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Fuse 1.5.7 for OpenDingux/RetroFW/Miyoo


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Fuse 1.6.0 for OpenDingux/RetroFW

This port is a compilation of Fuse 1.6.0 for Opendingux/RetroFW with some
additions to the Fuse SDL UI and some new options for this devices.

So the thanks for this port are for Phillip Kendall and the Fuse team. 
And also to the GCW0/OpenDingux and RetroFW community for all documentation,
development threads, and all the opensource ports.

At the end of this doc is the man page of Fuse 1.6.0 for a complete

Using the Fuse emulator

### Opening the Menu ###

You can open the menu with the `Power` or `Select` button.

If `Select` button is mapped to joystick or keyboard then the only
option to open menu will be `Power` button.

### Save settings ###

By default the emulator don't save settings changes. You can save
settings at any time from menu: `Menu -> Options -> Save`.

You also can activate "Auto-save" to save settings when you exit the

|To activate auto-save access to `Menu -> Options -> General` and
|check 'Auto-save settings'.
|Check the option with the `X` button and accept options with the `A`
|You should exit from Fuse or use the 'Save' option to save the

In this port the options are saved into 'fuse.cfg' file in the fuse
config path.
If some option changes prevent to open the emulator delete this file
and try to start again.

The config path is in '$HOME/.fuse' directory. If it does not exist
then Fuse will create it at start.

|$HOME is located in:
|  - OpenDingux: '/media/data/local/home'
|  - RetroFW: '/home/retrofw'

### OpenDingux/RetroFW options ###

For the OpenDingux/RetroFW port some additional options had been added.

Savestate options

The Savestates functionality is a layer for quickly saving and loading
snapshots organized by machine models and program names.

Internally it uses the main functionality of Fuse to read and write

Becouse the main objective is speed up the operation to read
and write snapshots for the use with handelds the options for
savestates has been put directly in the main menĂş and assigned to new
kotkey combos.

Hotkeys assigned for savestates:
    · L1 + Cursor down    Quicksave state for current slot
    · R1 + Cursor up      Quickload state for current slot
    · R1 + Cursor right   Increase slot to use
    · R1 + Cursor left    Decrease slot to use

  - Current slot
    Default 0. Maximum 99.

    Current number of slot used for quick saves and load.

    The slot number for savestates is global. If you load another program
    without exit the emulator, the slot in use for the savestates of the
    newly loaded program is the one previously used.

  - Show slot in status bar
    Default enabled.

    Show the current selected slot in status bar info.

  - Savestates format
    SZX, Z80. Default SZX.

    Format used for the savestates.

    The default SZX is the recommeneded format. For Z80 format a warning
    about loss of information will be emmited.

    The Z80 format does not support all combinations for storing information
    about the media and hardware used, this include same machine models.
    Some examples:
     · Pentagon 256 and 1024 are saved as Pentagon 128, so when you save
       a savestate with this models the load change to Pentagon 128. If you
       are using savestates per machine model then the path to access
       savestates also change.
     · If you are using interface 2 with cartridge this information is lost
       when saved so the load of savestates will fail.
    For a tipical media as tapes and disks with no extra hardware attached to
    emulator you can go ahead with Z80 format, but for best cominations of
    hardware and media it's best to stick with SZX format.

    For Z80 format see
    For SZF format see

  - Savestates per machine model
    Default enabled.

    By default the savestates use different locations for every model.

    This behaviour can be changed disabling this option but that can lead
    to strange situations. For example:
        · load a program for a 48k model
        · Create a savestate
        · Change the model to +2A and load again the same program
        · Load the savestate and the machine model is restored to the 48k model

    * Savestates location is:
      $HOME/.fuse/savestates/<MODEL>/<PROGRAM NAME>
      $HOME/.fuse/savestates/<PROGRAM NAME> if disabled per machine model

      · <MODEL> is the name for machine model as informed by libspectrum.
      · <PROGRAM NAME> is the name of the program with an attempt to remove
        any info about side/disk/part.
      · The name for the savestate will be the slot number with the extension
        for the format configurated.

    * For mediums with various parts (disk and tape sides) the emulator tries
      to determine a name for the saves removing this info, so the savestates
      for different sides/disks belong to the same program.
      An example of use is when you load a program and then save an state when
      you are side2/disk2. Later, in another session, you can directly load
      this state without load side1/tape1. Directly insert the medium for
      side2/disk2 and load the savestate from menĂş options or hotkeys combos.
      If necessary for tapes you can use the tape browser to position in the
      right phase/position to load.

  - Show savestate screen as back image in menu
    Default enabled.

    In the menu for loading and saving states the screen for the savestate
    selected is shown as back image.

    It can be fully viewed using Right cursor or the 'X' Button.

    In the screenshot full view:
      - 'A' Button to load the state
      - 'B' Button or Left cursor to return to the list of savestates
      - Cursor Up and Down to return to the savestates list and select
        previous or next savestate.

Options - General GCW0

  - Triple Buffer
    Default disabled.

    Enable/Disable triple buffer.
    BUG: Disabling triple buffer sometimes freeze the screen but
    emulator will be still running.
    If Hotkey combos are enabled you can enable/disable it with the
    `L1` + `R1` + `B` combo.

  - Adjust screen refresh rate
    Default disabled.
    Only for OpenDingux firmware based on kernel 5.10 with DRM/KMS
    video driver.

    If it is enabled the screen refresh rate is changed to the nearest
    refresh rate based in the timings and CPU speed for the chosen
    machine model.

    Use this option with 'Triple Buffer' enabled to synchronize video and
    get smooth animations.
    See also 'Dynamic sound rate' option.

    If Hotkey combos are enabled you can enable/disable it with the
    `L1` + `R1` + `A` combo.

    Refresh rates:
     - 60Hz for Spectrum 48K NTSC and Timex TS2068 models
     - 50Hz for all other models

    Some visible examples of smooth animatiosns are the scrolling texts
    in the main screen of Dan Dare, Commando, Cannibals from Outer Space
    or the Savage's intro load.

    CPU clock speed for emulated systems are not exactly 50 or 60 Hz.
    The sound samples buffer is linked to the emulated CPU clock model
    and this cause audio glitches, see 'Dynamic sound rate' option.

  - Dynamic sound rate
    Default disabled.
    Only for OpenDingux firmware based on kernel 5.10.
    Only take efffect with 'Adjust screen refresh rate' enabled.

    Every 10 sound frames the rate used in the Blip buffer is adjusted
    based on fill level of the sound sfifo buffer. Blip buffer provides
    waveform synthesis and sample buffering, the samples it generates are
    pushed to sfifo buffer, where soundcard pull them.

    This is based on byuu/Near's article "Dynamic Rate Control". This
    implementation control sfifo buffer fill level.
    See byuu/Near's article on

  - Border
    Default Full.

    Use IPU scaling by reducing screen resolution by removing border pixels.
    See next opyion to choose your panel type.

    The options are:
      - Full   320x240. Actual Fuse's full border emulation.
      - Large  304x228. Reduce pixels: 16 width, 12 height.
      - Medium 228x216. Reduce pixels: 32 width, 24 heigth.
      - Small  272x204. Reduce pixels: 48 width, 36 heigth.
      - None   256x192. No border. Reduce pixels: 64 width, 48 heigth.

    Filters can affect the display depending on panel resolution.

    If Hotkey combos are enabled you can switch between Full and None with
    `L1` + `R1` + `A` combo.

    Operating Systems and scaling with Border option
       - RetroFW 1
         Scaling do not work.

       - RetroFW 2
         Scaling works with all filters and spectrum models.

       - OpenDingux
         * 320x240 panel (GCW0, RG350, RG350P).
           Scaling works with all filters and spectrum models.

         * 640x480 panel (RG350M)
           Scaling works with all filters and spectrum models.
           For 1x filters. Large is using 300x225 resolution and Small 272x208.

           In mainline beta firmware with 1x filters Small and Large border
           don't work and both use Medium border size. With 2x filters they
           both border options work work well.

         * 480x320 panel (RG280M)
           Scaling works with all filters and spectrum models.
           For 1x filters. Large is using 304x224 resolution and Small 272x208.

  - Panel type
    Default 320x240.

    Choose your panel type for correct border display with some filters.
    This option is only available in OpenDingux legacy, for mainline
    OpenDingux (current beta) the panel is auto detected.

  - Video filter
    Default Bicubic.

    Video filter to apply when scaling if border is not full.

  - Bicubic sharpness level
    Default 2. Minimun 2, maximum value 32.

  - Show status bar with border
    Default enabled.

    Show status bar also when border is not Full.

  - Show FSP instead of speed percentage
    Default disbled.

    If you want to view FPS instead emulation speed %.

  - Filter Known extensions
    Default enabled.

    Only the supported file extensions will be presented in file
    dialogs for save and load operations for known media.

    Filter can be enabled/disabled with `Select` button in file

    Enable this option can help to avoid overwrite any file type other
    than the type pretended to save.
    See also 'Confirm overwrite files' option to prevent overwrite
    files without advise.

    Filters are applied in save dialogs for:
        - Save snapshot, Screenshots, Recordings, AY logging, Movie.
        - Media types: Tape, Microdrive, Disk (+3, Beta, +D/DISCiPLE,
        - Control mapping files use the '.FCM' extension
          (Options -> Joysticks -> Save control mapping to file)
        - For profiler saves '.PRF' extension had been chosen in this

      No filters are applied for:
        - Binary data (File -> Save binary data...)

    Filters are applied in load dialogs for:
        - Media types: Tape, Disks (+3, Beta, +D/DISCiPLE, Didaktik),
          Interface 1, Cartridges.

      No filters are applied for:
        - Binary data (File -> Load binary data...)
        - General open files (File -> Open (or L1 + X hotkey)

    Known extesions for media to save:
      - Snapshots:   .SZX, .Z80 and .SNA
      - Tape:        .TZX
      - Microdrive:  .MDR
      - +3 Disks:    .DSK (only the old CPC format), UDI, FDI
      - Beta:        .TRD, .SCL, .UDI, .FDI
      - Didaktik:    .D80, .D40
      - Opus:        .OPD, .OPU
      - +D/Disciple: .IMG, .MGT, .SAD
      - Saving screenshots: .SCR, .MLT or .PNG formats.
      - In OpenDingux Scalable Vector Graphics: .SVG
      - Recordings:  .RZX
      - Movie files: .FMF
      - AY Logging:  .PSG
      - Control mapping: .FCM
      - Profiler: .PRF

    If no extension is supplied when enter a name in save dialogs then
    the first extension of each media known type will be added to the

  - Independent dir access for media type
    Default disabled.

    Each media type dialog will use their own navigation path from the
    common inital path.

    The common inital path will be:
      - If Fuse is loaded selecting a spectrum media file from 
        GMenu2x/GMenuNx then the loaded program's path..
      - If Fuse is loaded withouth file selector:
        - The last saved directory if 'Save last directory visited' is
          enabled and there is a last directory saved.
        - The Fuse's executable path.

  - Confirm overwrite files
    Default disabled.

    Fuse asks for confirmation to overwrite for some media, but not
    for all.
    This option will ask for confirmation for all overwrites.

    It must be convenient to enable it.

  - Show hidden files
    Default disabled.

    Show all files and directorys including hidden.
    Hidden files begin with .

  - Hotkey combos
    Default disabled.

    If you want to quick access some functions. See section Hotkey
    combinations for details.

  - Save last directory visited
    Default disabled.

    The last visited directory will be saved to use as initial path.
    This will be used if Fuse is loaded without file selector.

  - GCW0 keyboard: Map LStick to DPad
    Default enabled.

    With this option enabled and if GCW0 keyboard mapping is enabled and no
    Joystick is mapped then left stick moves are mapped as directional pad
    buttons, so they will be use the mapped dpad for GCW0 keyboard.

Options - Media

  - Auto-load media with custom roms:
    Default disabled.

    If Machine ROM has been changed the rom files used are not in roms
    paths or do not have default names then they will be considered
    custom roms and no autoload for media types will be used.

    With this option enabled the auto-load will be used despite custom
    roms are used.

    This will be helpful if different version or language official 
    ROMS are used and they are not in roms path or not have the
    default fuse rom names.

    See ROMS section for more details.

### Virtual Keyboard ###

Press the `Start` button to open a Virtual Keyboard when you are in

The keys in keyboard correspond to ZX Spectrum 48k keys.
When you press them are send to emulator as if you are using a real
ZX Spectrum keyboard.

  `Cursor`    Move to select keys.
  `A`         Press selected key.

  `B`         Lock key. It's marked in blue.
              The locked keys are used when press the `A` button over
              a Key and then are unlocked.
              For use in combinations of Caps Shift or Symbol Shift 
              with other keys.
              For example: In 48k mode you can Lock key "Ss" and then
              press 'Cs' key to change keyboard to "Extended" mode.

  `X`         Sticky key. It's marked in Red.
              The key is continously pressed.
              For example: In 48k mode you can press key 'J' then
              Sticky key 'Ss' and then press twice key 'P' to obtain
              'LOAD ""'.

  `Y`         Clean all Lock and Sticky keys.
  `Start`     Close Virtual Keyboard

  `L1`, `R1`  Change the Virtual Keyboard position.
              There are 4 positions, one for earch corner of screen.

### Buttons in different contexts ###

=>Some machines don't have Sticks or `L2`, `R2` buttons.

Buttons in emulator:

The buttons function detailed are when no mapping is assigned.

  `Cursor`    Shifted cursor ZX Spectrum keys (5, 6, 7 and 8 keys)
              This is modified with "Use shift with arrow keys" option

  `A`, `B`    Symbol Shift
  `Y`         CAPS Shift
  `X`         Space

  `Select`, `Power`
              Open Menu

  `Start`     Open/Close the virtual keyboard

  `L1`        If hotkey combos disabled: Nothing
              If hotkey combos enabled: Start a hotkey combo

  `R1`        If hotkey combos disabled: Caps Shith + 0 (DELETE)
              If hotkey combos enabled: Start a hotkey combo

  `Left Stick`
              On some systems you can map it as cursor

  `Right Stick`
              On some systems you can enable an emulated mouse that
              uses the right stick to move the mouse
              In Fuse you can use it as Kempston mouse
              |In RG350 you can enable it with `Power`+`B` hotkey

  `L2`        Nothing.
              Left click with mouse emulation enabled

  `R2`        Nothing.
              Right click with mouse emulation enabled

Buttons in Menu:

These are no dependent of button mapping.

  `Cursor`, `Left Stick`

  `A`        Select the option or accept the options at form
  `B`        Cancel and go back to previous menu or to the emulator
             if there is no previous menu

  `X`        At different contexts:
               - Mark/Unmark for check options.
                 Example: General options -> Auto-save settings
               - Open list of options for list options.
                 Example: Sound options -> AY stereo separation
               - It open 'enter name' dialog for file save dialogs.

  `Y`        At save dialogs save with the default name and type. 
             Default name will be the name of the last loaded file
             name with its extension changed to default extension of
             media to save.
             In Poke memory is used to add a new poke.

  `Select`   Enable/Disable filters in file dialogs if option
             `Filter known extensions` option is enabled.

            Cancel and exit completely from any level of menu to the

  `L1`       Go to the first menu option
  `R1`       Go to the last menu option
  `L2`       In file selector go to the first entry in the current
  `R2`       In file selector go to the last entry in the current

  `Start`, `L2`, `R3`, `Right Stick`

#### Maintain options ####
Some menu options open a form with options to check/uncheck or choose
an option from a list.

  - To check/uncheck options use `X` button.
  - To confirm changes in form use the `A` button.
  - To cancel changes in form use the `B` or `Power` buttons.

Some examples of forms are General, Media and Sound.

#### Virtual keyboard in menu options ####

In some menu options the virtual keyboard is presented to allow to use
different options presented or enter values.

Examples where the virtual keyboard it's appearing are: 'Enter name'
for save dialogs, Debugger, Poke Finder, Poke Memory.

  `Cursor`   Move to select keys
  `A`        Press the selected key
  `X`        Change the keyboard mode between upper and lower case and
             some additional characters
  `Y`        Delete previous character
  `B`        Cancel and exit to previous option in menu

  Confirm input
             To confirm the input press 'En' key at virtual Keyboard

|For the 'Enter the name' in save dialogs the last loaded filename
without the extension is proposed.

