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114 lines (105 loc) · 4.81 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (105 loc) · 4.81 KB

JSON Output

After processing each project, a JSON-formatted file is produced, which is described below.


          "untyped_seq": "",
          "typed_seq": "",
          "imports": [],
          "variables": {"var_name": "type"},
          "mod_var_occur": {"var_name": []},
          "mod_var_ln": {"var_name": [[1,0], [2, 2]]},
          "classes": [],
          "funcs": [],
          "set": null,
          "tc": [false, 5],
          "no_types_annot": {"U":  0, "D": 0, "I": 0},
          "type_annot_cove": 0.0
    "type_annot_cove": 0.0

Description of the fields:

  • author/repo: Identifies a project like GitHub, e.g., Google/Tensorflow.
  • src_files: Contains processed source code files of the project.
  • file_path: Represents an absolute path of the source code file.
  • untyped_seq: Contains normalized seq2seq representation of the source code file
  • typed_seq: Contains the type of identifers in untyped_seq if present. Otherwise 0 is inserted.
  • imports: Contains the name of imports in the source code file.
  • variables: Contains variables' names and their type at the module-level
  • mod_var_occur: Contains module-level variables and their usages in the processed file.
  • mod_var_ln: Contains line and column no. info for the start and end of module-level variables.
  • classes: Contains the JSON object of processed classes which are described below.
  • funcs: Contains the JSON object of processed functions in a module, which are described below.
  • set: Determines to which sets the file belongs to, if --s option is provided when running the pipeline. It contains one of the values in ['train', 'valid', 'test']. The default value is null.
  • tc: Whether the processed file is successfully type-checked or not plus no. of type errors if any. NOTE: [false, none] means that type-checking failed due to the type checker's exceptions.
  • no_types_annot: Type slots stats for the processed module:
    • U: No. of types slots w/o a type annotation.
    • D: No of type slots w/ developer-provided annotations.
    • I: No. of type slots w/ Pyre-inferred annotations.
  • type_annot_cove: Type annotations coverage for source code files and the whole project.

NOTE: For files with no type slots, the value of type_annot_cove is 1.0 and the sum of values in no_types_annot are 0.


The following JSON object represents a processed class:

  "name": "",
  "q_name": "",
  "cls_lc": [[5,0], [10, 7]],
  "variables": {"var_name": "type"},
  "cls_var_occur": {"var_name": []},
  "cls_var_ln": {"var_name": [[1,0], [2, 2]]},
  "funcs": []

Description of the fields:

  • name: The name of the processed class.
  • q_name: The qualified name of the processed class.
  • cls_lc: Contains line and column no. info for the start and end of the class.
  • variables: Contains class variables' names and their type.
  • cls_var_occur: Contains class variables' usage inside the class.
  • cls_var_ln: Contains line and column no. info for the start and end of class variables.
  • funcs: Contains the JSON object of processed functions in a class, which are described below.


The following JSON Object represents a processed function:

  "name": "",
  "q_name": "",
  "fn_lc": [[1,0], [2, 2]],
  "params": {"param_name":  ""},
  "ret_exprs": [],
  "params_occur": {"param_name":  []},
  "ret_type": "",
  "variables": {"var_name":  ""},
  "fn_var_occur": {"var_name": []},
  "fn_var_ln": {"var_name": [[1,0], [2, 2]]},
  "params_descr": {"param_name":  ""},
  "docstring": {
    "func": "",
    "ret": "",
    "long_descr": ""

Description of the fields:

  • name: The name of the processed function.
  • q_name: The qualified name of the processed function.
  • fn_lc: The first list contains the line and column no. of the start of the function. The second list contains the line and column no. of the end of the function.
  • params: Contains the parameters of the processed function and their type if available.
  • ret_exprs: Contains the return expressions of the processed function.
  • ret_type: Return type of the processed function if available.
  • variables: Contains variables' names and their type
  • fn_var_occur: Contains the usage of functions' variables in the body of the processed function.
  • fn_var_ln: Contains line and column no. info for the start and end of functions' local variables.
  • params_occur: Contains the parameters and their usages in the body of the processed function.
  • docstring: Contains docstring of the processed function, which has the following sub-fields:
    • func: one-line description of the processed function.
    • ret: description of what the processed function returns.
    • long_descr: long description of the processed function.