Now that we have computed the Hessian and the branch lengths in the previous step,
we can run MCMCtree
using the approximate likelihood for Bayesian divergence times
estimation (dos Reis and Yang, 2011).
Nevertheless, before sampling from the posterior distribution, we are going to first run an analysis without
data, that is, we are going to collect samples from the prior distribution.
If we see this using the Bayes' theorem, when we are not including the data during Bayesian inference we are basically sampling from the prior:
$f(\mathrm{\mathbf{t}},\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\theta}|D)\propto f(\mathbf{\theta})f(\mathrm{\mathbf{t}})f(\mathrm{\mathbf{r}}|\mathbf{t,\mathbf{\theta}})\times f(D|\mathrm{\mathbf{t}},\mathbf{r},\mathbf{\theta})\propto f(\mathbf{\theta})f(\mathrm{\mathbf{t}})f(\mathrm{\mathbf{r}}|\mathbf{t,\mathbf{\theta}})$
$posterior\propto prior\times likelihood$
$posterior\propto prior\times1$
$posterior\propto prior$
Therefore, we want to check that the priors on times and rates that we set in MCMCtree
, i.e., the "user-specified" prior,
are really the ones that the dating software is using, i.e., the "effective prior". That could also help us identify
which prior calibrations are in conflict with other nearby calibrations, which might need to be tweaked so the
effective prior is close to the user-specified prior.
In addition, once we get the mean estimates for the node ages when sampling both from the prior (no molecular data used) and the posterior (using molecular data), we can plot them one on top of another to assess possible conflict, i.e., the posterior distribution falling outside the range delimited by the prior distribution. If this were the case, this would mean that molecular data and the clock model used are suggesting, when sampling from the posterior during the MCMC, that the node age is either younger or older than what was supposed when setting the calibration densities. This would just be an example of the difficulties involved when deciding the maximum and minimum bounds when constructing fossil calibrations for the nodes in the phylogeny.
Once we are sure that there are no conflicts, we can then evaluate the Bayesian inference of posterior times for the 72-taxon mammal phylogeny.
Below, you will find the links to the files that contain the results obtained when running
for all the tree hypotheses. In this GitHub repository, you will be able to find the
scripts and the plots generated with the data, but the data are too big to be stored here.
Therefore, please download the files using the links that we provide below if you want to reproduce our
results when running the scripts provided here.
We provide the results obtained when using MCMCtree
while sampling from the prior and using the
main tree hypothesis (T2) here.
We ran five independent MCMC with the aim to increase ESS and improve MCMC convergence. When
running MCMCtree
, we used a dummy alignment because, when sampling from the prior,
the molecular data are not used.
This can help to reduce the amount of disk space used as there is no need to have the
alignment file (large size) when sampling from the prior.
The important options that need to be used in the control file are the following:
usedata = 0
: this setsMCMCtree
sampling from the prior.clock = 1
: no molecular data are used, therefore there is no need to tellMCMCtree
to use a complex clock model.model = 0
: the same as mentioned above applies to the nucleotide substitution model.
An example of the control file we used is shown below. Only the name passed to the treefile
needs to be changed according to each tree hypothesis:
seed = -1
seqfile = dummy_aln.aln
treefile = 72sp_atlantogenata_tarver2016_MCMCtree_calib.tree
mcmcfile = mcmc.txt
outfile = out.txt
ndata = 1
seqtype = 0 * 0: nucleotides; 1:codons; 2:AAs
usedata = 0 * 0: no data (prior); 1:exact likelihood;
* 2:approximate likelihood; 3:out.BV (in.BV)
clock = 1 * 1: global clock; 2: independent rates; 3: correlated rates
model = 0 * 0:JC69, 1:K80, 2:F81, 3:F84, 4:HKY85
alpha = 0.5 * alpha for gamma rates at sites
ncatG = 5 * No. categories in discrete gamma
cleandata = 0 * remove sites with ambiguity data (1:yes, 0:no)?