### Mapping buttons to Joysticks or Keyboard ###

You can map handheld buttons to Joysticks or Spectrum keys in
`Menu -> Options -> Joysticks`

==== GCW0 Joystick 1 ====
This option allows to emulate a ZX Spectrum joystick with the handheld
buttons. It also allows you to assign keyboard keys to buttons

  - Type: Choose the Joystick to emulate or None. Default is None.
  - Button mapping: Map the handheld buttons to Joystick fire,
    ZX Spectrum keys or to Nothing.

  Some type of Joysticks may require other emulator options enabled.
  |For example for Kempston joystick emulation need enabled 
  |'Kempston joystick' in `Menu -> Options -> Peripherals -> General`.
  By default all buttons are mapped to Joystick fire.

==== GCW0 Keyboard ====
This option allows to map handheld buttons to ZX Spectrum keys.
The cursors also can be mapped.

  - Type: Choose Activated or None. Default is None.
  - Button mapping: Map buttons to ZX Spectrum keys or Nothing.
                    By default all buttons are mapped to Nothing.


When both mappings, "GCW0 Joystick 1" and "GCW0 Keyboard", are enabled
at the same time only "GCW0 Joystick 1" will work.

When you choose any 'Type' other than "None" in "GCW0 Joystick 1" or
"GCW0 Keyboard", some buttons may lose their original functionality if
they are mapped to joystick fire or to keyboard keys:
  - `Select`, `Start`, `L1` and `R1` buttons have functionanility
    that may be lost.
  - If you have mapped the `Select` button, you can still access the
    menu with the` Power` button.

### Control mapping per game configuration ###

To have control gaming configuration per game you must activate it in
the menu 'Options -> Joysticks -> Control mapping'.

Files for save control mapping:

  - The configuration files per game are saved in 'mappings' directory
    in fuse config path ($HOME/.fuse/mappings).

  - They have extension '.fcm' (fcm is for Fuse Control Mapping).

  - The options saved are the 'Types' and buttons mappings for
    GCW0 Joystick 1, Joystick 2, Keyboard and GCW0 Keyboard.

  - The format of the file is the same used for the general settings:
    XML for OpenDingux or plain text for RetroFW.

  - By default for the control mapping filenames will be tried to
    detect some patterns on name to cut them off:

    - All the denominations between '()' or '[]'
    - 'Tape', 'Disk', 'Side' for 'ABCD' or '1234', 'Part 1234 of 1234'
    - The '128k', '48k' out of '()' '[]'
    - The 'Small, Medium, Large' whatever 'Case'
      (The search of patterns are case insensitive)

The supported media for auto-load control mapping files are tapes,
microdrives, snapshots, disks (not IDE), rom cartridges and
Timex cartridges.

See PITFALLs at the end of this section.

  - Control mapping per game:
    Default disabled.
    Enable the save and load of control mappings per game for
    supported media: tapes, snapshots, disks (not IDE),
    rom cartridges, Timex cartridges.

    If you disable it:
      - If defaults are detached they are saved and restored as
        current defaults.
      - If changes were made to controls those changes are saved to
        correponding control mapping file.

    If you enable it:
      - If defaults are detached they are loaded.
      - If you do after you have load any supported media the emulator
        try to initialize control mapping for that media.

  - Auto-load:
    Default enabled.
    Only take effect if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    If enabled the autoload of control mapping files associated to the
    file loaded.
    This apply for supported media when are loaded from 'File -> Open'
    or inserted from the 'Media' menu.

  - Auto-save:
    Default enabled.
    Only take effect if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    If controls mapping has changed then the autosave will be at this
       - Load another media
       - Clear or eject the media in the file at 'Media' menu
       - Disabling 'Control mapping per game'
       - Exit the emulator

  - Not detached defaults:
    Default disabled. 
    Only take effect if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    If this option is enabled you can't maintain separated default

    The default controls are used:
      - At start of Fuse, if no media is autoload or no control
        mapping autoload is enable
      - When you insert a media with not yet control mapping
      - When you clear or eject a media

  - No cut/transform filenames:
    Default disabled.
    Only take effect if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    With this option enabled the filename for mapping control will be
    the same of the file loaded replacing the extension by '.fmc'.
    With this option disabled the control mapping filename follow the
    rules indicated above.

  - Enable Kempston Joystick if needed:
    Default enabled.
    Only take effect if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    If control mapping to load have assigned Kempston Joystick in
    GCW0 Joystick 1, Joystick 2 or Keyboard and 'Kempston Joystick' 
    option is not enabled in Peripherals -> General then it will be

    When load a program if the control mapping file not exist yet but
    default controls have assigned Kempston Joystick in GCW0
    Joystick 1, Joystick 2 or Keyboard then the same logic is applied.

    NOTE: Custom control mapping is not intended to manage hardware
    attached to machine, only control mappings.
    But enabling/disabling Kempston Joystick without reset machine is
    supported by Fuse.
    Other peripherlas as Fuller Box need to reset the machine and this
    is not viable to manage in control mapping.

When you exit from Fuse and have General Auto-save setting enabled
then default control mapping will be saved at general file.

Other options in Joystick menu for Control mapping:

  - Load control mapping:
    Enabled if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    When a control mapping file exists for the last media loaded then 
    it's name will be printed here, only the first 20 characters of
    This option allows to restore controls mapping from configuration
    file if changes have been made to them.

  - Save control mapping:
    Enabled if 'Control mapping per game' is enabled.

    If supported media is inserted then the name of control mapping
    file will be printed here, only the first 20 characters of name.
    This allow you to save the current control mapping if changes have
    been made to them or if the file does not exist yet.

    If Auto-save of control mapping is active the save will be at 
    designed events, see 'Auto-save' options. You can force the save
    with this option.

  - Load control mapping from file:
    Allways enabled.

    This option allow you to load a control mapping file to change the
    current control mappings.

  - Save control mapping from file:
    Allways enabled.

    This option allows you to save a control mapping file with the 
    current control mappings.

  - Default control mapping:
    Enabled when 'Control mapping per game' is enabled and
    'Not detached defaults' is disabled.

    Submenu to maintain default control mapping.

  - Reset to default controls:
    Enabled when 'Control mapping per game' is enabled and 
    'Not detached defaults' is disabled.

    Reset the current controls to default control mapping.

  - Set current as default:
    Enabled when 'Control mapping per game' is enabled and 
    'Not detached defaults' is disabled.

    Set the current controls as the default control mapping.

  Variants of the same program:
    If 'No cut/transform filenames' is disabled (default) the emulator
    try to clean the name of filename to make it equal name for
    But if the filenames used are no consistent, including letter
    case, then a different name for the same program may be determined.

  When insert various media the last inserted will be the selected
  control mapping.
    - If you unload it then it will be cleared and you could start a
      game from other media inserted with no file control mapping.
    - If you start from Loader the system can load from media
      different to the last assigned control mapping file.

    1.- Select +3 machine
    2.- Open media menu and insert a disk
    3.- Open media menu and insert a tape
    4.- The control mapping file will be the last tape inserted
    5.- Open media menu and clear tape
    6.- Now there is not control mapping file assigned but you can
        load a program from disk

  Bugs aside, probably there are other scenarios not taken into
  account but I believe that the most relevant use cases are covered.

### External joystick ###

On some handhelds it is possible to connect an external Joystick using
USB OTG. The mapping of 'Joystick 2' will be applied to it.

For controllers the number of each button in mapping depends on the
controller layout.

=>Fuse count buttons from 1 not from 0, so add 1 to translate your
  layout into Fuse's config.

|On my RG350 I've tested this with an 8Bitdo FC30 Pro controller.
|The mapping layout:
|A=1, B=2, X=4, Y=5, L1=7, R1=8, L2=9, R2=10, Select=11, Start=12,
|L3=14, R3=15.
|From SDL Game controller DB
    "03000000c82d00001038000000000000,8BitDo FC30 Pro,

### External keyboard ###

I don't have tested a Keyboard on USB OTG but in theory it should work.
But keep in mind that current adaptations made for handhelds buttons
have probably made it unusable.

The handheld buttons are keystrokes that have conflict with some keys
used for SDL menus.

### Kempston mouse ###

In some handhelds you can emulate mouse with the Right stick and
`L2`, `R2` buttons.
This make possible emulating the Kempston mouse.
You must enable 'Kempston mouse' in the peripherals: 
  `Menu -> Options -> Peripherals -> General`, and enable the mouse
  emulation in the handheld.

|In the RG350 you can activate the mouse with hotkey `Power` + `B`.

### Triple Buffer ###

There is an implementation to use the triple buffer. It can be enabled
at 'General GCW0' options or whith combo hotkeys 'L1' + 'R1' + 'B'.

If tripple buffer is activated then an [B] will be at status line.

It affects to the speed of emulator that can be observed in the speed
for fastloading.

In general I believe that is not needed, but I've seen diference
activating it on some demos for Pentagon's models as "mescaline
synesthesia by deMarche".

BUG: At disabling triple buffer sometimes the screen will be frozen
     but the emulator still will be running .
     This is surely motivated by some mistake on my code or for
     missunderestanding triple buffer by my side.

### Hotkey combinations ###

For use hotkey combos they must be enabled in
'Menu -> Options -> General GCW0'.

If `L1` and `R1` buttons are not mapped to Joystick or Keyboard it
will be used to start the hotkey combinations.

The implemented hotkeys correspond to Fx key functions in Fuse's SDL

    L1 + R1 + A		Switch between Full and None border
    L1 + R1 + B		Toggle triple buffer
    L1 + R1 + X		JoystickS
    L1 + Select + Y	Tape play (F8)
    L1 + A		Tape open (F7)
    L1 + B		Save file (F2)
    L1 + X		Open file (F3)
    L1 + Y		Media menu
    R1 + A		General options (F4)
    R1 + B		Reset machine (F5)
    R1 + X		Exit fuse (F10)
    R1 + Y              Machine select (F9)

    L1 + Cursor down    Quicksave state for current slot
    R1 + Cursor Up      Quickload state for current slot
    R1 + Cursor right   Increase slot to use
    R1 + Cursor left    Decrease slot to use

### Media options ###

If you have problems loading some programs keep in mind the
compatibility issues of software with the model emulated.

Also some options in 'Media' options can influence to some loaders as
'Accelerate loaders'. Try enabling/disabling different otions.

### ROMs ###

Fuse provides roms for some systems and peripherals it emulate but not
for all models or peripherals that it support.

You can assign new roms or change the defaults from the emulator

- Open menu with `Select` or `Power` button. 
- Then navigate from Menu --> Options -> Select Roms -> Machine ROMs
  or Peripheral ROMs
- With `cursor` select the rom to change and press `X` button
- At file selector use the `cursor` keys to navigate to folder where 
  your roms are located and to select the needed rom. And press the
  `A` button to confirm selection.
- Repeat until all the needed ROMs are assigned.
- Finally do accept all pressing the `A` button.

You can reset a rom to default with the `Y` button.

  The emulator detect your rom as custom if they not have the name
  expected, including the path.
  This affect to auto-load media (tapes, disks). In standard Fuse
  compilation cutoms roms don't autoload.
  The option "Auto-load media with custom rom" in General options
  (default False) auto-load also with custom roms.

Also roms con be added to the 'rom' directory in Fuse config path.
Fuse search in this path for rom files with the default names.

Fuse config path is located in "$HOME/.fuse/roms":
    For OpenDingux   "/media/data/local/home/.fuse/roms"
    For RetroFW      "/home/retrofw/.fuse/roms"

|Fuse will create the config paths at starting if they don't exist.

ROMs included with fuse:

    Spectrum SE
    Timex TC2048, TC2068 and TS2068
    DISCiPLE and +D

ROMs non included:

    Pentagon 128k, 512k and 1024k
    Scorpion ZS 256
    Interface 1
    Beta 128
    Didaktik 80
    Multiface One, 128, 3
    Opus Discovery

Default file names expected by fuse for non included roms:



fuse(1)                            Emulators                           fuse(1)

       fuse -- Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator

       fuse [options]

       Fuse  is  a  Sinclair  ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models
       (including the 128), with quite faithful emulation of the  display  and

       The emulator can load any of the formats supported by libspectrum(3) --
       this includes Z80, SNA and SZX snapshots, and PZX, TAP and TZX virtual-
       tape  files.  Saving to SZX, Z80 and SNA snapshots and TZX and TAP tape
       files is supported. The SLT extension to the Z80 format is partly  sup-
       ported  (enough for multi-load games); however, loading of the old DAT-
       file variant is not.

       DSK, UDI, FDI, TD0, MGT, IMG, D40, D80, SAD, TRD, SCL and OPD disk  im-
       ages  are  supported when a disk interface is being emulated, including
       the integrated disk drives on +3, Pentagon or Scorpion machines as well
       as  the  +D,  DISCiPLE, Opus Discovery, Beta 128 and Didaktik 80 inter-
       faces. DCK cartridge images are supported when emulating  a  Timex 2068
       variant. Interface 2 ROM cartridges are also supported.

       Finally,  there  is  also support for reading and writing the RZX input
       recording format.

       See the COMPRESSED FILES section for  details  on  reading  files  com-
       pressed with bzip2(3), gzip(3) or zip(3).

              Specify  whether  Fuse should attempt to accelerate tape loaders
              by "short circuiting" the loading loop.  This  will  in  general
              speed  up  loading, but may cause some loaders to fail. (Enabled
              by default, but you can  use  `--no-accelerate-loader'  to  dis-
              able). The same as the Media Options dialog's Accelerate loaders

              Specify whether the GTK and Xlib user interfaces  should  `hint'
              to  the  window manager about the preferred aspect ratio for the
              graphics window, thus preventing resizing  to  non-square  sizes
              which  lead  to  Fuse  not displaying correctly. This option has
              been observed to cause problems with some window  managers  when
              using the GTK UI which can prevent the window from being resized
              or moved at all. (Enabled by default, but you can use  `--no-as-
              pect-hint'  to disable). See also the `--strict-aspect-hint' op-

              Specify whether Fuse's current settings should be  automatically
              saved  on  exit.  The same as the General Options dialog's Auto-
              save settings option.

              Specify whether tape and  disk  files  should  be  automatically
              loaded  when  they  are opened using the File, Open...  menu op-
              tion. In the case of TRD/SCL disk images, inserts  also  a  boot
              loader file when none is available. (Enabled by default, but you
              can use `--no-auto-load' to disable). Same as the Media  Options
              dialog's Auto-load media option.

              Emulate  a  Beta 128 interface. Same as the Disk Peripherals Op-
              tions dialog's Beta 128 interface option.

              When a Beta 128 interface is used in 48K or TC2048 emulation the
              option  additionally controls whether the machine boots directly
              into the TR-DOS system. Same as the Disk Peripherals Options di-
              alog's Beta 128 auto-boot in 48K machines option.

       --betadisk file
              Insert  the  specified  file  into the emulated Beta disk inter-
              face's drive A: and select Pentagon mode on startup.

              Specify whether the display should simulate a  colour  or  black
              and  white  television.  This option is effective under the GTK,
              Win32, Xlib and SDL user interfaces: the others will always sim-
              ulate  a  colour  TV.   The same as the General Options dialog's
              Black and white TV option.

              This option specifies that Fuse should emulate a  CMOS  Z80,  as
              opposed to an NMOS Z80. Same as the General Options dialog's Z80
              is CMOS option.

       --competition-code code
              Specify the code to be written to competition  mode  RZX  files.
              The same as the RZX Options dialog's Competition code option.

              Specify  whether input recordings should be made in `competition
              mode'.  The same as the RZX Options  dialog's  Competition  mode

              Specify whether RZX files should be written out compressed. (En-
              abled by default, but you can use  `--no-compress-rzx'  to  dis-
              able).  Same  as  the RZX Options dialog's Compress RZX data op-

              Specify whether `dangerous' actions  (those  which  could  cause
              data loss, for example resetting the Spectrum) require confirma-
              tion before occurring. (Enabled by  default,  but  you  can  use
              `--no-confirm-actions'  to  disable). This option is the same as
              the General Options dialog's Confirm actions option.

              Emulate a Covox sound interface for Pentagon/Scorpion.  Same  as
              the General Peripherals Options dialog's Covox option.

       --debugger-command string
              Specify  a  debugger  command to be run before emulator startup.
              This can be used to set breakpoints or the like. Currently, this
              is  the  only method to input multi-line debugger commands. (See
              the MONITOR/DEBUGGER section for more information).

