Sample showing gRPC using Traffic Director Proxyless Loadbalancing
This type of loadbalancing does not utilize an intermediate LB but rather each gRPC Client acquires a list of IP:port pairs for each GKE Pod where the service runs. From there, each client is in charge of connecting directly to the server's pod without a proxy.
In this mode
client (on VM)
--> [acquire list of service NEG pods via xds] --> gke pod with gRPC Service
A couple of important notes:
- gRPC Server must have gRPC HealthCheck enabled on the serving port
- gRPC Server must not use TLS (as of 3/20/24), gRPC HealthChecks no not support TLS which means TrafficDirector does not work with TLS
HOWEVER, if you run the gRPC service over TLS, you can configure can use an https healthcheck proxy instead. For more information, see the With TLS
section below
First configure a service account
export PROJECT_ID=`gcloud config get-value core/project`
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)"`
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=xds-svc-client@$
gcloud iam service-accounts create xds-svc-client --display-name "XDS Client Service Account"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \
--role roles/compute.networkViewer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${PROJECT_ID} \
--member serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL} \
--role roles/trafficdirector.client
gcloud services enable
gcloud container clusters create cluster-grpc \
--zone us-central1-a --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias \
cd no_tls/
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl get svcneg
kubectl get svcneg fe-srv-td -o yaml
# NEG_NAME is declared in fe-srv-td.yaml
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list
export NEG_NAME="fe-srv-td"
gcloud compute health-checks create grpc grpc-gke-td-hc --use-serving-port
gcloud compute firewall-rules create grpc-gke-allow-health-checks \
--network default --action allow --direction INGRESS \
--source-ranges, \
--target-tags allow-health-checks \
--rules tcp:50051
gcloud compute backend-services create grpc-gke-td-service \
--global \
--load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \
--protocol=GRPC \
--health-checks grpc-gke-td-hc
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend grpc-gke-td-service \
--global \
--network-endpoint-group $NEG_NAME \
--network-endpoint-group-zone us-central1-a \
--balancing-mode RATE \
--max-rate-per-endpoint 5
gcloud compute url-maps create grpc-gke-url-map \
--default-service grpc-gke-td-service
gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher grpc-gke-url-map \
--default-service grpc-gke-td-service \
--path-matcher-name grpc-gke-path-matcher \
--new-hosts fe-srv-td:50051
gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies create grpc-gke-proxy \
--url-map grpc-gke-url-map \
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create grpc-gke-forwarding-rule \
--global \
--load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \
--address= \
--target-grpc-proxy=grpc-gke-proxy \
--ports 50051 \
--network default
Wait a couple of mins and you should see is traffic directory detecting the backend services you deployed
Now create a VM
gcloud compute instances create xds-client-vm \
--service-account=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
--scopes= \
--zone us-central1-a --image-family debian-11 --image-project=debian-cloud
gcloud compute ssh xds-client-vm --zone us-central1-a
apt-get update && apt-get install wget zip git -y
# Install golang
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
On the VM the xds grpc Client:
git clone
cd traffic-director-grpc-bootstrap/
go build .
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`curl -s "" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"`
./td-grpc-bootstrap --gcp-project-number=$PROJECT_NUMBER --gke-cluster-name=cluster-grpc --output=xds_bootstrap.json
export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=`pwd`/xds_bootstrap.json
git clone
cd gcegrpc/gke_td_xds/client
go run src/grpc_client.go --host xds:///fe-srv-td:50051
What you should see is the list of backend
$ go run src/grpc_client.go --host xds:///fe-srv-td:50051 --useTLS=false
2024/03/30 13:23:39 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:40 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:41 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:42 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:43 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:44 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:45 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:46 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:47 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:48 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:49 RPC Response: 10 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:50 RPC Response: 11 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:51 RPC Response: 12 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
2024/03/30 13:23:52 RPC Response: 13 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-2hxsr"
2024/03/30 13:23:53 RPC Response: 14 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-68b49b7677-pw4wd"
To delete this config:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete grpc-gke-forwarding-rule --global -q
gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies delete grpc-gke-proxy -q
gcloud compute url-maps delete grpc-gke-url-map -q
gcloud compute backend-services delete grpc-gke-td-service --global -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete grpc-gke-allow-health-checks -q
gcloud compute health-checks delete grpc-gke-td-hc -q
kubectl delete -f .