BDparas = 1 1 0.1 * birth, death, sampling
rgene_gamma = 2 40 * gammaDir prior for rate for genes
sigma2_gamma = 1 10 *s gammaDir prior for sigma^2 (for clock=2 or 3)
print = 1 * 0: no mcmc sample; 1: everything except branch rates 2: everything
burnin = 10000
sampfreq = 1000
nsample = 20000
When the 5 independent MCMC runs finished, we summarised the inferred trees for each independent
chain using the script
. This script generates the mcmc_files
directory and the
file, which concatenates the results sampled in each of the five chains. Then,
we set print = -1
in the control file to run MCMCtree
with the mcmc_tracer.txt
so we
can obtain the tree file with branch lengths when using all the samples collected (FigTree.tre
If you have downloaded the zip file provided above with the MCMCtree
output files, you will find these
files inside 00_MCMCtree_prior
. Note that you can also download the results obtained with MCMCtree
sampling from the prior and fixing the topology of the alternative tree hypotheses (T1, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)
Inferring posterior divergence times for the 72-taxon mammal phylogeny was done under the
7 tree hypotheses described in the previous steps and under the best-fitting relaxed-clock model:
the autocorrelated-rates model (we use GBM
in the directories saved in this GitHub repository to identify
analyses under this clock).
At the same time, in order to increase ESS and ensure MCMC convergence, we ran several independent
chains with MCMCtree
. As mentioned above, we had to repeat the analyses under the main tree
hypothesis (T2) so the alignment did not contain 11 genes that were also present in the data set
that is to be used in the second step of the sequential Bayesian dating analysis.
This does not affect the analyses with the other 6 tree hypotheses. You can download
the results obtained with MCMCtree
when using the alignment without these 11 genes for the
main tree hypothesis
the results obtained with MCMCtree
when using the alignment with these 11 genes for the main
tree hypothesis
and the results obtained with MCMCtree
when using the alignment with these 11 genes for the rest
of the alternative 6 hypotheses
When you unzip the corresponding files, you will find the following directories, which should
be saved either under the 00_main_tree_T2
directory or the 01_alternative_tree_hypotheses
directory to reproduce the results with the R scripts provided (paths already set according
to this file architecture). They should be saved as it follows:
: here, you will find the results obtained withMCMCtree
when using the main tree hypothesis (T2) and the alignment without the 11 genes also found in data set 2. Themcmc_tracer.txt
file contains the samples collected during all the chains ran inMCMCtree
that had successfully converged (8). The phylogeny in theFigTree.tre
file has been generated with this file.00_main_tree_T2/01_MCMCtree_posterior_old/mcmc_files_filt
: here, you will find the results obtained withMCMCtree
when using the main tree hypothesis (T2) and the alignment with the 11 genes also found in data set 2. Themcmc_tracer.txt
file contains the samples collected during all the chains ran inMCMCtree
that had successfully converged (7). The phylogeny in theFigTree.tre
file has been generated with this file.01_alternative_tree_hypotheses/00_MCMCtree_analyses/01_alternative_tree_hypotheses/00_MCMCtree/mcmc_files
: here, you will find the results obtained withMCMCtree
when using the other 6 alternative tree hypotheses. Note that, in this directory, eachmcmc_tracer.txt
file contains the samples collected during the 10 MCMCs and the correspondingFigTree.tre
files were generated with this information for each tree hypothesis, unless some of these chains have not converged (e.g., chain 2 in T1, chain 10 in T5, and chains 1 and 4 in T7; see R scriptCalculate_ESS.R
for more information).
In addition, we repeated the analyses in MCMCtree
with the updated
geochronology (i.e., updated set of prior calibrations as of September 2021) which you can download from
when sampling from the posterior and
when sampling from the prior.
Once you unzip these files, you should save the unzipped directories inside 00_main_tree_T2
. You will then be
able to see the summarised results for all the chains that converged here:
: here, you will find the results obtained withMCMCtree
when using the main tree hypothesis (T2) calibrated with the updated set of priors as of September 2021 and the alignment without the 11 genes also found in data set 2 - and sampling from the prior! Themcmc_tracer.txt
file contains the samples collected during the chains rain inMCMCtree
when sampling from the prior.00_main_tree_T2/02_MCMCtree_posterior_newchrono/mcmc_files
: here, you will find the results obtained withMCMCtree
when using the main tree hypothesis (T2) calibrated with the updated set of priors as of September 2021 and the alignment without the 11 genes also found in data set 2. Themcmc_tracer.txt
file contains the samples collected during the chains rain inMCMCtree
that had successfully converged (3; see R scriptCalculate_ESS.R
for more information). The phylogeny in theFigTree.tre
file has been generated with this file.