              Specify whether Fuse should attempt to detect when the  tape  is
              being accessed and start and stop the virtual tape playing auto-
              matically. (Enabled  by  default,  but  you  can  use  `--no-de-
              tect-loader' to disable). Same as the Media Options dialog's De-
              tect loaders option.

              Emulate a DISCiPLE interface. Same as the Disk  Peripherals  Op-
              tions dialog's DISCiPLE interface option.

       --discipledisk file
              Insert the specified file into the emulated DISCiPLE's drive 1.

              Emulate  a  Didaktik 80 (or Didaktik 40) disk interface. Same as
              the Disk Peripherals Options dialog's Didaktik 80 interface  op-

       --didaktik80disk file
              Insert  the specified file into the emulated Didaktik 80 (or Di-
              daktik 40)'s drive A.

              Prompt the user to confirm whether Fuse should try to merge  the
              `B' side of a disk image from a separate file when opening a new
              single-sided disk image.

       --disk-try-merge mode
              Select whether Fuse should try to merge a separate file for  the
              `B'  side  of a disk image separate file when opening a new disk
              image. Most double sided disk images are dumped  as  two  single
              sided  disk  images  e.g.  `Golden Axe - Side A.dsk' and `Golden
              Axe - Side B.dsk'. So, if we want to play Golden Axe,  first  we
              have  to  insert  the first disk image and when the game asks to
              insert side B, we have to find and open the second  disk  image,
              instead  of  just  `flip'-ing  the disk inside the drive. If en-
              abled, Fuse will try to open the second image too and  create  a
              double  sided disk image (merging the two one sided disk images)
              and insert this merged virtual disk into  the  disk  drive.  The
              function  detects whether the file is one side of a double-sided
              image  if  the  filename  matches  a   pattern   like   [Ss]ide[
              _][abAB12][ _.] in the file name of a disk that is being opened.
              If found, Fuse will try to open the other side of the  disk  too
              substituting  the  appropriate  characters  in the filename e.g.
              1->2, a->b, A->B. If successful then it will merge the  two  im-
              ages  and  now  we have a double sided disk in drive. This means
              that if we open `Golden Axe - Side A.dsk', then Fuse will try to
              open  `Golden Axe - Side B.dsk' too. Now, we can just `flip' the
              disk if Golden Axe asks for `Side B'.  The available options are
              Never, With single-sided drives and Always.

              Emulate  the  DivIDE interface. The same as the Disk Peripherals
              Options dialog's DivIDE interface option.

       --divide-masterfile file
       --divide-slavefile file
              Specify an IDE image to be loaded  into  the  DivIDE's  emulated
              master and slave drives respectively.

              Specify  that  the emulated DivIDE's write protect jumper should
              be considered set. The same as the Disk Peripherals Options dia-
              log's DivIDE write protect option.

              Emulate  the  DivMMC interface. The same as the Disk Peripherals
              Options dialog's DivMMC interface option.

       --divmmc-file file
              Specify an HDF image to be loaded  into  the  DivMMC's  emulated
              memory card.

              Specify  that  the  emulated  DivMMC's write protect jumper that
              protects EEPROM should be considered set. The same as  the  Disk
              Peripherals Options dialog's DivMMC write protect option.

       --dock file
              Insert  the  specified file into the emulated Timex 2068 variant
              dock; also select the TC2068 on startup if available.

       -D mode
       --doublescan-mode mode
              Specify whether to use doublescan modes in the FB UI.  Available
              values  for mode are 0, 1 and 2. 0 means `never doublescan' (use
              640x480 at either 72 Hz or 60 Hz), whereas 1  and  2  both  mean
              `try to use doublescan' and will fall back on the 640x480 modes.
              1 selects 72 Hz modes (the same size and shape as  your  typical
              640x480), and 2 selects 60 Hz modes (overscan).

              If your monitor displays a blank screen when using 1 or 2, press
              F10 then try a different option or say `--fbmode 640'.

       --drive-plus3a-type type
       --drive-plus3b-type type
       --drive-beta128a-type type
       --drive-beta128b-type type
       --drive-beta128c-type type
       --drive-beta128d-type type
       --drive-plusd1-type type
       --drive-plusd2-type type
       --drive-didaktik80a-type type
       --drive-didaktik80b-type type
       --drive-disciple1-type type
       --drive-disciple2-type type
       --drive-opus1-type type
       --drive-opus2-type type
              Specify a disk drive type to emulate with the associated  inter-
              face.   The  available  options  are  Disabled,  Single-sided 40
              track, Double-sided 40 track, Single-sided  80  track  and  Dou-
              ble-sided 80 track.  See the Disk Options dialog for more infor-
              mation.  The Disabled option is not supported  for  Drive  1  or
              Drive A of any interface.

       --drive-40-max-track count
       --drive-80-max-track count
              Specify  the maximum number of tracks for 40 and 80 track physi-
              cal drives respectively.

              Specify whether a snapshot should be embedded  in  an  RZX  file
              when recording is started from an existing snapshot. (Enabled by
              default, but you can use `--no-embed-snapshot' to disable). Same
              as the RZX Options dialog's Always embed snapshot option.

              Specify  whether  Fuse  should run at the fastest possible speed
              when the virtual tape is playing. (Enabled by default,  but  you
              can  use  `--no-fastload' to disable). The same as the Media Op-
              tions dialog's Fastloading option.

       -v mode
       --fbmode mode
              Specify which mode to use for the FB UI.  Available  values  for
              mode  are  `320'  (which corresponds to a 320x240x256 mode), the
              default and `640' (a 640x480x256 mode).

              Emulate a Fuller Box interface. Same as the General  Peripherals
              Options dialog's Fuller Box option.

              Specify  whether  Fuse should run in full screen mode.  This op-
              tion is effective only under the SDL UI.

       -g filter
       --graphics-filter mode
              Specify which graphics filter to use if available.  The  default
              is  normal,  which  uses no filtering. The available options are
              2x, 2xsai, 3x, 4x, advmame2x, advmame3x, dotmatrix, half,  half-
              skip,   hq2x,   hq3x,   hq4x,  normal,  super2xsai,  supereagle,
              timex15x, timex2x, timextv, tv2x, tv3x,  tv4x,  paltv,  paltv2x,
              paltv3x, and paltv4x.  See the GRAPHICS FILTERS section for more

       --graphicsfile file
              Set the filename used for graphical  output  from  the  emulated
              ZX Printer. See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more details.

              Give brief usage help, listing available options.

       --if2cart file
              Insert the specified file into the emulated Interface 2.

              Emulate  a Sinclair Interface 1. Same as the General Peripherals
              Options dialog's Interface 1 option.

              Emulate a Sinclair Interface 2. (Enabled by default, but you can
              use `--no-interface2' to disable). Same as the General Peripher-
              als Options dialog's Interface 2 option.

              Emulate an issue 2 keyboard. Same as the  General  Options  dia-
              log's Issue 2 keyboard option.

       -j device
       --joystick-1 device
              Read  from  device  to emulate the first joystick. Fuse will use
              either `/dev/input/js0' or `/dev/js0' by default.

       --joystick-2 device
              As for --joystick-1 but for the  second  joystick;  the  default
              here is either `/dev/input/js1' or `/dev/js1'.

       --joystick-1-output type
       --joystick-2-output type
       --joystick-keyboard-output type
              Select which joystick interface to attach for the first two real
              joysticks and the keyboard joystick. The default is 0, which  is
              no output. The available options are 1 (cursor), 2 (kempston), 3
              (Sinclair 1), 4 (Sinclair 2), 5 (Timex 1), 6  (Timex 2),  and  7
              (Fuller).  Same  as the Joysticks Options dialog's Joystick type

       --joystick-1-fire-1 code
       --joystick-1-fire-2 code
       --joystick-1-fire-3 code
       --joystick-1-fire-4 code
       --joystick-1-fire-5 code
       --joystick-1-fire-6 code
       --joystick-1-fire-7 code
       --joystick-1-fire-8 code
       --joystick-1-fire-9 code
       --joystick-1-fire-10 code
       --joystick-1-fire-11 code
       --joystick-1-fire-12 code
       --joystick-1-fire-13 code
       --joystick-1-fire-14 code
       --joystick-1-fire-15 code
       --joystick-2-fire-1 code
       --joystick-2-fire-2 code
       --joystick-2-fire-3 code
       --joystick-2-fire-4 code
       --joystick-2-fire-5 code
       --joystick-2-fire-6 code
       --joystick-2-fire-7 code
       --joystick-2-fire-8 code
       --joystick-2-fire-9 code
       --joystick-2-fire-10 code
       --joystick-2-fire-11 code
       --joystick-2-fire-12 code
       --joystick-2-fire-13 code
       --joystick-2-fire-14 code
       --joystick-2-fire-15 code
              Select which Fuse key code should be triggered by the applicable
              real  joystick  button  press.  The  codes are the Fuse keyboard
              codes corresponding to the keys. The default value is 4096 which
              corresponds  to  the  virtual  joystick fire button. Same as the
              Joysticks Options dialog's Joystick fire options.

       --joystick-keyboard-up code
       --joystick-keyboard-down code
       --joystick-keyboard-left code
       --joystick-keyboard-right code
       --joystick-keyboard-fire code
              Select which Fuse key code should correspond with each direction
              and fire for the keyboard virtual joystick. The same as the Key-
              board Joysticks Options dialog's Button for UP, Button for DOWN,
              Button  for  LEFT,  Button for RIGHT and Button for FIRE options

              If this option is specified, then Fuse  will  prompt  you  which
              form  of joystick emulation you wish to use when loading a snap-
              shot. No prompt will be issued if the configuration in the snap-
              shot  matches what you are currently using. The same as the Gen-
              eral Options dialog's Snap joystick prompt option.

              Emulate a Kempston joystick. Same as the General Peripherals Op-
              tions dialog's Kempston joystick option.

              Emulate  a  Kempston  mouse. Same as the General Peripherals Op-
              tions dialog's Kempston mouse option.

              Treat the keyboard arrow keys as shifted like the  ZX  Spectrum+
              keyboard's  arrow  keys  or  as unshifted like a cursor joystick
              that maps to the 5, 6, 7 and 8 keys. (Enabled  by  default,  but
              you  can use `--no-keyboard-arrows-shifted' to disable). Same as
              the General Peripherals Options dialog's Use  shift  with  arrow
              keys option.

              It  has been observed that some real Spectrums run such that the
              screen is rendered one tstate later than on other real hardware.
              This  option  specifies that Fuse should emulate such a machine.
              Same as the General Options dialog's Late timings option.

              Specify whether the sound made while tapes are loading should be
              emulated.  (Enabled  by  default,  but  you  can use `--no-load-
              ing-sound' to disable). Same as the Sound Options dialog's Load-
              ing sound option.

       -m type
       --machine type
              Specify  machine type to emulate initially. The default is 48, a
              48K Spectrum. The available options are 16,  48,  48_ntsc,  128,
              plus2, plus2a, plus3, 2048, 2068, ts2068, pentagon, pentagon512,
              pentagon1024, scorpion and se.

              Emulate a Melodik AY interface for 16/48k Spectrums. Same as the
              General Peripherals Options dialog's Melodik option.

       --mdr-len length
              This  option  controls  the number of blocks in a new Microdrive
              cartridge.  Same as the Media Options dialog's MDR cartridge len

              If  this  option  is set, Fuse will use a random Microdrive car-
              tridge length. Same as the Media Options dialog's Random  length
              MDR cartridge option.

       --microdrive-file file
       --microdrive-2-file file
       --microdrive-3-file file
       --microdrive-4-file file
       --microdrive-5-file file
       --microdrive-6-file file
       --microdrive-7-file file
       --microdrive-8-file file
              Specify Interface 1 Microdrive cartridge files to open.

              Swap  the  left and right mouse buttons when emulating the Kemp-
              ston mouse. The same as the General  Peripherals  dialog's  Swap
              mouse buttons option.

       --movie-compr level
              This  option  sets  the  compression  level  used  when creating
              movies. Same as the Movie Options dialog's Movie compression op-
              tion.  The  available  options  are  None,  Lossless,  and  High
              (lossy). The default option is Lossless.   See  also  the  MOVIE
              RECORDING section.

       --movie-start file
              With  this  command line option, Fuse will start movie recording
              as soon as the emulator is started. See also the MOVIE RECORDING

              With  this  command  line option, Fuse will stop movie recording
              when RZX playback or RZX recording ends. Same as the  Movie  Op-
              tions dialog's Stop recording after RZX ends option. (Enabled by
              default, but you can  use  `--no-movie-stop-after-rzx'  to  dis-
              able).  See also the MOVIE RECORDING section.

              Emulate  a  Romantic  Robot Multiface One interface. Same as the
              General Peripherals Options dialog's Multiface One option.

              Emulate a Romantic Robot Multiface 128 interface.  Same  as  the
              General Peripherals Options dialog's Multiface 128 option.

              Emulate a Romantic Robot Multiface 3 interface. Same as the Gen-
              eral Peripherals Options dialog's Multiface 3 option.

              Set Multiface One stealth/invisible mode. Same  as  the  General
              Peripherals Options dialog's Stealth Multiface One option.

              Emulate  an Opus Discovery interface. Same as the Disk Peripher-
              als Options dialog's Opus Discovery interface option.

       --opusdisk file
              Insert the specified file into  the  emulated  Opus  Discovery's
              drive 1.

              Specify  whether  the PAL TV 2x, PAL TV 3x and PAL TV 4x scalers
              should also produce scanlines along the lines of the  TV 2x  and
              Timex TV scalers.  The same as the General Options dialog's PAL-
              TV use TV2x effect option.

       --phantom-typist-mode mode
              Specify the keystroke sequence that the "phantom typist"  should
              use  when  starting a program loading. The available options are
              Auto, Keyword, Keystroke, Menu, Plus 2A and Plus 3.  The same as
              the Media Options dialog's Phantom typist mode option.

       -p file
       --playback file
              Specify an RZX file to begin playback from.

       --plus3disk file
              Insert  the specified file into the emulated +3's A: drive; also
              select the +3 on startup if available.

              Specify whether the +3 drives try to detect Speedlock  protected
              disks, and emulate `weak' sectors.  If the disk image file (EDSK
              or UDI) contains weak sector data, than Speedlock  detection  is
              automatically  omitted.   See  also  the WEAK DISK DATA section.
              Same as the Disk Options dialog's +3 Detect Speedlock option.

              Emulate a +D interface. Same as the Disk Peripherals Options di-
              alog's +D interface option.

       --plusddisk file
              Insert the specified file into the emulated +D's drive 1.

              Specify  whether the emulation should include a printer. Same as
              the General Peripherals Options dialog's  Emulate  printers  op-

       --rate frame
              Specify  the  frame rate, the ratio of spectrum frame updates to
              real frame updates. Same as the General Options  dialog's  Frame
              rate option.

       -r file
       --record file
              Specify an RZX file to begin recording to.

              Enable  the  use  of a Recreated ZX Spectrum in `Layer A' (game)
              mode. This is a Bluetooth keyboard that can be paired to the de-
              vice where Fuse is running. The same as the General Options dia-
              log's Recreated ZX Spectrum option.

