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Sput is an unit testing framework for C/C++ that focuses on simplicity of use and maximum portability.

This project is Sput unit testing framework port to Arduino.

  • Run unit tests on any Arduino device
  • Run same unit tests on desktop
  • Very simple (single header file with macros)

detailed manual (in Russian):
good post on unit testing on Arduino:


To install, just clone git repo to $HOME/Arduino/libraries

cd ~/Arduino/libraries/
git clone

and restart IDE.

Or on github page click Clone or download > Download ZIP, then install ZIP via Arduino library installation menu.

Basic example should appear in Arduino examples menu: File > Examples > sput-ino

Self-contained Arduino sketch example with tests

For extended project layout see

Write some code to test

 * @return a plus b
int a_plus_b(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

 * @return a minus b
int a_minus_b(int a, int b) {
    return a - b;

 * Switch led on if number is even
 * @param pin len pin id
 * @param num number
 * @param true, if num is even
bool led_on_even(int pin, int num) {
    if(num % 2 == 0) {
        digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
    } else {
        digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
    return num % 2 == 0;

Write tests with sput (for more details see

#include "sput.h"

/** Test a_plus_b call */
void test_a_plus_b() {
    sput_fail_unless(a_plus_b(2, 2) == 4, "2 + 2 == 4");
    sput_fail_unless(a_plus_b(-2, 2) == 0, "-2 + 2 == 0");
    // this one would pass on 32-bit controllers and would fail on 16-bit Arduino
    sput_fail_unless(a_plus_b(34000, 34000) == 68000, "34000 + 34000 == 68000");

/** Test a_minus_b call */
void test_a_minus_b() {
    sput_fail_unless(a_minus_b(115, 6) == 109, "115 - 6 == 109");
    sput_fail_unless(a_minus_b(13, 17) == -4, "13 - 17 == -4");

/** Test test_led_on_even call */
bool test_led_on_even() {
    // 1) this test shows that we can also test code, that uses Arduino API
    // 2) please, consider this test also as kind of antipattern:
    // - we make here device-specific calls which may pass or fail
    //     on different devices
    // - what we should test here is NOT that digitalWrite did MAKE changes
    //     to GPIO register (so we check this with device-specific
    //     pinMode+digitalRead), but that we did CALL digitallWrite
    //     with specific params in tested code (this can hardly be
    //     checked when we run test on device, but can easily be checked
    //     when we run test on desktop with Arduino API mockups).
    //     See desktop+mockup version of this test:
    //       example-desktop/mylib-test-desktoponly.cpp
    // - when we run this specific test on desktop, digitalRead
    //     would be implemented as mockup anyway, so, probably, whatever
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    sput_fail_unless(led_on_even(13, 2), "num=2 => led#13 on");
    // would pass on desktop, might fail or pass on difference devices
    // (e.g.: Arduino Due - fail, ChipKIT Uno32 - pass)
    sput_fail_unless(digitalRead(13) == HIGH, "num=2 => led#13 on");
    sput_fail_unless(!led_on_even(13, 5), "num=5 => led#13 off");
    sput_fail_unless(digitalRead(13) == LOW, "num=5 => led#13 off");
    sput_fail_unless(led_on_even(13, 18), "num=18 => led#13 on");
    sput_fail_unless(digitalRead(13) == HIGH, "num=18 => led#13 on");

Pack tests to test suites

/** Test suite for a_plus_b call */
int mylib_test_suite_a_plus_b() {

    sput_enter_suite("a plus b");
    return sput_get_return_value();

/** Test suite for a_minus_b call */
int mylib_test_suite_a_minus_b() {
    sput_enter_suite("a minus b");
    return sput_get_return_value();

/** Test suite for led_on_even call */
int mylib_test_suite_led_on_even() {
    sput_enter_suite("led on even");
    return sput_get_return_value();

/** All tests in one bundle */
int mylib_test_suite() {

    sput_enter_suite("a plus b");
    sput_enter_suite("a minus b");
    sput_enter_suite("led on even");
    return sput_get_return_value();

Run tests on device

void run_tests() {
    Serial.println("#################### Start testing...");

    // comment out specific test suites if firmware does not
    // fit to device memory
    // Test suite for a_plus_b call

    // Test suite for a_minus_b call
    // Test suite for led_on_even call

    // All tests in one bundle
    Serial.println("#################### Finished testing");

Add setup/loop as usual and call test runner

void setup() {
    while (!Serial);

    // run tests

    // other code - kinda application business logic
    Serial.println("Just show that we call functions from tested lib, nothing useful here");
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    Serial.println(a_plus_b(14, 23));
    Serial.println(a_minus_b(14, 23));
    Serial.println(a_plus_b(34000, 34000));

void loop() {
    static int i = 0;
    led_on_even(13, i++);

Compile and upload sketch to device, watch results in serial monitor.

