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Leet Code 75

# Problem Name Solution Description
1 Two Sum Solution Use a hash map to keep track of seen numbers
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks Solution Iterate over prices, if found lower price update buy date else keep searching for better profit
217 Contains Duplicate Solution Compare len of array vs len of set; alternatively add elements to set if element already seen return true
238 Product of Array Except Self Solution Calculate Prefix on one pass and then multiple with postfix on next pass
53 Maximum Subarray Solution Iterate while keeping track of cur sum, if it is negative discard it then start cur sum again. Take maximum of cur sum and maximum sum seen so far
152 Maximum Product Subarray Solution Iterate while keeping a curmin and curmax, update it when seeing a number, negative x negative will update in max being updated
153 Find minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Solution Set left to first element, right to last value, find middle. If middle is smaller than left than search left else search right
33 Search in rotated sorted array Solution Use middle to find if you're in the left part of the sorted array or the right part, then update search area based on the middle value and the extreme value
15 3Sum Solution O(n2): Sort the array, Fix a starting point then look for left and right, if total > 0, move right inwards, else if target < 0, move left outwards, otherwise move to next fixed number
11 Container with Most Water Solution Two pointer solution, start with extremes move whichever side is lower to the opposite side
191 Number of 1 Bits Solution Mod number with 2, then keep count, shift number using bit shift operator
338 Counting Bits Solution Dynamic Programming, keep an offset (power of two) and for every number find significant digit and add 1 for that and resst is the same number of bits as number - offset, eg: 7 = 1 + same as 4
268 Missing Number Solution Subtract from sub of n numbers formula or xor with every number in that range
190 Reverse Bits Solution Iterate over length, find ith bit by doing and, shift that by n - i and or it with result
70 Climbing Stairs Solution Fibonnaci Series Sum, keep track of last two step solutions, set the preceding solution to the sum of the two
322 Coin Change Solution Dynamic Programming: For each amount in range(1, amount+1), the solution = 1 + cur_amount - coin for every coin and then take the minimum
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Solution Dynamic Programming, starting with the last element try to add elements
1143 Longest Common Subsequence Solution
242 Valid Anagram Solution Create a hash map of the counts for each character, or sort the strings
167 Two Sum II Solution Left and right pointers, if too high move right to the center, if too low move left to the center
198 House Robbers Solution Maintain house 1 and house 2, update house1 to house 2, and house2 to max(house1+n, house2)
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Solution Three cases: Either the values are split, then root is the LCA otherwise search left or right based on values
202 Happy Number Solution Keep a set to track numbers already visited, loop
155 Min Stack Solution Keep a second list / or track of mins at every point
203 Remove Linked List Element Solution Move the head till we keep getting the target val then remove from the rest of the list while tracking prev node
35 Search Insert Position Solution Binary search, return position based on target vs left / right
1046 Last Stone Weight Solution Heapify the stones list, python only has min heap so multiply everything by a -1 to get max heap
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Solution Keep a pointer to track unique values, iterate and replace at pointer spot
263 Ugly Number Solution Keep dividing by the specified prime numbers while it is divisible, if at the end n=1 then return true else false
58 Length of Last Word Solution .split() recognizes words, then check len of last element
929 Unique Email Addresses Solution
929 Two Sum - Alternate Solution
929 Map Reduce Solution
929 Sort Version Number Solution