       --rom-16 file
       --rom-48 file
       --rom-128-0 file
       --rom-128-1 file
       --rom-plus2-0 file
       --rom-plus2-1 file
       --rom-plus2a-0 file
       --rom-plus2a-1 file
       --rom-plus2a-2 file
       --rom-plus2a-3 file
       --rom-plus3-0 file
       --rom-plus3-1 file
       --rom-plus3-2 file
       --rom-plus3-3 file
       --rom-plus3e-0 file
       --rom-plus3e-1 file
       --rom-plus3e-2 file
       --rom-plus3e-3 file
       --rom-tc2048 file
       --rom-tc2068-0 file
       --rom-tc2068-1 file
       --rom-ts2068-0 file
       --rom-ts2068-1 file
       --rom-pentagon-0 file
       --rom-pentagon-1 file
       --rom-pentagon-2 file
       --rom-pentagon512-0 file
       --rom-pentagon512-1 file
       --rom-pentagon512-2 file
       --rom-pentagon512-3 file
       --rom-pentagon1024-0 file
       --rom-pentagon1024-1 file
       --rom-pentagon1024-2 file
       --rom-pentagon1024-3 file
       --rom-scorpion-0 file
       --rom-scorpion-1 file
       --rom-scorpion-2 file
       --rom-scorpion-3 file
       --rom-spec-se-0 file
       --rom-spec-se-1 file
              Specify the file to be used for ROM(s) used  for  each  machine.
              The  options  respectively  refer  to the 16K Spectrum (48.rom),
              48K Spectrum  (48.rom),  the  two  ROMs  for  the  128K Spectrum
              (128-0.rom  and 128-1.rom), the two ROMs for the +2 (plus2-0.rom
              and plus2-1.rom),  the  four  ROMs  for  the  +2A  (plus3-0.rom,
              plus3-1.rom, plus3-2.rom and plus3-3.rom), the four ROMs for the
              +3 (plus3-0.rom, plus3-1.rom, plus3-2.rom and plus3-3.rom),  the
              four  enhanced  ROMs  for  the  +3e (plus3e-0.rom, plus3e-1.rom,
              plus3e-2.rom and plus3e-3.rom), the TC2048 ROM (tc2048.rom), the
              two ROMs for the TC2068 (tc2068-0.rom and tc2068-1.rom), the two
              ROMs for the TS2068 (tc2068-0.rom  and  tc2068-1.rom),  the  two
              main  ROMs and the TR-DOS ROM for the Pentagon 128K (128p-0.rom,
              128p-1.rom and trdos.rom), the two main ROMs, the TR-DOS ROM and
              a reset service ROM for the Pentagon 512K and 1024K (128p-0.rom,
              128p-1.rom, trdos.rom and gluck.rom),  the  four  ROMs  for  the
              Scorpion    256    (256s-0.rom,   256s-1.rom,   256s-2.rom   and
              256s-3.rom), and the two ROMs for the Spectrum SE (se-0.rom  and

              The  names  in  brackets  denote the defaults. Note that not all
              these ROMs are supplied with Fuse -- you must  supply  your  own
              copies of those which are not.

       --rom-interface-1 file
       --rom-beta128 file
       --rom-plusd file
       --rom-didaktik80 file
       --rom-disciple file
       --rom-multiface1 file
       --rom-multiface128 file
       --rom-multiface3 file
       --rom-opus file
       --rom-speccyboot file
       --rom-ttx2000s file
       --rom-usource file
              Specify the file to be used for ROM(s) used for each peripheral.
              The  options  respectively  refer   to   the   Interface 1   ROM
              (if1-2.rom), the TR-DOS ROM for Beta 128 emulation with the 48K,
              TC2048, 128K or +2 (trdos.rom), the +D ROM (plusd.rom), the  Di-
              daktik 80 ROM (didaktik80.rom), the DISCiPLE ROM (disciple.rom),
              the  Multiface One  ROM   (mf1.rom),   the   Multiface 128   ROM
              (mf128.rom),  the  Multiface 3 ROM (mf3.rom), the Opus Discovery
              ROM (opus.rom), the  SpeccyBoot  ROM  (speccyboot-1.4.rom),  the
              TTX2000S ROM (ttx2000s.rom), and the Source ROM (usource.rom).

              The  names  in  brackets  denote the defaults. Note that not all
              these ROMs are supplied with Fuse -- you must  supply  your  own
              copies of those which are not.

              This  option  makes Fuse's Interface 1 emulation assume that the
              RS-232 line other end is live when you connect the communication
              channels.  See also the `--rs232-rx' and `--rs232-tx' options.

              Specify the communication channels (FIFO or file) to be used for
              Interface 1 RS-232 emulation as RxD and TxD wire. See  also  the
              `--rs232-handshake' options.

              Specify that, while recording an RZX file, Fuse should automati-
              cally add a snapshot to the recording  stream  every  5 seconds.
              (Default  to  on,  but  you can use `--no-rzx-autosaves' to dis-
              able). Same as the RZX Options dialog's Create autosaves option;
              see there for more details.

       --sdl-fullscreen-mode mode
              Select  a screen resolution for full screen mode. Available val-
              ues for mode are listed in a table, when  Fuse  is  called  with
              --sdl-fullscreen-mode  list command line option.  This option is
              effective only under the SDL UI.

       --separation type
              Give stereo separation of the 128's AY sound channels.  Same  as
              the  General  Options  dialog's AY stereo separation option. The
              available options are None, ACB, and ABC.  The default option is

              Specify whether Fuse will emulate the simple 8-bit IDE interface
              as used by the Spectrum +3e. Same as the  Disk  Peripherals  Op-
              tions dialog's Simple 8-bit IDE option.

       --simpleide-masterfile file
              Specify  a  HDF file to connect to the emulated Simple 8-bit IDE
              interface's master channel.

       --simpleide-slavefile file
              Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated Simple  8-bit  IDE
              interface's slave channel.

              Support  the  SLT trap instruction. (Enabled by default, but you
              can use `--no-slt' to disable). Same as the Media  Options  dia-
              log's Use .slt traps option.

       -s file
       --snapshot file
              Specify a snapshot file to load. The file can be in any snapshot
              format supported by libspectrum(3).

              Specify whether Fuse should produce sound. (Enabled by  default,
              but  you can use `--no-sound' to disable). Same as the Sound Op-
              tions dialog's Sound enabled option.

       -d device
       --sound-device device
              Specify the sound output device to use and any options  to  give
              that  device.  If you are not using the SDL UI or using libao or
              libasound (ALSA) for sound output,  then  the  device  parameter
              just specifies the device to be used for sound output.

              If  you are using the SDL UI, the device parameter allows you to
              specify the audio driver to be used (e.g. dsp,  alsa,  dma,  esd
              and arts).

              If  you  are  using libao for sound output, the device parameter
              allows you to specify the device used for sound  output  (either
              `live'  to a speaker or to a file) and the parameters to be used
              for that device. In general, the device parameter has  the  form
              driver[:param[=value][,param[=value][,...]].  driver selects the
              libao driver to be used, either one of the `live' drivers (aixs,
              alsa,  alsa09,  arts,  esd,  irix, macosx, nas, oss or sun) or a
              file driver (au, raw, wav or null).  The available parameter and
              value pairs for each device are:

              o      aixs: AIX audio system

                     o      dev=device
                            `device' gives the AIX sound device.

              o      alsa: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture version 0.5.x

                     o      card=num
                            `num' gives the ALSA card number.

                     o      dev=num
                            `num' gives the ALSA device number.

                     o      buf_size=num
                            `num' gives the ALSA buffer size in bytes.

              o      alsa09: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture version 0.9+

                     o      dev=string
                            `string' specifies the ALSA device e.g. hw:1.2

                     o      buffer_time=num
                            `num' gives the ALSA buffer time in microseconds.

                     o      period_time=num
                            `num' gives the ALSA period time in microseconds.

                     o      use_mmap=yes|y|true|t|1
                            specifies that libao use memory mapped transfer.

              o      arts: aRts soundserver: no parameters.

              o      esd: Enlightened Sound Daemon.

                     o      host=string
                            `string' gives the ESD host specification.

              o      irix: IRIX Audio Library: no parameters.

              o      macosx: MacOS X CoreAudio: no parameters.

              o      nas: Network Audio System.

                     o      host=string
                            `string' gives the NAS host specification.

                     o      buf_size=num
                            `num' gives the buffer size on the server.

              o      oss: Open Sound System.

                     o      dsp=string
                            `string'  gives  the  OSS  device  to be used e.g.

              o      sun: SUN audio system.

                     o      dev=string
                            `string' gives the audio device to be used.

              o      au: SUN Sparc audio file: no parameters.

              o      raw: raw file.

                     o      byteorder=string
                            `string' can be any of native (host  native  byte-
                            order),  big  (big  endian)  or little (little en-

              o      wav: Microsoft audio file: no parameters.

              o      null: null output: no parameters.

              o      debug: for debugging libao.

              Finally, each of the file output types (au, raw and wav) have an
              extra  option  `file=filename'  where  `filename' gives the file
              output will be directed to. This defaults to `'  if
              it is not specified.

              Some examples of use:

              fuse -d alsa09:dev=hw:1

              causes  Fuse  to use ALSA 0.9+ output with the second (#1) sound

              fuse -d raw:byteorder=little,file=enigma.raw

              causes Fuse to save little endian words to `enigma.raw'.

              See the `DEVICE' section of ogg123(1) for up to date information
              of  devices  and  options (except for the `file' option which is
              provided by Fuse itself).

              If you are using libasound or ALSA for sound output, the  device
              parameter allows you to specify the device used for sound output
              and some parameters to be used for that device. In general,  the
              device parameter has the form
              devstr or

              o      devstr:  selects the ALSA device used, it can be any com-
                     plex or simple ALSA device name. e.g.: default or hw:0 or
                     tee:plughw:0,'/tmp/out.raw',raw.   See  the  alsa-lib pcm
                     api                     reference                      at
                     for further explanation.

              o      param and values:

                     o      buffer=nnnn:  set  the  ALSA  buffer  in   frames,
                            smaller  value  cause  smaller sound delay but may
                            more buffer underrun  (pops  and  clicks),  larger
                            value  cause  longer  delay but fewer underrun. By
                            default Fuse determine the buffer  size  based  on
                            the actual sound frequency.

                            If you use some special plugin for your pcm device
                            (e.g.: dmix) or your card not support some  needed
                            parameter  (e.g.  cannot  play  other  only 48 kHz
                            stereo sound like some AC97 sound card) may  cause
                            Fuse  unable to set the needed buffer size, appro-
                            priate sound frequency, channels and so on, there-
                            fore you cannot get optimal result or not hear the
                            sound at all.  In  this  case  try  the  plughw:#,
                            (where # mean your card number counted from 0) for
                            ALSA device.

                     o      verbose : if given, fuse report ALSA buffer under-
                            runs to stderr.

              Some examples of use:

              fuse -d verbose,buffer=2000

              causes  Fuse  to  use  the  default  ALSA device with 2000 frame
              length buffer and report ALSA buffer underruns on stderr.

              fuse -d tee:plughw:0,'/tmp/aufwm.raw',raw

              causes Fuse to use the first card and parallel save the raw  au-
              dio samples into /tmp/aufwm.raw file.

              If you are using PulseAudio for sound output, the device parame-
              ter allows you to specify some parameters to be  used  for  that
              soud buffer. In general, the device parameter has the form

              o      param and values:

                     o      tlength=[num]ms: set target length of the PulseAu-
                            dio sound buffer in  milliseconds.  Smaller  value
                            cause  smaller  sound delay but more buffer under-
                            runs (pops and clicks), larger value cause  longer
                            delay but fewer underruns. By default Fuse set the
                            buffer size to 30ms of sound delay.

                     o      tlength=num: set target length of  the  PulseAudio
                            sound  buffer  in  bytes.  By default Fuse set the
                            buffer size to 30ms of sound delay.

                     o      verbose : if given, Fuse report PulseAudio  buffer
                            underruns  to stderr and PulseAudio buffer options
                            to stdout.

              Some examples of use:

              fuse -d tlength=40ms

              causes Fuse to target 40ms of sound delay instead of the default

              fuse -d verbose,tlength=2646

              causes  Fuse  to  request a sound buffer of 2646 bytes and print
              info to stdout.

              Force the use of 8-bit sound, even if 16-bit is  possible.  Same
              as the Sound Options dialog's Force 8-bit option.

       -f frequency
       --sound-freq frequency
              Specify what frequency Fuse should use for the sound device, the
              default is 44.1 kHz, but some devices only support a single fre-
              quency or a limited range (e.g.  48 kHz or up to 22 kHz).

       --speaker-type type
              Select  the  output  speaker  emulation, type can be TV speaker,
              Beeper or Unfiltered. Same as the Sound Options dialog's Speaker
              type option.

              Emulate a SpeccyBoot Ethernet interface. Same as the General Pe-
              ripherals Options dialog's SpeccyBoot option. See the SpeccyBoot
              web  page at for full
              details on the SpeccyBoot.

       --speccyboot-tap device
              Specify the TAP device to use for SpeccyBoot emulation.

              Emulate a SpecDrum interface. Same as  the  General  Peripherals
              Options  dialog's SpecDrum option. See the World of Spectrum In-
              foseek   web   page   at
              eekid.cgi?id=1000062 for manuals, software and more.

              Specify whether Fuse will emulate the Spectranet Ethernet inter-
              face.  Same as the General Peripherals  Options  dialog's  Spec-
              tranet option. See the SPECTRANET EMULATION section for more de-

              This option controls the state of the Spectranet automatic page-
              in jumper (J2). Same as the General Peripherals Options dialog's
              Spectranet disable option. See the SPECTRANET EMULATION  section
              for more details.

       --speed percentage
              Specify  the  speed  (as a percentage of real Spectrum speed) at
              which emulation should attempt to proceed. Same as  the  General
              Options dialog's Emulation speed option.

              For the GTK and Win32 UI, enables the statusbar beneath the dis-
              play. For the Xlib and SDL UI, enables the status icons  showing
              whether  the  disk and tape are being accessed. Same as the Gen-
              eral Options dialog's Show statusbar option.

              For the GTK UI, use stricter limits for the aspect ratio  limits
              set  by  the  `--aspect-hint' option. This can cause some window
              managers (for example, metacity(1)) to not allow the  window  to
              be  resized  and  moved, but is necessary to prevent others (for
              example, fvwm(1)) from being able resize the  window  away  from

       -t file
       --tape file
              Specify  a  virtual  tape file to use. It must be in PZX, TAP or
              TZX format.

       --teletext-addr-1 address
       --teletext-addr-2 address
       --teletext-addr-3 address
       --teletext-addr-4 address
              Specify address or hostname of teletext packet servers.

       --teletext-port-1 port
       --teletext-port-2 port
       --teletext-port-3 port
       --teletext-port-4 port
              Specify TCP port of teletext packet servers.

       --textfile file
              Set the filename used for text output from the  emulated  print-
              ers. See the PRINTER EMULATION section below for more details.

              Support  traps for ROM tape loading/saving. (Enabled by default,
              but you can use `--no-traps' to disable). Same as the Media  Op-
              tions dialog's Use tape traps option.

              Emulate a TTX2000S teletext adaptor. Same as the General Periph-
              erals Options dialog's TTX2000S option. See the TTX2000S  EMULA-
              TION section for more details.

              This  option  runs a testing framework that automatically checks
              portions of code, comparing actual results with  expected  ones.
              It is meant to detect broken code before a release. There is not
              graphical mode, the program just ends with exit code  0  if  all
              tests  are good or prints error messages to stdout and ends with
              exit code greater than 0 if there are failed tests.

              Emulate a Source interface. Same as the General Peripherals  Op-
              tions dialog's Source option.

              Show which version of Fuse is being used.

       --volume-ay volume
              Sets  the  relative volume of the AY-3-8912 chip from a range of
              0-100%. Same as the Sound Options dialog's AY volume option.

       --volume-beeper volume
              Sets the relative volume of the beeper from a range  of  0-100%.
              Same as the Sound Options dialog's Beeper volume option.

       --volume-covox volume
              Sets  the  relative  volume of the Covox from a range of 0-100%.
              Same as the Sound Options dialog's Covox volume option.

       --volume-specdrum volume
              Sets the relative volume of the SpecDrum from a range of 0-100%.
              Same as the Sound Options dialog's SpecDrum volume option.

              Allow Spectrum programs to overwrite the ROM(s). The same as the
              General Options dialog's Allow writes to ROM option.

              Specify whether Fuse emulate the ZXATASP interface. Same as  the
              Disk Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP interface option.

              Specify the state of the ZXATASP upload jumper. Same as the Disk
              Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP upload option.

              Specify the state of the ZXATASP write protect jumper.  Same  as
              the  Disk Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP write protect op-

       --zxatasp-masterfile file
              Specify a HDF file to connect to  the  emulated  ZXATASP  inter-
              face's master channel.

       --zxatasp-slavefile file
              Specify  a  HDF  file  to connect to the emulated ZXATASP inter-
              face's slave channel.

              Specify whether Fuse emulate the ZXCF  interface.  Same  as  the
              Disk Peripherals Options dialog's ZXCF interface option.

              Specify  the  state  of the ZXCF upload jumper. Same as the Disk
              Peripherals Options dialog's ZXCF upload option.

       --zxcf-cffile file
              Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated ZXCF interface.

              Emulate the ZXMMC interface. The same as  the  Disk  Peripherals
              Options dialog's ZXMMC interface option.

       --zxmmc-file file
              Specify an HDF image to be loaded into the ZXMMC's emulated mem-
              ory card.