First, we ran a modified version of the MCMCtreeR::mcmc.tree.plot
function of the MCMCtreeR
R package (Puttick 2019,
see the corresponding GitHub repository), which we
have added in the Functions_plots_MCMCtreeR.R
(see here,
although the same file can be found
Thanks to the plots output by this modified function, we can visually explore if there were any chains that might
have had convergence problems.
You can find the results in the following directories:
- Main tree - T2: As mentioned above, we have the results for the analyses using the alignment
with and without the 11 genes that are also found in the second data set. In the
directory, you can find the graphics plotted with the R scripts within the directory provided in the link above. The R scripts have all the details needed to understand the different steps carried out, so you may want to check them if you want more details about how these plots were generated. In addition, this directory contains the plots generated with the results obtained with both data sets to evaluate the (almost null) impact that removing these 11 genes from the data set had on the posterior divergence times: the estimates were almost identical. You may want to read the details in the R script provided in this directory for further details. You also have a plot with the mean ages for the filtered chains for both analyses here. - Alternative tree hypotheses: In this directory, you will see one script for each tree hypothesis, which were used to generate the plots you fill find the link provided above.
Even though you can find the plots for all the hypotheses in the directories mentioned above, here you can see the plot for the main tree hypothesis (T2) before and after keeping the chains that did not show any visual problems.
Caption for the figure provided in the link above:
The posterior distributions for the mean divergence times estimated in runs 1 to 16 are shown for the corresponding nodes in (a, top), while (b, bottom) does not include the results for chains 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14, 15 as they seem to have have had convergence issues if compared to the mean time estimates obtained with the other chains Abbreviations: Qua. = Quaternary.
Apart from these analyses, we also visually evaluated the chains ran with
the alignment without the 11 genes that can be found in the second data set and with the updated prior calibrations
according to the geochronology established as of September 2021. In the
you can find the graphics plotted with the R script
As in the other R scripts used before, this one has all the details needed to understand the different steps carried out,
so you may want to check them if you want more details about how these plots were generated.
Here, you can also see the posterior distributions for the mean divergence times estimated in
the four independent chains we ran with this dataset for the corresponding nodes in (a, top), while (b, bottom)
does not include the results for chain 2 as they did not converge.
In addition, this directory contains the comparison
plots generated for each calibrated node with the results obtained with this data set (updated geochronology) against
those that were obtained with the prior calibrations used before September 2021. These plots show how changing
the prior calibrations based on the updated geochronology has no effect on the posterior time estimates as the
posterior time estimates are almost identical. You may want to read the details in the R script provided in this directory,
for further details.
NOTE: Note that the next check to evaluate chain convergence (check conflict in quantiles) detected some issues in some chains (e.g., chain 2 in T1, chain 10 in T5, chains 1 and 4 in T7, and chain 2 in the main tree hypothesis T2 when using the updated prior calibrations) which visually did not seem to have any problem. You will read more about this in the next section!
To ensure MCMC convergence and increase effective sample size (ESS), we ran several MCMCs
of sufficient length. We used the coda::effectiveSize
and Tracer
to make sure the ESS was larger than 200 for all estimated parameters. We also used the R
function rstan::monitor
to calculate the ESS for bulk and tail quantiles and the potential scale reduction factor on
rank normalised split chains (Rhat). Values over 100 for the former are considered good, while Rhat
values need to be either smaller than or equal to 1.05 to show chain convergence.
In the 01_ESS_and_chain_convergence
directory, you will find the Calculate_ESS.R
R script, which was used to generate the convergence plots for each tree hypothesis as well as to
calculate the ESS for each MCMCtree
analysis that was
run under each tree hypothesis.