On ChipKIT Uno32, PIC32-based Arduino-based board:

#################### Start testing...

== Entering suite #1, "a plus b" ==

[1:1]  test_a_plus_b:#1  "2 + 2 == 4"  pass
[1:2]  test_a_plus_b:#2  "-2 + 2 == 0"  pass
[1:3]  test_a_plus_b:#3  "34000 + 34000 == 68000"  pass

--> 3 check(s), 3 ok, 0 failed (0.00%)

==> 3 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after 0.00 second(s),
    3 succeeded, 0 failed (0.00%)


== Entering suite #1, "a minus b" ==

[1:1]  test_a_minus_b:#1  "115 - 6 == 109"  pass
[1:2]  test_a_minus_b:#2  "13 - 17 == -4"  pass

--> 2 check(s), 2 ok, 0 failed (0.00%)

==> 2 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after 0.00 second(s),
    2 succeeded, 0 failed (0.00%)


== Entering suite #1, "led on even" ==

[1:1]  test_led_on_even:#1  "num=2 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:2]  test_led_on_even:#2  "num=2 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:3]  test_led_on_even:#3  "num=5 => led#13 off"  pass
[1:4]  test_led_on_even:#4  "num=5 => led#13 off"  pass
[1:5]  test_led_on_even:#5  "num=18 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:6]  test_led_on_even:#6  "num=18 => led#13 on"  pass

--> 6 check(s), 6 ok, 0 failed (0.00%)

==> 6 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after 0.00 second(s),
    6 succeeded, 0 failed (0.00%)

#################### Finished testing
Just show that we call functions from tested lib, nothing useful here

on Arduino Uno (AVR 16 bit int):

#################### Start testing...

== Entering suite #1, "a#################### Start testing...

== Entering suite #1, "a plus b" ==

[1:1]  test_a_plus_b:#1  "2 + 2 == 4"  pass
[1:2]  test_a_plus_b:#2  "-2 + 2 == 0"  pass
[1:3]  test_a_plus_b:#3  "34000 + 34000 == 68000"  FAIL
!    Type:      fail-unless
!    Condition: a_plus_b(34000, 34000) == 68000
!    Line:      14

--> 3 check(s), 2 ok, 1 failed (?%)

==> 3 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after ? second(s),
    2 succeeded, 1 failed (?%)


== Entering suite #1, "a minus b" ==

[1:1]  test_a_minus_b:#1  "115 - 6 == 109"  pass
[1:2]  test_a_minus_b:#2  "13 - 17 == -4"  pass

--> 2 check(s), 2 ok, 0 failed (?%)

==> 2 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after ? second(s),
    2 succeeded, 0 failed (?%)


== Entering suite #1, "led on even" ==

[1:1]  test_led_on_even:#1  "num=2 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:2]  test_led_on_even:#2  "num=2 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:3]  test_led_on_even:#3  "num=5 => led#13 off"  pass
[1:4]  test_led_on_even:#4  "num=5 => led#13 off"  pass
[1:5]  test_led_on_even:#5  "num=18 => led#13 on"  pass
[1:6]  test_led_on_even:#6  "num=18 => led#13 on"  pass

--> 6 check(s), 6 ok, 0 failed (?%)

==> 6 check(s) in 1 suite(s) finished after ? second(s),
    6 succeeded, 0 failed (?%)

#################### Finished testing
Just show that we call functions from tested lib, nothing useful here

Separate tested code and tests: split monolith sketch to modules

Run tests on desktop

Go to "sput-ino/example-desktop" dir

cd $HOME/Arduino/libraries/sput-ino/example-desktop

build tests with gcc

# simple build script, feel free to modify or convert it
# to your favourite build system config

#gcc -c c_file_stub.c
#g++ -std=c++11 -c cpp_file_stub.cpp

g++ -std=c++11 -c \
    -I. -I../examples/sput-ino-modules -I$HOME/Arduino/libraries/sput-ino/src \
    Arduino.cpp \
    ../examples/sput-ino-modules/mylib.cpp \
    ../examples/sput-ino-modules/mylib-test.cpp \
    mylib-test-desktoponly.cpp \
g++ *.o -o test_mylib

run compiled tests:


see result in console (identical to above).