diff --git a/src/doc/unstable-book/src/compiler-flags/codegen-options.md b/src/doc/unstable-book/src/compiler-flags/codegen-options.md index 31dfcdb199ab9..cc51554706d07 100644 --- a/src/doc/unstable-book/src/compiler-flags/codegen-options.md +++ b/src/doc/unstable-book/src/compiler-flags/codegen-options.md @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ In addition to the stable set of linker flavors, the following unstable values a - `ptx`: use [`rust-ptx-linker`](https://github.com/denzp/rust-ptx-linker) for Nvidia NVPTX GPGPU support. - `bpf`: use [`bpf-linker`](https://github.com/alessandrod/bpf-linker) for eBPF support. +- `llbc`: for linking in llvm bitcode. Install the preview rustup components`llvm-bitcode-linker` + and `llvm-tools` to use as a self-contained linker by passing + `-Zunstable-options -Clink-self-contained=+linker` together with `-Clinker-flavor=llbc`. + Can currently only be used for Nvidia NVPTX targets (`nvptx64-nvidia-cuda`). Additionally, a set of more precise linker flavors also exists, for example allowing targets to declare that they use the LLD linker by default. The following values are currently unstable, and