If you download the zip file provided above with the results obtained when running MCMCtree
you will be able to run this script and reproduce the plots and the output data provided in this
A summary of these checks for the analyses ran for each tree hypothesis can be found in the table
below. A summary of the measures of effective sample size (ESS) for each tree hypothesis (T1-T7)
can be found in the table below . The ESS for bulk and tail quantiles together with the Rhat were
measured for each parameter with the R package rstan::monitor
. In addition, the ESS calculated
with the coda::effectiveSampleSize
has been included for comparison.
Table S9. Measures of effective sample size (ESS).
MAIN (UPD) | MAIN (OLD) | T1 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | |
tail-ESS times (median) | 232 | 929 | 2074 | 1839 | 2007 | 1118 | 2721 | 1362 |
tail-ESS times (min) | 61 | 216 | 507 | 503 | 451 | 361 | 442 | 196 |
tail-ESS times (max) | 3884 | 11669 | 22442 | 28525 | 27303 | 15411 | 29174 | 21129 |
bulk-ESS times (median) | 180 | 374 | 1062 | 949 | 968 | 709 | 1295 | 751 |
bulk-ESS times (min) | 22 | 56 | 142 | 98 | 177 | 125 | 193 | 103 |
bulk-ESS times (max) | 2888 | 8358 | 16211 | 18054 | 19469 | 11241 | 19324 | 14015 |
Rhat (min) | 0.9999884 | 1.000024 | 0.9999901 | 0.999998 | 0.9999954 | 0.9999916 | 0.9999919 | 1.000035 |
coda-ESS times (median) | 426 | 1255 | 2495 | 2141 | 2301 | 1765 | 2634 | 2147 |
coda-ESS times (min) | 62 | 179 | 285 | 353 | 373 | 330 | 355 | 266 |
coda-ESS times (max) | 5722 | 9868 | 31305 | 34459 | 39686 | 21647 | 16136 | 28988 |
Number of samples | 60003 | 160008 | 180009 | 200010 | 200010 | 180009 | 200010 | 160008 |
In addition, you can find below the scatterplot of the estimated posterior mean times for the MCMC runs under the autocorrelated-rates relaxed-clock model (GBM) model for each tree hypothesis.
Main tree T2 here uses calibrations before September 2021
Fig S6: Scatterplot of the estimated posterior mean times for the MCMC runs under the autocorrelated-rates relaxed-clock model (GBM) model for each tree hypothesis. When comparing the mean estimates for half of the chains against the other half, they fall almost in a straight line (i.e.,
$x\approx y$ ), thus visually showing that the chains have converged. Note that there are 10 MCMCs for each tree hypothesis except for the main tree hypothesis, in which case there are 8 MCMCs as the rest of the chains were discarded (see details in the section above and in Fig S4), 9 for T1 and T5, and 8 for T7 (see details in the section above and in the comments in the R script).
Main tree T2 here uses calibrations with updated geochronology as of September 2021
Fig S6 (v2): Scatterplot of the estimated posterior mean times for the MCMC runs under the autocorrelated-rates relaxed-clock model (GBM) model for each tree hypothesis. When comparing the mean estimates for half of the chains against the other half, they fall almost in a straight line (i.e.,
$x\approx y$ ), thus visually showing that the chains have converged. There are 3 MCMCs for the main tree hypothesis (which used the calibrations generated with the updated geochronology as of September 2021), 9 for T1 and T5, 8 for T7, and the rest of hypotheses have 10 MCMCs (see details in the section above and in the comments in the R script).
Note that, even though we have inferred the time ages under 7 tree hypotheses, we will continue the next step of the sequential Bayesian dating with the results obtained for tree hypothesis T2 and under the geometric Brownian motion regarding the rates model (i.e., autocorrelated-rates model).
The next step will be to fit skew-t distributions to the estimated posterior nodes in the
72 mammals phylogeny. These will be then used when dealing with the curated molecular data set
- 168 nuclear protein-coding genes obtained from ENA/HMM-profile RefSeq.
- 3 mitochondrial protein-coding genes from RefSeq.
- 9 mitochondrial protein-coding genes obtained from ENA/HMM-profile.
- 2 mitochondrial non-coding rRNA genes obtained from ENA/HMM-profile.
More details about this second data set can be found here, in Table S3.