This tool helps in analysing and studying data blocks transmitted by gaming machines that implement the NSW XSeries protocol.
To run in development mode, enter XSeriesTestTool/XSeriesTestTool/ from the console, and type:
Depends on PyQt4, PySerial, SQLite3.
To install PySerial use Python's pip installer:
$pip install pyserial
Usually Python comes with SQLite3 already installed. If not then use pip.
To install PyQt4 go to and download the Python 3.4 installer. Currently only the 32-bit installer has been found to be working.
In the console make sure PyInstaller is set up:
$pip install pyinstaller
Build the executable:
$pyinstaller --onefile
Or without the annoying console output in the background:
$pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole
A 'dist' folder which contains the executable will be created after compilation. Copy the 'gui' and 'settings' resource folders into the 'dist' folder. You should now be able to start the application and run on other PCs without Python or other libraries installed.
XSeriesTestTool comes with a data editor to modify data that has been recorded by XSeriesTestTool. This tool is currently in Alpha.
To run the editor enter XSeriesTestTool/XSeriesTestTool/ from the console, and type: