import sys import ast import tty import termios import readline import pyperclip # TODO: # - % should calculate percents ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS = {'+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%', '\\'} UNARY_OPERATORS = {'r', 'n'} ALL_OPERATORS = ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS | UNARY_OPERATORS def getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(fd) ch = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch class RPNCalculator: def __init__(self): self.stack = [] self.intro_message = "RPN Calculator. press h or ? for help. Enter numbers, then operators (eg 2 <enter> 3 + to add 2 and 3)" self.current_input = "" readline.set_history_length(1000) self.history_offset = 0 def clear_screen(self): sys.stdout.write("\033[2J\033[H") sys.stdout.flush() def move_cursor(self, x, y): sys.stdout.write(f"\033[{y};{x}H") sys.stdout.flush() def clear_line(self): sys.stdout.write("\033[K") sys.stdout.flush() def swap(self): if len(self.stack) < 2: return self.stack[-1], self.stack[-2] = self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1] def display(self): self.move_cursor(1, 1) lines_printed = 0 if self.intro_message: print(self.intro_message) self.intro_message = "" lines_printed += 1 for i, value in enumerate(self.stack, 1): print(f"{len(self.stack) - i + 1}: {value:,} ") lines_printed += 1 for _ in range(lines_printed, 20): # Assume max 20 lines for safety self.clear_line() self.move_cursor(1, _ + 1) # Move cursor to the input line self.move_cursor(1, lines_printed + 1) self.clear_line() sys.stdout.write(f"> {self.current_input}") sys.stdout.flush() def push(self, value): input_value = value try: if not isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): value = ast.literal_eval(value) if not isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): raise ValueError("Should be a number...") self.stack.append(value) readline.add_history(str(input_value)) self.history_offset = 0 except (ValueError, SyntaxError) as e: raise ValueError(f"Invalid input: {value}. Error: {str(e)}") def pop(self): return self.stack.pop() if self.stack else 0 def dup(self): self.stack.append(self.stack[-1]) self.display() def perform_operation(self, op): if op == 'r': if len(self.stack) < 1: return a = self.pop() if self.current_input: try: precision = int(self.current_input) self.push(round(a, precision)) self.current_input = "" except ValueError: self.push(round(a)) else: self.push(round(a)) elif op == 'n': if len(self.stack) < 1: return a = self.pop() self.push(-a) if self.current_input and self.current_input not in ALL_OPERATORS: self.push(self.current_input) self.current_input = "" if op in ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS: if len(self.stack) < 2: return b, a = self.pop(), self.pop() if op == '+': self.push(a + b) elif op == '-': self.push(a - b) elif op == '*': self.push(a * b) elif op == '/': self.push(a / b if b != 0 else float('inf')) elif op == '^': self.push(a ** b) elif op == '%': # self.push(a % b) self.push(a*b/100.0) elif op == '\\': self.push(a % b) self.display() # Update the display after each operation def handle_up_arrow(self): n_history = readline.get_current_history_length() if n_history > 0: self.current_input = readline.get_history_item(n_history-self.history_offset) # n_history - self.history_index) self.history_offset = min(self.history_offset+1, n_history-1) def handle_down_arrow(self): n_history = readline.get_current_history_length() if readline.get_current_history_length() > 0: self.current_input = readline.get_history_item(n_history-self.history_offset) self.history_offset = max(self.history_offset-1, 0) def run(self): self.clear_screen() while True: self.display() char = getch() if char == '\x1b': # ESC character next1, next2 = getch(), getch() if next1 == '[': if next2 == 'A': # Up arrow self.handle_up_arrow() elif next2 == 'B': # Down arrow self.handle_down_arrow() elif char == '-' and self.current_input == "": # '-' is a valid operator, but we need to check if it's a negation or a subtraction operator self.current_input += char elif char in ALL_OPERATORS: self.perform_operation(char) self.current_input = "" elif char.isdigit() or char in {'.', 'e', 'E'}: self.current_input += char elif char in {'\r', '\n'}: if self.current_input: if self.current_input in ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS: self.perform_operation(self.current_input) else: try: self.push(self.current_input) except ValueError as e: input(f"\nInvalid input: {self.current_input}.\npress any key to continue...") self.current_input = "" elif self.stack: self.dup() elif char == 'd': if self.stack: self.pop() elif char == 'c': self.clear_screen() self.stack = [] self.current_input = "" elif char in ('\x08', '\x7f'): # Backspace character (ASCII and DEL) if self.current_input: self.current_input = self.current_input[:-1] elif char in ('h', '?'): self.clear_screen() print("RPN Calculator") print("==============") print("Operators:") print(" +: Add") print(" -: Subtract") print(" *: Multiply") print(" /: Divide") print(" \: (Modulus) Remainder") print(" ^: Exponentiation") print(" %: Percent") print(" r: Round (optionally, enter a number to specify precision, e.g. \"3r\" rounds to 3 decimal places)") print(" n: Negate: Toggle sign of the top element of the stack)") print(" s: Swap last two elements") print(" d: Drop last element") print(" c: Clear") print(" <Enter>: Duplicate last line") print(" h/?: Help") print(" q: Quit") input("Press Enter to continue...") elif char == 's': self.swap() elif char == 'q': if len(self.stack) > 0: pyperclip.copy(self.stack[0]) self.clear_screen() sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": calculator = RPNCalculator()