              Emulate the ZX Printer. Same as the General Peripherals  Options
              dialog's ZX Printer option.

       All  long  options  which control on/off settings can be disabled using
       `--no-foo' (for an option  `--foo').   For  example,  the  opposite  of
       `--issue2'  is `--no-issue2'.  These options can also be modified while
       the emulator is running, using the options dialogs -- see the  documen-
       tation for the Options menu in the MENUS AND KEYS section for details.

       Fuse  supports  various front-ends, or UIs (user interfaces). The usual
       one is GTK-based, but there are also SDL, Win32, Xlib  and  framebuffer

       The  important  difference  to note is that GTK and Win32 versions uses
       `native' dialog boxes etc. (behaving like  a  fairly  normal  GUI-based
       program)  while  the  others  use an alternative, Fuse-specific `widget
       UI'. This latter front-end is easily spotted by the  way  it  uses  the
       main  Fuse window/screen for menus and dialogs, and uses the Spectrum's
       own font.

       Since many of the keys available are devoted to emulation of the  Spec-
       trum's  keyboard,  the  primary  way of controlling Fuse itself (rather
       than the emulated machine) is via the menus. There  are  also  function
       key shortcuts for some menu options.

       In the GTK and Win32 version, the menu bar is always visible at the top
       of the Fuse window. You can click on a menu name to pop it up. Alterna-
       tively,  you  can press F1 to display a pop-up version of the menu bar,
       which you can then navigate with the cursor keys or mouse.

       In the widget UI pressing F1 is the only way to get the main menu;  and
       unlike  the  GTK version, the emulator pauses while the menus are being
       navigated. The menus show which key to press for each  menu  option  in
       brackets.  Pressing Esc exits a menu, and pressing Enter exits the menu
       system entirely (as well as `confirming' any current dialog).

       Here's what the menu options do, along with the function  key  mappings
       for those items which have them:

       File, Open...
              Open a Spectrum file. Snapshots will be loaded into memory; tape
              images will be inserted into the emulated tape deck, and if  the
              Auto-load media option is set will being loading. Opening a disk
              image or a Timex dock image will cause the  appropriate  machine
              type  (+3, Pentagon or TC2068) to be selected with the image in-
              serted, and disks will automatically load if the Auto-load media
              option  is set. See the FILE SELECTION section below for details
              on how to choose the file. Note that this behaviour is different
              from previous versions of Fuse, when this option would open only

       File, Save Snapshot...
              Save a snapshot (machine state, memory contents, etc.) to  file.
              You  can  select  the filename to be saved to. If it has a .szx,
              .z80 or .sna extension, the snapshot will be saved in that  for-
              mat. Otherwise, it will be saved as a .szx file.

       File, Recording, Record...
              Start  recording input to an RZX file, initialised from the cur-
              rent emulation state. You will be prompted  for  a  filename  to

       File, Recording, Record from snapshot...
              Start  recording  input to an RZX file, initialised from a snap-
              shot. You will first be asked for the snapshot to use  and  then
              the file to save the recording to.

       File, Recording, Continue recording...
              Continue recording input into an existing RZX file from the last
              recorded state. Finalised recordings cannot be resumed. You will
              be prompted for the recording to continue.

       File, Recording, Insert snapshot
              Inserts  a snapshot of the current state into the RZX file. This
              can be used at a later point to roll back to the inserted  state
              by using one of the commands below.

       File, Recording, Rollback
              Rolls  back  the  recording  to  the point at which the previous
              snapshot was inserted. Recording will continue from that point.

       File, Recording, Rollback to...
              Roll back the recording to any snapshot which has been  inserted
              into the recording.

       File, Recording, Play...
              Playback  recorded  input from an RZX file. This lets you replay
              keypresses recorded previously. RZX files  generally  contain  a
              snapshot  with  the Spectrum's state at the start of the record-
              ing; if the selected RZX file doesn't, you'll be prompted for  a
              snapshot to load as well.

       File, Recording, Stop
              Stop any currently-recording/playing RZX file.

       File, Recording, Finalise...
              Compact  an  RZX file. Any interspersed snapshot will be removed
              and the recording cannot be continued. All action  replays  sub-
              mitted to the RZX Archive should be finalised.

       File, AY Logging, Record...
              Start recording the bytes output via the AY-3-8912 sound chip to
              a PSG file. You will be prompted for  a  filename  to  save  the
              recording to.

       File, AY Logging, Stop
              Stop any current AY logging.

       File, Screenshot, Open SCR Screenshot...
              Load  an  SCR  screenshot (essentially just a binary dump of the
              Spectrum's video memory) onto the current screen. Fuse  supports
              screenshots  saved  in  the  Timex hi-colour and hi-res modes as
              well as `normal' Spectrum screens, and will make a  simple  con-
              version  if  a  hi-colour  or hi-res screenshot is loaded onto a
              non-Timex machine.

       File, Screenshot, Save Screen as SCR...
              Save a copy of whatever's currently displayed on the  Spectrum's
              screen  as  an  SCR file. You will be prompted for a filename to
              save the screenshot to.

       File, Screenshot, Open MLT Screenshot...
              Load an MLT screenshot onto the current screen. The  MLT  format
              is similar to the SCR format but additionally supports capturing
              images that use techniques to display more than two  colours  in
              each  Spectrum  attribute square. Fuse will only load the bitmap
              version of an image on a Sinclair machine but on a  Timex  clone
              it  can show the full colour detail captured in the image by us-
              ing the hi-colour mode.

       File, Screenshot, Save Screen as MLT...
              Save a copy of whatever's currently displayed on the  Spectrum's
              screen  as  an  MLT file. You will be prompted for a filename to
              save the screenshot to.

       File, Screenshot, Save Screen as PNG...
              Save the current screen as a PNG file. You will be prompted  for
              a filename to save the screenshot to.

       File, Scalable Vector Graphics, Start capture in line mode...
              Start trapping the video output functions present in ROM to copy
              the picture to SVG files, thus creating vectorized scalable pic-
              ture;  it is expected to be fully operational in BASIC only, but
              few machine code programs could work, if they use  the  ROM  ad-
              dresses  to output text or graphics. The initial picture size is
              256x176, but it is increased everytime a  `scroll'  happens.  On
              every  CLS  a  new  file will be created, with an increasing se-
              quence number. CIRCLEs will be described as a sequence of lines,
              so  the original `imprecisions' will be still visible.  The text
              output will be fully understood and decoded: normal ASCII  char-
              acters will be converted into COURIER scalable fonts, UDG graph-
              ics into dot matrix areas, GRAPHICS blocky characters into small
              squares.  A slightly transparent output permits to show a bit of
              the overlapped text and graphics elements. Lower portion of  the
              screen (normally bound to stream #0 and #1) won't be captured.

       File, Scalable Vector Graphics, Start capture in dot mode...
              As  above, but line capture is disabled. A line will be rendered
              as a sequence of dots.

       File, Scalable Vector Graphics, Stop capture
              Stop the SVG capture function.

       File, Movie, Record...
              Fuse can record movie (video and audio) into a file with special
              format  which can be converted later to a common video file for-
              mat with the fmfconv(1) utility.  You will  be  prompted  for  a
              filename to save video. Please see MOVIE RECORDING section.

       File, Movie, Record from RZX...
              Start  movie  recording  and  RZX playback at the same time. You
              will be prompted for a filename to play from and a  filename  to
              save video.

       File, Movie, Pause
              Pause movie recording which is currently in progress.

       File, Movie, Continue
              Resume movie recording which has been previously paused.

       File, Movie, Stop
              Stop movie recording which is currently in progress.

       File, Load Binary Data...
              Load  binary  data from a file into the Spectrum's memory. After
              selecting the file to load data from, you can  choose  where  to
              load the data and how much data to load.

       File, Save Binary Data...
              Save  an arbitrary chunk of the Spectrum's memory to a file. Se-
              lect the file you wish to save to, followed by the location  and
              length of data you wish to save.

       File, Exit
              Exit  the  emulator.  A confirmation dialog will appear checking
              you actually want to do this.

       Options, General...
              Display the General Options dialog, letting you configure  Fuse.
              (With  the  widget UI, the keys shown in brackets toggle the op-
              tions, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc  aborts).  Note  that
              any changed settings only apply to the currently-running Fuse.

              The options available are:

              Emulation speed
                     Set  how  fast Fuse will attempt to emulate the Spectrum,
                     as a percentage of the speed at which  the  real  machine
                     runs.  If  your machine isn't fast enough to keep up with
                     the requested speed, Fuse will just run  as  fast  as  it
                     can.  Note  that  if  the  emulation speed is faster than
                     500%, no sound output will be produced.

              Frame rate
                     Specify the frame rate, the ratio of spectrum  frame  up-
                     dates  to  real frame updates. This is useful if your ma-
                     chine is having trouble  keeping  up  with  the  spectrum
                     screen updates.

              Issue 2 keyboard
                     Early versions of the Spectrum used a different value for
                     unused bits on the keyboard input ports, and a few  games
                     depended  on  the  old value of these bits. Enabling this
                     option switches to the old value, to let you run them.

              Recreated ZX Spectrum
                     Enable the use of a Recreated ZX Spectrum  in  `Layer  A'
                     (game)  mode.  This  is  a Bluetooth keyboard that can be
                     paired to the device where Fuse is running.

              Use shift with arrow keys
                     Treat the keyboard arrow keys  as  shifted  like  the  ZX
                     Spectrum+  keyboard's  arrow  keys or as unshifted like a
                     cursor joystick that maps to the 5, 6, 7 and 8 keys.

              Allow writes to ROM
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will happily allow  pro-
                     grams to overwrite what would normally be ROM. This prob-
                     ably isn't very useful in most circumstances,  especially
                     as the 48K ROM overwrites parts of itself.

              Late timings
                     If  selected,  Fuse will cause all screen-related timings
                     (for example, when the screen is rendered and when memory
                     contention  occurs) to be one tstate later than "normal",
                     an effect which is present on some real hardware.

              Z80 is CMOS
                     If selected, Fuse will emulate a CMOS Z80, as opposed  to
                     an  NMOS  Z80.   The undocumented `OUT (C),0' instruction
                     will be replaced with `OUT (C),255' and  emulation  of  a
                     minor  timing bug in the NMOS Z80's `LD A,I' and `LD A,R'
                     instructions will be disabled.

              RS-232 handshake
                     If you turn this option off, Fuse assumes the RS-232 line
                     other  end  is  live  when  you connect the communication
                     channels.  See also the `--rs232-rx' and `--rs232-tx' op-

              Black and white TV
                     This  option  allows  you to choose whether to simulate a
                     colour or black and white television. This  is  effective
                     only  under the GTK, Win32, Xlib and SDL user interfaces:
                     the others will always simulate a colour TV.

              PAL-TV use TV2x effect
                     This option allows you to choose  whether  the  PAL TV 2x
                     and  higher  scalers also reproduce scanlines in the same
                     way as the TV 2x, TV 3x and Timex TV scalers.

              Show statusbar
                     For the GTK and Win32 UI, enables the  statusbar  beneath
                     the  display.  For  the  SDL UI, enables the status icons
                     showing whether the disk and  tape  are  being  accessed.
                     This option has no effect for the other user interfaces.

              Snap joystick prompt
                     If  set,  Fuse will prompt you which physical joystick or
                     keyboard you want to connect to  the  joystick  interface
                     enabled  in  the  snapshot unless it already matches your
                     current configuration.

              Confirm actions
                     Specify whether `dangerous' actions  (those  which  could
                     cause  data loss, for example resetting the Spectrum) re-
                     quire confirmation before occurring.

              Auto-save settings
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will automatically write
                     its  currently selected options to its configuration file
                     on exit (either in xml format if  libxml2  was  available
                     when  Fuse was compiled or plain text). If this option is
                     off, you'll have to manually use Options, Save afterwards
                     to  ensure  that this setting gets written to Fuse's con-
                     figuration file. Note that if you turn  this  option  on,
                     loading a snapshot could enable peripherals that would be
                     written permanently to the configuration file.

       Options, Media...
              Display the Media Options dialog, letting you  configure  Fuse's
              tape and Microdrive options. (With the widget UI, the keys shown
              in brackets toggle the options, Enter confirms any changes,  and
              Esc  aborts).  Note  that any changed settings only apply to the
              currently-running Fuse.

              Auto-load media
                     On many occasions when you open a tape or disk file, it's
                     because  it's  got a program in you want to load and run.
                     If this option is selected, this will automatically  hap-
                     pen  for  you  when you open one of these files using the
                     File, Open...  menu option -- you must then use the Media
                     menu  to  use  tapes  or disks for saving data to, or for
                     loading data into an already running program.

              Detect loaders
                     If this option is enabled, Fuse will  attempt  to  detect
                     when a loading routine is in progress, and then automati-
                     cally start the virtual tape to load the program in. This
                     is  done  by using a heuristic to identify a loading rou-
                     tine, so is by no means infallible,  but  works  in  most

              Phantom typist mode
                     Specify  the keystroke sequence that the "phantom typist"
                     should use when starting a program loading. Available op-
                     tions are





                            Plus 2A

                            Plus 3

                     The first four of these correspond to automatic detection
                     based on machine model, keyword  based  entry,  keystroke
                     based  entry, and selection from a 128K style menu.  Plus
                     2A and Plus 3 also correspond to selection  from  a  128K
                     style  menu,  but  have  special handling for games which
                     need to be loaded with `LOAD ""CODE'. The most likely use
                     for this option will be use Keystroke if you have changed
                     the default 48K ROM for one with keystroke entry.

                     If this option is enabled, then  Fuse  will  run  at  the
                     fastest  possible speed when the virtual tape is playing,
                     thus dramatically reducing the time it takes to load pro-
                     grams. You may wish to disable this option if you wish to
                     stop the tape at a specific point.

              Use tape traps
                     Ordinarily, Fuse intercepts calls to the ROM tape-loading
                     routine  in  order  to  load from tape files more quickly
                     when possible. But this can (rarely) interfere  with  TZX
                     loading;  disabling this option avoids the problem at the
                     cost of  slower  (i.e.  always  real-time)  tape-loading.
                     When  tape-loading  traps are disabled, you need to start
                     tape playback manually, by pressing F8  or  choosing  the
                     Media, Tape, Play menu item. Fuse also uses tape traps to
                     intercept the tape-saving routine in the ROM to save tape
                     files  quickly,  tapes can also be saved using the Media,
                     Tape, Record Start menu item.

              Accelerate loaders
                     If this option is enabled, then Fuse will attempt to  ac-
                     celerate  tape  loaders by "short circuiting" the loading
                     loop. This will in general  speed  up  loading,  but  may
                     cause some loaders to fail.

              Use .slt traps
                     The  multi-load  aspect  of SLT files requires a trap in-
                     struction to be supported. This instruction is not gener-
                     ally used except for this trap, but since it's not incon-
                     ceivable that a program could be wanting to use the  real
                     instruction  instead,  you  can choose whether to support
                     the trap or not.

              MDR cartridge len
                     This option controls the number of blocks in a new Micro-
                     drive cartridge.  If the value smaller than 10 or greater
                     than 254 Fuse assumes 10 or 254.  Average  real  capacity
                     is around 180 blocks (90 Kb).

              Random length MDR cartridge
                     If  this option is enabled, Fuse will use a random Micro-
                     drive cartridge length (around 180 blocks) instead of the
                     length specified in the MDR cartridge len option.

       Options, Sound...
              Display  the  Sound Options dialog, letting you configure Fuse's
              sound output. (With the widget UI, the keys  shown  in  brackets
              toggle the options, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc aborts).
              Note that any changed settings only apply to the  currently-run-
              ning Fuse.

              Sound enabled
                     Specify  whether  sound  output should be enabled at all.
                     When this option is disabled,  Fuse  will  not  make  any

              Loading sound
                     Normally,  Fuse  emulates tape-loading noise when loading
                     from PZXs, TAPs or TZXs in real-time, albeit at a  delib-
                     erately  lower  volume  than  on a real Spectrum. You can
                     disable this option to eliminate the  loading  noise  en-

              AY stereo separation
                     By  default,  the sound output is mono, since this is all
                     you got from an unmodified Spectrum.  But  enabling  this
                     option gives you so-called ACB stereo (for sound from the
                     128 and other clone's AY-3-8912 sound chip).

