins.

Note for Plugin Developers

When linking to the host website, please use <HOST>/?client_mod=<YOUR_MOD_NAME> instead of just the base URL. This is for internal analytics. When calling the API directly, please provide a detailed User-Agent header that describes where the request is from, for example Vencord/1.0.0. Adding on to this, if you are setting the user's public timezone manually, please do provide the clientMod field as well.


Before you build, create a new Discord application in the portal. You should make a redirect uri in the OAuth tab that is equal to {HOST}/api/auth, {HOST} being the environment variable below. Copy the secret and id from the OAuth tab to set as environment variables, shown below.

Environment variables

PORT TYPE Default Description
PORT u16 8000 (unmodifiable in debug) The port to serve the app on
HOST String crash in release, http://localhost:{PORT} in debug The host string as the base section of the Discord redirect.
DISCORD_ID u64 crash The app client id from the OAuth section of the portal.
DISCORD_SECRET String crash The app secret from the OAuth section of the portal.
JWT_SECRET any crash in release, timezone_db in debug build Any value used for encrypting JWT tokens.
POSTGRES_URL String crash The full connection string.


# Manually:
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build
$ cargo build --release
$ export PORT=<port>;DISCORD_ID=<id>;DISCORD_SECRET=<secret>;HOST=<host>;JWT_SECRET=<key>POSTGRES_URL=<connection_string>;
$ ./target/release/timezone_db


Due to rocket not supporting proxying requests, I've had to do it the other way around in development; interface through CRA and proxy unknown requests to the backend server. This leads to a few weird issues like any 404s from either end will end up serving index.html from CRA. However, the rust portion is built in release mode, the React app will be bundled with the executable and served using rocket.

  1. Clone repo
  2. Install pnpm & rust toolchain & perl (for openssl-sys)
  3. Pull dependencies: pnpm install
  4. Launch postgres: docker run --name test-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
  5. Run backend: DISCORD_ID=<id>;DISCORD_SECRET=<secret>;POSTGRES_URL="postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres" cargo run
  6. Run frontend: pnpm start
  7. App is accessible here: http://localhost:3000


Authentication is done through a JWT token in the loginInfo cookie that is sent with every request.

GET /api (auth optional)

Response: { loggedIn: bool }

GET /api/auth

Redirects to the currently configured Discord OAuth url.

GET /api/auth?error=access_denied

Redirects to /

GET /api/auth?code=<code>

Authenticates the user with JWT, sets the cookie and redirects to /

GET /api/auth/logout

Removes the auth cookie and redirects to /

GET /api/user (auth required)

Redirects to /api/user/<current_id> based on the JWT otherwise throws 401 if no auth.

GET /api/user/<id>

Gets the data from the DB and returns json. Returns 404 if no user with that id is found. Returns a user object.


Field Type Description
userId string Discord user snowflake id.
timezoneId string The timezone name.
timezone string The calculated UTC offset of the timezone. Ex. +5, -5 +5:30

POST /api/user/bulk

Gets multiple users at the same time. Body is an array of string ids. Returns an object of {<userId>: null | <user>}

GET /api/user/<id>/exists

Checks whether a user is stored in the DB. Returns 200/404 status code.

DELETE /api/user (auth required)

Deletes the current user from the db completely.

PUT /api/user (auth required)

Updates the current user's data. Missing field = no update.


Field Type Description
timezone? string? A new valid timezone name.
clientMod? string? The client mod that this user uses (if any).