kubectl delete svcneg/fe-srv-td
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete fe-srv-td --zone=us-central1-a -q
gcloud services enable
gcloud container clusters create cluster-grpc \
--zone us-central1-a --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias \
cd tls/
kubectl apply -f .
kubectl get svcneg
kubectl get svcneg fe-srv-td -o yaml
# NEG_NAME is declared in fe-srv-td.yaml
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups list
export NEG_NAME="fe-srv-td"
## using https proxy
gcloud compute health-checks create https https-gke-td-hc --port=8080 --request-path=/healthz --enable-logging
gcloud compute firewall-rules create https-gke-allow-health-checks \
--network default --action allow --direction INGRESS \
--source-ranges, \
--target-tags allow-health-checks \
--rules tcp:8080
gcloud compute backend-services create grpc-gke-td-service \
--global \
--load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \
--protocol=GRPC \
--health-checks https-gke-td-hc
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend grpc-gke-td-service \
--global \
--network-endpoint-group $NEG_NAME \
--network-endpoint-group-zone us-central1-a \
--balancing-mode RATE \
--max-rate-per-endpoint 5
gcloud compute url-maps create grpc-gke-url-map --default-service grpc-gke-td-service
gcloud compute url-maps add-path-matcher grpc-gke-url-map \
--default-service grpc-gke-td-service \
--path-matcher-name grpc-gke-path-matcher \
--new-hosts fe-srv-td:50051
gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies create grpc-gke-proxy \
--url-map grpc-gke-url-map \
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create grpc-gke-forwarding-rule \
--global \
--load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \
--address= \
--target-grpc-proxy=grpc-gke-proxy \
--ports 50051 \
--network default
Wait a couple of mins and you should see is traffic directory detecting the backend services you deployed
Now create a VM
gcloud compute instances create xds-client-vm \
--service-account=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
--scopes= \
--zone us-central1-a --image-family debian-11 --image-project=debian-cloud
gcloud compute ssh xds-client-vm --zone us-central1-a
apt-get update && apt-get install wget zip git -y
# Install golang
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.20.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
Acquire the xds grpc Client:
git clone
cd traffic-director-grpc-bootstrap/
go build .
export PROJECT_NUMBER=`curl -s "" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"`
./td-grpc-bootstrap --gcp-project-number=$PROJECT_NUMBER --gke-cluster-name=cluster-grpc --output=xds_bootstrap.json
export GRPC_XDS_BOOTSTRAP=`pwd`/xds_bootstrap.json
git clone
cd gcegrpc/gke_td_xds/client
$ go run src/grpc_client.go --useTLS --host xds:///fe-srv-td:50051 --tlsCert ../../certs/CA_crt.pem
2024/03/30 13:42:13 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:14 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:15 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:16 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:17 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:18 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:19 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:20 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:21 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:22 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:23 RPC Response: 10 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:24 RPC Response: 11 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:25 RPC Response: 12 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
2024/03/30 13:42:26 RPC Response: 13 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-rvb2s"
2024/03/30 13:42:27 RPC Response: 14 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6f569bb8c8-jrg66"
To delete this config:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete grpc-gke-forwarding-rule --global -q
gcloud compute target-grpc-proxies delete grpc-gke-proxy -q
gcloud compute url-maps delete grpc-gke-url-map -q
gcloud compute backend-services delete grpc-gke-td-service --global -q
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete https-gke-allow-health-checks -q
gcloud compute health-checks delete https-gke-td-hc -q
kubectl delete -f .
kubectl delete svcneg/fe-srv-td
gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete fe-srv-td --zone=us-central1-a -q
- gRPC xDS Loadbalancing
- gRPC HealthCheck Proxy
- Proxyless gRPC with Google Traffic Director
- Kubernetes xDS service for gRPC loadbalancing
To enable verbose logging, first set