              Force 8-bit
                     Force the use of 8-bit sound even if 16-bit (the default)
                     is  available.  Note that (when the option is enabled) if
                     8-bit sound isn't available then there will be  no  sound
                     at  all,  so  it's best not to use this option unless you
                     have a specific need for it.

              Speaker type
                     This option allows the emulation of the sound output sys-
                     tem  to  be  modified. Different choices of speaker limit
                     the bass and treble response that can  be  produced  from
                     the  machine.  Choose  between  a "TV" type speaker and a
                     small "Beeper" type  speaker  that  significantly  limits
                     bass  and treble response. Choose "Unfiltered" to get un-
                     modified (but less accurate) sound output.

              AY volume
                     Sets the relative volume of the  AY-3-8912  chip  from  a
                     range of 0-100%.

              Beeper volume
                     Sets  the  relative  volume of the beeper from a range of

              Covox volume
                     Sets the relative volume of the Covox  from  a  range  of

              SpecDrum volume
                     Sets  the relative volume of the SpecDrum from a range of

       Options, Peripherals, General...
              Display the General Peripherals Options dialog, letting you con-
              figure  the  peripherals which Fuse will consider to be attached
              to the emulated machine. (With the widget UI, the keys shown  in
              brackets toggle the options, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc
              aborts). Note that any changed settings only apply to  the  cur-
              rently-running  Fuse. Also note that any changes that enable and
              disable peripherals may result in a hard reset of  the  emulated

              Kempston joystick
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Kempston
                     joystick interface (probably the  most  widely  supported
                     type  on  the  Spectrum).  Note that this option is basi-
                     cally equivalent to plugging the interface itself into  a
                     Spectrum,  not to connecting a joystick; this affects how
                     the Spectrum responds to a read of input port 31. To  use
                     a  Kempston  joystick  in a game, this option must be en-
                     abled, and you must also select a Kempston  joystick  the
                     Options, Joysticks menu.

              Kempston mouse
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Kempston
                     mouse interface.

                     If you're using Fuse full-screen, your mouse is automati-
                     cally used as if attached to the Kempston interface. Oth-
                     erwise, you'll need to click on the Spectrum  display  in
                     order  to  tell Fuse to grab the pointer (and make it in-
                     visible); to tell Fuse to release it,  click  the  middle
                     button (or wheel) or press Escape.

                     With the framebuffer UI, Fuse prefers to use GPM; if this
                     is not available, it will  fall  back  to  built-in  PS/2
                     mouse  support.  In  this mode, it tries /dev/input/mice,
                     /dev/mouse then /dev/psaux, stopping when it successfully
                     opens  one.  The  first  of  these is preferred since (at
                     least on Linux, with a 2.6-series  kernel)  any  type  of
                     mouse can be used and any connected mouse may be used.

              Swap mouse buttons
                     If  this option is enabled, the left and right mouse but-
                     tons will be swapped when emulating a Kempston mouse.

              Fuller Box
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will  emulate  a  Fuller
                     Box  AY  sound  and joystick interface. This emulation is
                     only available for the 16k, 48k and TC2048 machines.

                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate  a  Melodik
                     AY  sound  interface.   These interfaces and many similar
                     ones were produced to make  the  48K Spectrum  compatible
                     with  the same AY music as the 128K Spectrum. This emula-
                     tion is only available for the 16k, 48k  and  TC2048  ma-

              Interface 1
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the simple
                     Sinclair Interface 1, and allow Microdrive cartridges  to
                     be connected and disconnected via the Media, Interface 1,
                     Microdrive menus. It also enables support for the  Inter-
                     face 1 RS-232 interface.

              Interface 2
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a cartridge
                     port as found on the Interface 2. Cartridges can then  be
                     inserted  and  removed  via  the Media, Cartridge, Inter-
                     face 2 menu. Note that  the  Pentagon,  Scorpion,  Inter-
                     face 2, ZXATASP and ZXCF all use the same hardware mecha-
                     nism for accessing some of their  extended  features,  so
                     only  one  of  these should be selected at once or unpre-
                     dictable behaviour will occur.

              Multiface One
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the  Roman-
                     tic  Robot  Multiface One.   Available  for  16K, 48K and
                     Timex TC2048 machines.

              Multiface 128
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the  Roman-
                     tic  Robot  Multiface 128.  Available for 16K, 48K, Timex
                     TC2048, 128K, +2 and SE machines.

              Multiface 3
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the  Roman-
                     tic  Robot Multiface 3. Available for +2A, +3 and +3e ma-

              Stealth Multiface One
                     This option controls the `invisible' or `stealth' mode of
                     Multiface  One, as the physical switch on the side of the

              Emulate printers
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a  printer.
                     See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more details.

              ZX Printer
                     If  this  option  is  selected,  Fuse will emulate the ZX
                     Printer. See the PRINTER EMULATION section for  more  de-

              SpeccyBoot interface
                     If  this  option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Speccy-
                     Boot interface which allows booting a ZX Spectrum over an
                     Ethernet   network.   See  the  SpeccyBoot  web  page  at
            for  more  de-

              SpecDrum interface
                     If  this  option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Cheetah
                     SpecDrum sound interface.  See the World of Spectrum  In-
                     foseek  web page at
                     eekid.cgi?id=1000062 for manuals, software and more. This
                     emulation  is only available for the 48k, 128k and TC2048

                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate  the  Spec-
                     tranet  interface,  which  provides an Ethernet interface
                     for the Spectrum. See the  SPECTRANET  EMULATION  section
                     for more details.

              Spectranet disable
                     This  option  controls  the state of the Spectranet auto-
                     matic page-in jumper (J2). See the  SPECTRANET  EMULATION
                     section for more details.

                     If  this  option  is  selected,  Fuse  will  emulate  the
                     OEL/Volex TTX2000S teletext adaptor.  Available  for  the
                     16K  and 48K machines. See the TTX2000S EMULATION section
                     for more details.

                     If this option is selected, Fuse will  emulate  a  Currah
                     Source interface.  See the World of Spectrum Infoseek web
                     page       at
                     eekid.cgi?id=1000080 for the manual.

              Covox interface
                     If  this  option  is  selected, Fuse will emulate a Covox
                     digital sound interface. This emulation is only available
                     for the Pentagon, Pentagon 512k, Pentagon 1024k and Scor-
                     pion machines. The Pentagon variants use  port  0xfb  and
                     the Scorpion version uses port 0xdd.

       Options, Peripherals, Disk...
              Display the Disk Peripherals Options dialog, letting you config-
              ure the disk interface peripherals which Fuse will  consider  to
              be  attached  to  the emulated machine. (With the widget UI, the
              keys shown in brackets toggle the options,  Enter  confirms  any
              changes,  and  Esc  aborts). Note that any changed settings only
              apply to the currently-running Fuse. Also note that any  changes
              that  enable  and disable peripherals may result in a hard reset
              of the emulated machine.

              Simple 8-bit IDE
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the  simple
                     8-bit  IDE interface as used by the Spectrum +3e, and al-
                     low hard disks to be connected and disconnected  via  the
                     Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit menu.

              ZXATASP interface
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the ZXATASP
                     interface, which provides both additional RAM and an  IDE
                     interface.  See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more de-

              ZXATASP upload
                     This option controls the  state  of  the  ZXATASP  upload
                     jumper.  See  the  ZXATASP  AND ZXCF section for more de-

              ZXATASP write protect
                     This option controls the state of the ZXATASP write  pro-
                     tect  jumper.  See  the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more

              ZXCF interface
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will  emulate  the  ZXCF
                     interface,  which provides both additional RAM and a Com-
                     pactFlash interface. See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for
                     more details.

              ZXCF upload
                     This option controls the state of the ZXCF upload jumper.
                     See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more details.

              ZXMMC interface
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate  the  ZXMMC
                     interface.  Available for +2A, +3 and +3e machines.

              DivIDE interface
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the DivIDE
                     interface. See the DIVIDE section for more details.

              DivIDE write protect
                     This option controls the state of the DivIDE  write  pro-
                     tection jumper. See the DIVIDE section for more details.

              DivMMC interface
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the DivMMC
                     interface. See the DIVMMC section for more details.

              DivMMC write protect
                     This option controls the state of the DivMMC  write  pro-
                     tection  jumper  that  prevents flashing the EEPROM chip.
                     See the DIVMMC section for more details.

              +D interface
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the +D  in-
                     terface.  See the +D EMULATION section for more details.

              Didaktik 80 interface
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the Didak-
                     tik 80 (or Didaktik 40) interface.  See  the  DIDAKTIK 80
                     EMULATION section for more details.

              DISCiPLE interface
                     If  this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the DISCi-
                     PLE interface.  See the DISCIPLE  EMULATION  section  for
                     more details.

              Beta 128 interface
                     If  this  option  is  selected,  Fuse  will  emulate  the
                     Beta 128 interface.  See the BETA 128  EMULATION  section
                     for  more  details. Beta 128 emulation is enabled for the
                     Pentagon and Scorpion machines regardless of this option.

              Beta 128 auto-boot in 48K machines
                     If this option is selected, then when a  Beta 128  inter-
                     face is used in 48K or TC2048 emulation, the machine will
                     boot directly into the TR-DOS system.

              Opus Discovery interface
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will  emulate  the  Opus
                     Discovery  interface.   See  the OPUS DISCOVERY EMULATION
                     section for more details.

       Options, RZX...
              Display the RZX Options dialog, letting you configure how Fuse's
              deals  with  RZX input recordings. (With the widget UI, the keys
              shown  in  brackets  toggle  the  options,  Enter  confirms  any
              changes,  and  Esc  aborts). Note that any changed settings only
              apply to the currently-running Fuse.

              Create autosaves
                     If this option is selected, Fuse will add a snapshot into
                     the  recording  stream  every 5 seconds while creating an
                     RZX file, thus enabling the  rollback  facilities  to  be
                     used  without having to explicitly add snapshots into the
                     stream. Older snapshots will be pruned from the stream to
                     keep  the  file  size  and number of snapshots down: each
                     snapshot up to 15 seconds will be kept, then one snapshot
                     every  15 seconds until one minute, then one snapshot ev-
                     ery minute until 5 minutes, and then one  snapshot  every
                     5 minutes. Note that this "pruning" applies only to auto-
                     matically inserted snapshots: snapshots manually inserted
                     into the stream will never be pruned.

              Compress RZX data
                     If  this  option is selected, and zlib was available when
                     Fuse was compiled, any RZX files written by Fuse will  be
                     compressed.  This  is  generally a good thing as it makes
                     the files significantly smaller, and you probably want to
                     turn  it  off  only  if you're debugging the RZX files or
                     there's some other program  which  doesn't  support  com-
                     pressed RZX files.

              Competition mode
                     Any  input  recordings which are started when this option
                     is selected will be made in `competition  mode'.  In  es-
                     sence,  this  means  that  Fuse will act just like a real
                     Spectrum would: you can't load snapshots, pause the  emu-
                     lation  in any way, change the speed or anything that you
                     couldn't do on the real machine. If any of  these  things
                     are  attempted,  or  if the emulated Fuse is running more
                     than 5% faster or slower than normal Spectrum speed, then
                     the recording will immediately be stopped.

                     If  libgcrypt  was available when Fuse was compiled, then
                     recordings made with competition mode active will be dig-
                     itally  signed,  in  theory to `certify' that it was made
                     with the above restrictions in place.  However, this pro-
                     cedure  is  not  secure  (and  cannot be made so), so the
                     presence of any signature on an RZX file  should  not  be
                     taken  as  providing proof that it was made with competi-
                     tion mode active.   This  feature  is  included  in  Fuse
                     solely  as  it was one of the requirements for Fuse to be
                     used in an on-line tournament.

              Competition code
                     The numeric code entered here will be  written  into  any
                     RZX  files made in competition mode. This is another fea-
                     ture for on-line tournaments which can be used to `prove'
                     that the recording was made after a specific code was re-
                     leased. If you're not playing in such a  tournament,  you
                     can safely ignore this option.

              Always embed snapshot
                     Specify  whether  a snapshot should be embedded in an RZX
                     file when recording is started from an existing snapshot.

       Options, Movie...
              Display the Movie Options  dialog,  letting  you  configure  how
              Fuse's deals with movie recordings.

              Movie compression
                     This  option  set the compression level to None, Lossless
                     or High. (See the MOVIE RECORDING section for more infor-

              Stop recording after RZX ends
                     If  this  option  is  selected,  Fuse will stop any movie
                     recording after an RZX playback is finished.

       Options, Joysticks
              Fuse can emulate many of the common types of joystick which were
              available  for  the  Spectrum. The input for these emulated joy-
              sticks can be taken from real joysticks attached to the  emulat-
              ing   machine  (configured  via  the  Options,  Joysticks,  Joy-
              stick 1...  and Options, Joysticks, Joystick 2...  options),  or
              from  the  q,  a, o, p, and Space keys on the emulating machines
              keyboard, configured via  the  Options,  Joysticks,  Keyboard...
              option. Note that when using the keyboard to emulate a joystick,
              the q, a, o, p, and Space keys will not have their normal effect
              (to  avoid  problems  with  games which do things like use p for
              pause when using a joystick).

              Each of the joysticks (including the `fake'  keyboard  joystick)
              can  be  configured to emulate any one of the following joystick

                            No joystick: any input will simply be ignored.

                            A  cursor  joystick,  equivalent  to  pressing   5
                            (left), 6 (down), 7 (up), 8 (right), and 0 (fire).

                            A Kempston joystick, read from input port 31. Note
                            that the Options, Peripherals,  General,  Kempston
                            interface option must also be set for the input to
                            be recognised.

                     Sinclair 1
                     Sinclair 2
                            The `left' and `right' Sinclair joysticks, equiva-
                            lent  to pressing 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (down), 4
                            (up), and 5 (fire), or  6  (left),  7  (right),  8
                            (down), 9 (up), and 0 (fire) respectively.

                     Timex 1
                     Timex 2
                            The  `left'  and  `right' joysticks as attached to
                            the Timex 2068 variant's built-in joystick  inter-

              For  the  real  joysticks, it is also possible to configure what
              effect each button on the joystick will have: this can  be  Joy-
              stick  Fire, equivalent to pressing the emulated joystick's fire
              button, Nothing, meaning to have no effect, or any Spectrum key,
              meaning that pressing that button will be equivalent to pressing
              that Spectrum key.

       Options, Select ROMs, Machine ROMs
              An individual dialog is available for each Spectrum variant emu-
              lated  by Fuse which allows selection of the ROM(s) used by that
              machine. Simply select the ROM you wish to use, and  then  reset
              the Spectrum for the change to take effect.

       Options, Select ROMs, Peripheral ROMs
              The  same  as the Machine ROMs menu, but an individual dialog is
              available for peripherals that need a ROM. Simply select the ROM
              you  wish  to use, and then reset the Spectrum for the change to
              take effect.

       Options, Filter...
              Select the graphics filter currently in use.  See  the  GRAPHICS
              FILTERS section for more details.

       Options, Full Screen
              Switch Fuse between full screen and windowed mode.  This menu is
              only available under the SDL UI.

       Options, Disk Options...
              When emulating disk drives, Fuse allows the specification of the
              physical  drive  units  attached to the emulated interface. Each
              drive can be set to be one of the following types:


                     Single-sided 40 track

                     Double-sided 40 track

                     Single-sided 80 track

                     Double-sided 80 track

              The Disabled option is not supported for Drive 1 or Drive  A  of
              any interface.

              The available options that can be set are:

              +3 Drive A
                     Defaults to a single-sided 40 track drive.

              +3 Drive B
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              +3 Detect Speedlock
                     Specify  whether  the  +3  drives try to detect Speedlock
                     protected disks, and emulate `weak' sectors.  If the disk
                     image  file (EDSK or UDI) contains weak sector data, than
                     Speedlock detection is automatically omitted.   See  also
                     the WEAK DISK DATA section.

              Beta 128 Drive A
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Beta 128 Drive B
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Beta 128 Drive C
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Beta 128 Drive D
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              +D Drive 1
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              +D Drive 2
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Didaktik 80 Drive A
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Didaktik 80 Drive B
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              DISCiPLE Drive 1
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              DISCiPLE Drive 2
                     Defaults to a double-sided 80 track drive.

              Opus Drive 1
                     Defaults to a single-sided 40 track drive.

              Opus Drive 2
                     Defaults to a single-sided 40 track drive.

              Try merge 'B' side of disks
                     This  option  prompts  the  user  to confirm whether Fuse
                     should try to merge the `B' side of a disk image  from  a
                     separate file when opening a new single-sided disk image.

