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Tutorial: Scripting and Zoo System

Liang Wang edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 9 revisions

In this tutorial, I will introduce the Zoo system in Owl and how to use it to make "small functions", then distribute and share them with other users. Before we start, I will briefly discuss the motivation of the Zoo system.

It is known that we can use OCaml as a script language as Python (at certain cost of performance). Even though compiling into native code for production use is recommended, scripting is still useful and convenient. While designing Owl, my goal is always to make it an open, flexible, and extensible system. Users can make their own "small" scripts and share them with others conveniently, so they do not have to wait for such functions to be implemented in Owl's master branch or submit something "heavy" to OPAM.

Typical Scenario

Our scenario is very simple: Alice is a data analyst and uses Owl in her daily job. One day, she realised that the functions she needed had not been implemented yet in Owl. Therefore, she implemented these functions by herself. She thought these functions might be useful to others, e.g., her colleague Bob, she decided to share these functions using Zoo System.

Now let me demonstrate how Alice manages to do so in the following, step by step.

Create A Script

First, Alice needs to create a folder (e.g., myscript folder) for her shared script. She needs at least two files in this folder. The first one is of course the file (i.e., implementing the function as below. The function sqr_magic returns the square of a magic matrix, it is quite useless in reality but serves as an example here.

#!/usr/bin/env owl

open Owl

let sqr_magic n = Mat.(magic n |> sqr)

The second file she needs is a which provides a brief description of the shared script. Note that the first line of the will be used as a short description for the shared scripts.

Square of Magic Matrix

`Coolmodule` implements a function to generate the square of magic matrices.

Share via Gist

Now, Alice needs to distribute the files in myscript folder. The distribution is done via, so you must have gist installed on your computer. E.g., if you use Mac, you can install gist with brew install gist. The following command for distribution is easy, and it will ask you to log into your github account.

owl -upload myscript

The owl -upload command simply uploads all the files in myscript as a bundle to your page. The command will print out the url after a successful upload. In our case, you can check this page.

Import in Another Script

The bundle Alice uploaded before is assigned a unique id, i.e. 9f0892ab2b96f81baacd7322d73a4b08. In order to use the sqr_magic function, Bob only needs to use #zoo directive in his script, i.e.,

#!/usr/bin/env owl
#zoo "9f0892ab2b96f81baacd7322d73a4b08"

let _ = Coolmodule.sqr_magic 4 |> Owl.Mat.print

Bob's script is very simple, but there are a couple of things worth pointing out: (1) Zoo system will automatically download the bundle of a given id if it is not cached locally; (2) All the ml files in the bundle will be imported as modules, so you need to use Coolmodule.sqr_magic to access the function. Lastly, you may also want to use chmod +x to make the script executable.

Note that to use #zoo directive in utop you need to manually load the owl_zoo library with #require "owl_zoo";;. You may want to make utop load the library automatically by adding this line to ~/.ocamlinit.

More Options

That's all. Zoo system is not complicated at all. There will be more features to be added in future. For the time being, you can check all the available options by executing owl.

$ owl
Owl's Zoo System

  owl [utop options] [script-file]	execute an Owl script
  owl -upload [gist-directory]		upload code snippet to gist
  owl -download [gist-id]		download code snippet from gist
  owl -remove [gist-id]			remove a cached gist
  owl -update [gist-ids]		update (all if not specified) gists
  owl -run [gist-id]			run a self-contained gist
  owl -info [gist-ids]			show the basic information of a gist
  owl -list				list all the cached gists
  owl -help				print out help information