              Confirm merge disk sides
                     Select  whether  Fuse should try to merge a separate file
                     for the `B' side of a disk image separate file when open-
                     ing  a  new disk image. Most double sided disk images are
                     dumped as two single sided disk images e.g.  `Golden  Axe
                     -  Side A.dsk'  and  `Golden Axe - Side B.dsk'. So, if we
                     want to play Golden Axe, first  we  have  to  insert  the
                     first disk image and when the game asks to insert side B,
                     we have to find and open the second disk  image,  instead
                     of just `flip'-ing the disk inside the drive. If enabled,
                     Fuse will try to open the second image too and  create  a
                     double  sided  disk image (merging the two one sided disk
                     images) and insert this merged virtual disk into the disk
                     drive.  The function detects whether the file is one side
                     of a double-sided image if the filename matches a pattern
                     like  [Ss]ide[ _][abAB12][ _.] in the file name of a disk
                     that is being opened. If found, Fuse will try to open the
                     other  side  of the disk too substituting the appropriate
                     characters in the filename e.g.   1->2,  a->b,  A->B.  If
                     successful  then  it will merge the two images and now we
                     have a double sided disk in drive. This means that if  we
                     open  `Golden  Axe  -  Side A.dsk', then Fuse will try to
                     open `Golden Axe - Side B.dsk'  too.  Now,  we  can  just
                     `flip'  the  disk  if  Golden Axe asks for `Side B'.  The
                     available options are Never, With single-sided drives and

       Options, Save
              This  will cause Fuse's current options to be written to .fuserc
              in your home directory (Unix-like systems), or fuse.cfg in  your
              %USERPROFILE%  folder  (Windows), from which they will be picked
              up again when Fuse is restarted. The best  way  to  update  this
              file  is  by  using  this  option, but it's a simple XML file if
              libxml2 was available when Fuse was compiled  (otherwise,  plain
              text),  and  shouldn't be too hard to edit by hand if you really
              want to.

       Machine, Pause
              Pause or unpause emulation. This option is available only  under
              the  GTK and Win32 UIs; to pause the other user interfaces, sim-
              ply press F1 to bring up the main menu.

       Machine, Reset
              Reset the emulated Spectrum.

       Machine, Hard reset
              Reset the emulated Spectrum. A hard reset is equivalent to turn-
              ing the Spectrum's power off, and then turning it back on.

       Machine, Select...
              Choose  a  type of Spectrum to emulate. An brief overview of the
              Sinclair,    Amstrad    and    Timex    can    be    found    at
              trum.htm while  more  technical  information  can  be  found  at
    ,  and

              Spectrum 16K
              Spectrum 48K
                     The original machines as released  by  Sinclair  in  1982
                     with 16 or 48K of RAM respectively.

              Spectrum 48K (NTSC)
                     The NTSC 48K machine released in limited numbers in parts
                     of South America.

              Spectrum 128K
                     The 128K machine as released by Sinclair in  1985 (Spain)
                     or 1986 (UK).

              Spectrum +2
                     The  first  machine released by Amstrad, in 1986. From an
                     emulation point of view, the +2 is virtually identical to
                     the 128K.

              Spectrum +2A
              Spectrum +3
                     The two machines released by Amstrad in 1988. Technically
                     very similar to each other, except that the +3 features a
                     3 disk drive while the +2A does not.

              Spectrum +3e
                     A +3 with modified ROMs allowing access to IDE hard disks
                     via the simple 8-bit interface, as activated from the Op-
                     tions,      Peripherals,     Disk...      dialog.     See
             for  more   de-

              Timex TC2048
              Timex TC2068
                     The variants of the Spectrum as released by Timex in Por-

              Timex TS2068
                     The variant of the Spectrum released by  Timex  in  North

              Pentagon 128K
                     Russian  clone of the Spectrum. There were many different
                     machines called Pentagon from 1989 to 2006, this  machine
                     corresponds to a 1991 era Pentagon 128K with the optional
                     AY sound chip and the integrated Beta 128 disk interface,
                     and  is  the  version of the machine most often emulated.
                     More technical details can be found at

              Pentagon 512K
              Pentagon 1024K
                     Newer  versions  of  the Pentagon Russian Spectrum clones
                     which incorporate more memory and the "Mr Gluk Reset Ser-
                     vice" ROM offering a more powerful firmware.

              Scorpion ZS 256
                     Another  Russian  clone of the Spectrum. Some details can
                     be  found  at
                     dex.html.   Like  all the Russian clones, they have built
                     in 3.5 disk drives, accessed via the Beta 128 disk inter-
                     face  and  TR-DOS (the Technology Research Disk Operating
                     System). The most important distinction from  the  Penta-
                     gon 128k  and  similar machines is the display timing de-

              Spectrum SE
                     A recent  variant  designed  by  Andrew  Owen  and  Jarek
                     Adamski, which is possibly best thought of as a cross be-
                     tween the 128K machine and the Timex  variants,  allowing
                     272K  of RAM to be accessed. Some more details are avail-
                     able     at
                     ence/sereference.htm  and  documentation  of the extended
                     BASIC is available  at
                     sic4/wiki.    The   bug  tracker  for  the  BASIC  is  at

       Machine, Debugger...
              Start the monitor/debugger. See the MONITOR/DEBUGGER section for
              more information.

       Machine, Poke Finder...
              Start  the  `poke  finder'. See the POKE FINDER section for more

       Machine, Poke Memory...
              Allow one to use multiface POKEs for  things  such  as  infinite
              lives. See the POKE MEMORY section for more information.

       Machine, Memory Browser...
              Start  the memory browser. It should be fairly obvious what this
              does; perhaps the only thing worth noting is that  emulation  is
              paused until you close the window.

       Machine, NMI
              Sends  a non-maskable interrupt to the emulated Spectrum. Due to
              a typo in the standard 48K ROM, this will  cause  a  reset,  but
              modified ROMs are available which make use of this feature. When
              the +D (or DISCiPLE) is emulated, this is used to access the  +D
              (or DISCiPLE)'s screenshot and snapshot features (see the +D EM-
              ULATION and DISCIPLE EMULATION sections below).  For the  DISCi-
              PLE,  Caps  Shift must be held down whilst pressing the NMI but-
              ton.  For some UIs, this may be tricky, or  even  impossible  to
              do.   Note that GDOS on the DISCiPLE contains a bug which causes
              corruption of saved snapshots, and a failure to return from  the
              NMI menu correctly.  This bug is not present in G+DOS on the +D.

       Machine, Multiface Red Button
              Presses  the Multiface One/128/3 red button to active the inter-

       Machine, Didaktik SNAP
              Presses the Didaktik 80 (or Didaktik 40)'s `SNAP' button.

       Media, Tape, Open...
              Choose a PZX, TAP or TZX virtual-tape file to load from. See the
              FILE  SELECTION  section  below for details on how to choose the
              file. If Auto-load media is set in the Media Options dialog  (as
              it  is  by  default), you may use the File, Open...  menu option
              instead, and the tape will begin loading automatically.   Other-
              wise,  you  have to start the load in the emulated machine (with
              LOAD "" or the 128's Tape Loader option, though you may need  to
              reset first).

              To  guarantee  that TZX files will load properly, you should se-
              lect the file, make sure tape-loading traps are disabled in  the
              Media  Options  dialog, then press F8 (or do Media, Tape, Play).
              That said, most TZXs will work with tape-loading  traps  enabled
              (often  quickly  loading  partway,  then  loading the rest real-
              time), so you might want to try it that way first.

       Media, Tape, Play
              Start playing the PZX, TAP or TZX file, if  required.  (Choosing
              the option (or pressing F8) again pauses playback, and a further
              press resumes). To explain -- if tape-loading  traps  have  been
              disabled  (in  the  Media  Options dialog), starting the loading
              process in the emulated machine isn't enough. You also  have  to
              `press  play', so to speak :-), and this is how you do that. You
              may also need to `press play' like this in certain other circum-
              stances,  e.g. TZXs containing multi-load games may have a stop-
              the-tape request (which Fuse obeys).

       Media, Tape, Browse
              Browse through the current tape. A brief display of each of  the
              data  blocks on the current tape will appear, from which you can
              select which block Fuse will play next. With the GTK UI,  emula-
              tion will continue while the browser is displayed; double-click-
              ing on a block will select it. In the other  UIs,  emulation  is
              paused and you can use the cursor keys and press Enter to select
              it. If you decide you don't want to change block, just press Es-

       Media, Tape, Rewind
              Rewind  the  current  virtual tape, so it can be read again from
              the beginning.

       Media, Tape, Clear
              Clear the current virtual tape. This is particularly useful when
              you want a `clean slate' to add newly-saved files to, before do-
              ing Media, Tape, Write...  (or F6).

       Media, Tape, Write...
              Write the current virtual-tape contents to a TZX file. You  will
              be  prompted  for  a filename. The virtual-tape contents are the
              contents of the previously-loaded tape (if any has  been  loaded
              since  you  last did a Media, Tape, Clear), followed by anything
              you've saved from the emulated machine since.  These newly-saved
              files are not written to any tape file until you choose this op-

       Media, Tape, Record Start
              Starts directly recording the output from the emulated  Spectrum
              to  the  current  virtual-tape.  This is useful when you want to
              record using a non-standard ROM or from a custom  save  routine.
              Most tape operations are disabled during recording. Stop record-
              ing with the Media, Tape, Write...  menu option.

       Media, Tape, Record Stop
              Stops the direct recording and places the new recording into the

       Media, Interface 1
              Virtual  Microdrive  images  are accessible only when the Inter-
              face 1 is active from the Options, Peripherals, General...  dia-
              log.  Note  that any changes to the Microdrive image will not be
              written to the file on disk until the appropriate save option is

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Insert New
              Insert  a  new  (unformatted) Microdrive cartridge into emulated
              Microdrive 1.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Insert...
              Insert an existing Microdrive cartridge image into emulated  Mi-
              crodrive 1. You will be prompted for a filename.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Eject
              Eject  the  Microdrive  image  in Microdrive 1. If the image has
              been modified, you will be asked as  to  whether  you  want  any
              changes saved.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Save
              Save the Microdrive image in Microdrive 1.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Save as...
              Write  the  Microdrive image in Microdrive 1 to a file. You will
              be prompted for a filename.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Write protect, Enable
              Enable the write protect tab for the image in Microdrive 1.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 1, Write protect, Disable
              Disable the write protect tab for the image in Microdrive 1.

       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 2, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 3, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 4, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 5, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 6, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 7, ...
       Media, Interface 1, Microdrive 8, ...
              Equivalent options for the other emulated Microdrives.

       Media, Interface 1, RS232, Plug RxD
       Media, Interface 1, RS232, Unplug RxD
       Media, Interface 1, RS232, Plug TxD
       Media, Interface 1, RS232, Unplug TxD
              Connect or disconnect a communication channels (FIFO or file) to
              use as the RS-232 TxD or RxD wire.

       Media, Disk
              Virtual  floppy  disk images are accessible when emulating a +3,
              +3e, Pentagon or Scorpion, or when the Beta 128, Opus Discovery,
              +D, Didaktik or DISCiPLE interface options are enabled and a ma-
              chine compatible with the chosen interface is selected. (See THE
              below for notes on the file formats supported).

              Once again, any changes made to a disk image will not affect the
              file which was `inserted' into the drive. If you do want to keep
              any changes, use the appropriate `eject and write' option before
              exiting Fuse.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Insert...
              Insert a disk-image file to  read/write  in  the  +3's  emulated
              drive A:.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Eject
              Eject  the disk image currently in the +3's emulated drive A: --
              or from the emulated machine's perspective, eject it. Note  that
              any changes made to the image will not be saved.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Save
              Save the disk image currently in the +3's drive A:.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Save as...
              Save  the  current state of the disk image currently in the +3's
              drive A: to a file. You will be prompted for a filename.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Insert...
              As above, but for the +3's drive B:. Fuse emulates drive B: as a
              second 3 drive.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Eject
              As above, but for drive B:.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Save
              As above, but for drive B:.

       Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Save as...
              As above, but for drive B:.

       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Insert New
              Insert a new (unformatted) disk into the emulated Beta drive A:.

       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Insert...
       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Eject
       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Save
       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Save as...
              As above, but for the emulated Beta disk drive A:.

       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Write protect, Enable
              Enable the write protect tab for the image in Beta drive A:.

       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Write protect, Disable
              Disable the write protect tab for the image in Beta drive A:.

       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive B:, ...
       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive C:, ...
       Media, Disk, Beta, Drive D:, ...
              As  above,  but  for  the remaining emulated Beta disk interface

       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Insert New
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Insert...
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Eject
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Save
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Save as...
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Write protect, Enable
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 1, Write protect, Disable
       Media, Disk, Opus, Drive 2, ...
              As above, but for the emulated Opus Discovery drives.

       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Insert New
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Insert...
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Eject
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Save
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Save as...
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Write protect, Enable
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Write protect, Disable
       Media, Disk, +D, Drive 2, ...
              As above, but for the emulated +D drives.

       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Insert New
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Insert...
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Eject
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Save
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Save as...
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Write protect, Enable
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive A, Write protect, Disable
       Media, Disk, Didaktik 80, Drive B, ...
              As above, but for the emulated Didaktik 80 drives.

       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Insert New
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Insert...
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Eject
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Save
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Save as...
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Write protect, Enable
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 1, Write protect, Disable
       Media, Disk, DISCiPLE, Drive 2, ...
              As above, but for the emulated DISCiPLE drives.

       Media, Cartridge, Timex Dock, Insert...
              Insert a cartridge into the Timex 2068 dock. This will cause the
              emulated  machine  to be changed to the TC2068 (if it wasn't al-
              ready a 2068 variant) and reset.

       Media, Cartridge, Timex Dock, Eject
              Remove the cartridge from the Timex 2068 dock. This  will  cause
              the emulated machine to be reset.

       Media, Cartridge, Interface 2, Insert...
              Insert  a  cartridge  into  the Interface 2 cartridge slot. This
              will cause the emulated machine to be reset  and  the  cartridge

       Media, Cartridge, Interface 2, Eject...
              Remove  the  cartridge from the Interface 2 cartridge slot. This
              will cause the emulated machine to be reset.

       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Insert...
              Connect an IDE hard disk to the simple 8-bit interface's  master

       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Commit
              Cause  any  writes which have been done to virtual hard disk at-
              tached to the simple 8-bit interface's master channel to be com-
              mitted to the real disk, such that they survive the virtual disk
              being ejected.

       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Eject
              Eject the virtual hard disk from the  simple  8-bit  interface's
              master  channel.  Note  that any writes to the virtual hard disk
              will be lost unless the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Commit
              option is used before the disk is ejected.

       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Insert...
       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Commit
       Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Eject
              The  same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries above,
              but for the simple 8-bit interface's slave channel.

       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Insert...
       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Commit
       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Eject
       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Insert...
       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Commit
       Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Eject
              The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries  above,
              but for the two channels of the ZXATASP interface.

       Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Insert...
       Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Commit
       Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Eject
              The  same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries above,
              but for the ZXCF interface's CompactFlash slot.

       Media, IDE, ZXMMC, Insert...
       Media, IDE, ZXMMC, Commit
       Media, IDE, ZXMMC, Eject
              The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit entries above, but  for
              the memory card slot of the ZXMMC interface.

       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Master, Insert...
       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Master, Commit
       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Master, Eject
       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Slave, Insert...
       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Slave, Commit
       Media, IDE, DivIDE, Slave, Eject
              The  same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit entries above, but for
              the two channels of the DivIDE interface.

       Media, IDE, DivMMC, Insert...
       Media, IDE, DivMMC, Commit
       Media, IDE, DivMMC, Eject
              The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit entries above, but  for
              the memory card slot of the DivMMC interface.

       Help, Keyboard...
              Display a diagram showing the Spectrum keyboard, and the various
              keywords that can be generated with each key from  (48K)  BASIC.
              Under the GTK and Win32 UIs, this will appear in a separate win-
              dow and emulation continues. With the other UIs, the picture re-
              mains  onscreen (and the emulator paused) until you press Esc or

       Help, About...
              Show Fuse's version number.

       When emulating the Spectrum, keys F1 to F10 are used as  shortcuts  for
       various  menu  items,  as described above. The alphanumeric keys (along
       with Enter and Space) are mapped as-is to the Spectrum keys. The  other
       key mappings are:

       Shift  emulated as Caps Shift

       Control, Alt, and Meta
              emulated  as  Symbol Shift (most other modifiers are also mapped
              to this)

              emulated as Caps-0 (Delete)

       Esc    emulated as Caps-1 (Edit)

       Caps Lock
              emulated as Caps-2

       Cursor keys
              emulated as Caps-5/6/7/8 (as appropriate)

       Tab    emulated as Caps Shift-Symbol Shift (Extended Mode)

       Some further punctuation keys are supported, if they exist on your key-
       board  -- `,', `.', `/', `;', `'', `#', `-', and `='.  These are mapped
       to the appropriate symbol-shifted keys on the Spectrum.

       A list of keys applicable when using  the  file  selection  dialogs  is
       given in the FILE SELECTION section below.

       Some  of  Fuse's UIs allow resizing of the emulated Spectrum's display.
       For the window-based ones (GTK, Win32 and Xlib),  you  can  resize  the
       window  by,  well,  resizing  it. :-) Exactly how this works depends on
       your window manager; you may have to make the  window  over  twice  the
       width  and  height  of  the original size before it actually scales up.
       Fuse attempts to keep the window `square', but with  some  window  man-
       agers this can mean the window will never resize at all. If you experi-
       ence this problem, the `--no-aspect-hint' option may help.

       If you're using the SDL UI under X11 or GTK, the window will  automati-
       cally resize to be the correct size for the graphics filter selected.

       Fuse  has  the  ability  to apply essentially arbitrary filters between
       building its image of the Spectrum's screen, and displaying it  on  the
       emulating  machine's  monitor.  These filters can be used to do various
       forms of smoothing, emulation of TV scanlines and various other  possi-
       bilities.  Support  for  graphics  filters varies between the different
       user interfaces, but there are two general  classes:  the  GTK,  Win32,
       Xlib  and SDL user interfaces (and the saving of .png screenshots) sup-
       port `interpolating' filters which use a palette larger than the  Spec-
       trum's  16 colours, while the framebuffer user interface currently does
       not support filters at all.

       A further complication arises due to the fact that the  Timex  machines
       have their high-resolution video mode with twice the horizontal resolu-
       tion. To deal with this, Fuse treats these machines as having  a  `nor-
       mal'  display  size  which  is  twice  the  size of a normal Spectrum's
       screen, leading to a different set of filters being available for these
       machines.  Note  that  any  of  the double or triple-sizing filters are
       available for Timex machines only when using the SDL, Win32 or GTK user

       The  available filters, along with their short name used to select them
       from the command line, are:

       Timex half (smoothed) (half)
       Timex half (skipping) (halfskip)
              Two Timex-machine specific filters which scale the  screen  down
              to  half normal (Timex) size; that is, the same size as a normal
              Spectrum screen. The difference between these two filters is  in
              how they handle the high-resolution mode: the `smoothed' version
              is an interpolating filter which averages pairs of adjacent pix-
              els,  while the `skipping' version is a non-interpolating filter
              which simply drops every other pixel.

       Normal (normal)
              The simplest filter: just display one pixel for every  pixel  on
              the Spectrum's screen.

       Double size (2x)
              Scale the displayed screen up to double size.

       Triple size (3x)
              Scale  the  displayed  screen  up to triple size. Available when
              saving screenshots of non-Timex machines.

       Quadruple size (4x)
              Scale the displayed screen up to quadruple size.

       2xSaI (2xsai)
       Super 2xSaI (super2xsai)
       SuperEagle (supereagle)
              Three  interpolating  filters  which  apply  successively   more
              smoothing. All three double the size of the displayed screen.

       AdvMAME2x (advmame2x)
              A  double-sizing,  non-interpolating  filter  which  attempts to
              smooth diagonal lines.

       AdvMAME3x (advmame3x)
              Very similar to AdvMAME2x, except that it triples  the  size  of
              the  displayed screen. Available when saving screenshots of non-
              Timex machines.

       TV 2x (tv2x)
       TV 3x (tv3x)
       TV 4x (tv4x)
       Timex TV (timextv)
              Four filters which attempt to emulate the effect  of  television
              scanlines. The first is a double-sizing filter for non-Timex ma-
              chines, the second is a similar triple-sizing filter, the  third
              is  a  similar quadruple-sizing filter, while the last is a sin-
              gle-sizing filter for Timex machines (note that this means TV 2X
              and Timex TV produce the same size output).

       PAL TV (paltv)
       PAL TV 2x (paltv2x)
       PAL TV 3x (paltv3x)
       PAL TV 4x (paltv4x)
              Four  filters  which attempt to emulate the effect of the PAL TV
              system which layers a lower-resolution colour image over the top
              of  a  higher-resolution  black-and-white image. The filters can
              also optionally add scanlines like the other TV series scalers.

       Dot matrix (dotmatrix)
              A double-sizing filter which emulates the effect of a dot-matrix

       Timex 1.5x (timex15x)
              An  interpolating  Timex-specific  filter which scales the Timex
              screen up to 1.5x its usual size (which is therefore 3x the size
              of a `normal' Spectrum screen).

       Timex 2x (timex2x)
              A non-interpolating Timex-specific filter which scales the Timex
              screen up to 2x its usual size (which is therefore 4x  the  size
              of a `normal' Spectrum screen).

       HQ 2x (hq2x)
       HQ 3x (hq3x)
       HQ 4x (hq4x)
              Three  filters  which  do  high quality (but slow) antialiasing.
              Doubles and triples and quadruples the  size  of  the  displayed
              screen respectively.

       The emulated Spectrum is, by default, an unmodified 48K Spectrum with a
       tape player and ZX Printer attached. Oh, and  apparently  some  magical
       snapshot  load/save machine which is probably best glossed over for the
       sake of the analogy. :-)

       To emulate different kinds of Spectrum, select the  Machine,  Select...
       menu option, or press F9.

       The Spectrum emulation is paused when any dialogs appear. In the widget
       UI, it's also paused when menus or the keyboard picture are displayed.

       The various models of Spectrum supported a range  of  ways  to  connect
       printers,  three of which are supported by Fuse. Different printers are
       made available for the different models:

       16, 48, TC2048, TC2068, TS2068
              ZX Printer

              Serial printer (text-only)

       +2A, +3
              Parallel printer (text-only)

       If Opus Discovery, +D or DISCiPLE emulation is in use and printer  emu-
       lation is enabled, text-only emulation of the disk interface's parallel
       printer interface is provided.

       Any printout is appended to one (or both) of two  files,  depending  on
       the  printer  --  these  default  to  printout.txt for text output, and
       printout.pbm for graphics (PBM images are supported by most image view-
       ers and converters). These names can be changed with the --textfile and
       --graphicsfile options from the command  line  or  configuration  file.
       While the ZX Printer can only output graphically, simulated text output
       is generated at the same time using a crude sort of OCR  based  on  the
       current character set (a bit like using SCREEN$). There is currently no
       support for graphics when using the serial/parallel output, though  any
       escape codes used will be `printed' faithfully. (!)

       By  the  way, it's not a good idea to modify the printout.pbm file out-
       side of Fuse if you want to continue appending to it. The header  needs
       to  have  a certain layout for Fuse to be able to continue appending to
       it correctly, and the file will be overwritten if it can't be  appended

       The  ZXATASP  and  ZXCF interfaces are two peripherals designed by Sami
       Vehmaa which significantly extend the  capabilities  of  the  Spectrum.
       More   details   on   both   are   available   from   Sami's  homepage,, but a brief overview is given here.

       The real ZXATASP comes with either 128K or 512K of RAM and the  ability
       to  connect  an  IDE hard disks and a CompactFlash card, while the ZXCF
       comes with 128K, 512K or 1024K of RAM and the ability to connect a Com-
       pactFlash card. From an emulation point of view, the two interfaces are
       actually very similar as a CompactFlash card is logically just  an  IDE
       hard  disk.  Currently, Fuse's emulation is fixed at having 512K of RAM
       in the ZXATASP and 1024K in the ZXCF.

       To activate the ZXATASP, simply select  the  ZXATASP  interface  option
       from the Options, Peripherals, Disk...  dialog. The state of the upload
       and write protect jumpers is then controlled by the ZXATASP upload  and
       ZXATASP write protect options. Similarly, the ZXCF is controlled by the
       ZXCF interface and ZXCF upload options (the ZXCF write protect is soft-
       ware controlled).

       If  you're  using either the ZXATASP or ZXCF, you almost certainly want
       to investigate ResiDOS, the operating system designed for use with  the
       ZXATASP  and ZXCF. ResiDOS provides facilities for using the extra RAM,
       accessing the mass storage devices and a task manager  allowing  virtu-
       ally   instant   switching   between  programs  on  the  Spectrum.  See for more details.

       The DivIDE is another IDE interface for the Spectrum, of which full de-
       tails        can        be        found        at  The interface
       can  be activated via the DivIDE interface option from the Options, Pe-
       ripherals, Disk...  dialog, and the state of its write  protect  jumper
       controlled  via the DivIDE write protect option.  If you're going to be
       using the DivIDE, you'll probably want one of the  firmwares  available
       from the DivIDE homepage.

       The  DivMMC is a MMC interface for the Spectrum. Originally designed by
       Alessandro Dorigatti for the V6Z80P+ FPGA board as the fusion of DivIDE
       and  ZXMMC+  interfaces, later assembled as an interface for real spec-
       trums by Mario Prato. Currently there are variants with  different  RAM
       size, one/two memory cards slots, optional kempston jostick, etc.

       The interface can be activated via the DivMMC interface option from the
       Options, Peripherals, Disk...  dialog, and  the  state  of  its  EEPROM
       write  protect  jumper  controlled via the DivMMC write protect option.
       If you're going to be using the DivMMC, you'll need to load the  ESXDOS
       firmware  at or use the ZX Spectrum +3e ROMs by
       Garry Lancaster.

       You'll also need a HDF image to store the contents of the memory  card.
       There  are  several  tools  to  create and manipulate this file format,
       e.g., hdfmonkey at

       The Spectranet is an Ethernet network interface for the ZX Spectrum  by
       Dylan  Thomas. The interface can be activated via the Spectranet option
       on the Peripherals preferences dialog, and the state of  its  automatic
       page-in  (disable) jumper controlled via the Spectranet disable option.
       If you're going to be using the Spectranet, you'll probably want one of
       the  firmwares  available  from  the  Spectranet homepage (http://spec- which is also where you  can  find  more
       information on using the interface.

       Installing the Spectranet firmware on Fuse is slightly more complicated
       than on a real machine, mostly because Fuse's emulation doesn't support
       DHCP.  These instructions are correct as of 2012-01-26 -- if you're us-
       ing a later firmware than this, things may have changed slightly.

       The first thing you will need to do is to obtain a copy  of  the  Spec-
       tranet  installer  as  a  .tap file (or similar). The installer is also
       available at the Spectranet site above.

       Once you have a copy of the installer, start Fuse and  tick  the  Spec-
       tranet  option  from  the Options, Peripherals, General...  dialog, and
       the state of its write protect jumper  controlled  via  the  Spectranet
       disable  option. Once that's done, open the installer file (use the Me-
       dia, Tape, Open...  command rather than File, Open...  to  prevent  au-
       toloading) and enter the following commands from BASIC:

       CLEAR 26999
       LOAD "" CODE
       RANDOMIZE USR 27000

       The  screen  should turn blue and you'll see around 20 lines of message
       appearing as the firmware is installed, starting with  "Erasing  sector
       0"  and  finishing with "Restoring page B", and you'll get the familiar
       0 OK, 0: 1 at the bottom of the screen.

       Now untick the Spectranet disable option from the Options, Peripherals,
       General...   dialog and reset the Spectrum. You should see a very brief
       blue status screen, before the regular copyright  screen  appears  with
       some  Spectranet  information at the top -- there should be four status
       lines, starting with "Alioth Spectranet"  and  ending  with  the  Spec-
       tranet's IP address (which will be at this stage).

       Now trigger an NMI (the Machine / NMI menu option) and you should get a
       white on blue Spectranet NMI menu with five options.

       Select [A] Configure network settings -- this should lead  you  to  an-
       other  menu,  which  will  scroll of the top of the screen; don't worry
       about this for now.

       You'll now need to set various options:

       [A] Enable/disable DHCP -- select N
       [B] Change IP address -- enter the IP address of the  machine  you  are
       running Fuse on.
       [C]  Change netmask -- enter the appropriate netmask for the IP address
       you  selected  above.  If  that  doesn't  mean  anything  to  you,  try
       [D]  Change  default  gateway -- enter the appropriate gateway address.
       If you don't know any better, enter the IP address of your router.
       [E] Change primary DNS -- enter the address of your DNS server. If  you
       don't know any better, use Google's public DNS server,

       There is no need to change options [F] or [G], but do select:

       [H]  Change hostname -- enter a hostname for the Spectranet-enabled ma-
       chine. It doesn't really matter what you enter here -- it's mostly use-
       ful  just  to  replace the junk default name so you can see what you've
       entered for the other settings.

       Your screen should now look something like this:

       Current configuration
       Use DHCP           : No
       IP address         :
       Netmask            :
       Default gateway    :
       Primary DNS        :
       Secondary DNS      :
       Hardware address   : FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
       Hostname           : fuse
       <menu options>

       If everything looks correct, select [I] Save changes and  exit  (you'll
       see a brief "Saving configuration..." message) followed by [E] Exit, at
       which point you'll be returned to BASIC.

       Now type the following commands:


       Which will show the standard 0 OK, 0:1 at the bottom of the screen.

       Reset the Spectrum again and you'll see the same four line status  dis-
       play, but this time with your IP address on the last line.

       Congratulations!  You  have  now  installed the Spectranet firmware. To
       save having to go through all that every time you start  Fuse,  save  a
       .szx  snapshot  at  this point, and load that in every time you want to
       use the Spectranet.

       Fuse supports emulating the OEL/Volex TTX2000S  teletext  adaptor  with
       16K and 48K machines.

       The  interface  has  four  tuning presets and extracts teletext signals
       from the vertical blanking interval of the selected television channel.
       These teletext signals are emulated by means of a simple TCP socket in-
       terface provided by an external server application. An  example  server
       written  in Python is available from

       The default address for the four packet servers is  (loopback
       address),  ports  19761 to 19764. Connections can also be made to other
       computers on a fast LAN by IP address or hostname. Connecting a  packet
       server via the internet is not recommended.

       Only one connection is active at a time. Changing channel preset on the
       emulated interface closes any active connection and opens a new connec-
       tion  to  the appropriate server. The same packet server can be set for
       multiple tuning presets.

       Note that a limitation of the TTX2000S ROM means that it  only  decodes
       the  first 12 lines of a teletext signal. This can be fixed by entering
       BASIC and executing `POKE 23394,33' then re-entering the  teletext  ROM
       with  `RANDOMIZE  USR  23500'.  Alternatively  just use teletext packet
       sources with 12 lines per field or fewer.

       The way you select a file (whether snapshot or tape  file)  depends  on
       which  UI  you're using. So firstly, here's how to use the GTK file se-

       The selector shows the directories and files in the  current  directory
       in  two  separate  subwindows.  If either list is too big to fit in the
       window, you can use the scrollbar to see  the  rest  (by  dragging  the
       slider,  for  example),  or you can use Shift-Tab (to move the keyboard
       focus to a subwindow) and use the cursor keys.   To  change  directory,
       double-click it.

       To  choose  a  file to load you can either double-click it, or click it
       then click Ok.  Or click Cancel to abort.

       If you're using the keyboard, probably the easiest way to use  the  se-
       lector is to just ignore it and type in the name. This isn't as irksome
       as it sounds, since the filename input box has filename  completion  --
       type  part of a directory or file name, then press Tab.  It should com-
       plete it. If it was a directory, it moves to  that  directory;  if  the
       completion was ambiguous, it completes as much as possible, and narrows
       the filenames shown to those which match. You should press  Enter  when
       you've finished typing the filename, or Esc to abort.

       Now,  if  you're using the widget UI -- the one using the Spectrum font
       -- the selector works a bit differently. The files and directories  are
       all  listed  in  a  single  two-column-wide window (the directories are
       shown at the top, ending in `/') -- the names may be truncated onscreen
       if they're too long to fit.

       To move the cursor, you can either use the cursor keys, or the Spectrum
       equivalents 5/6/7/8, or (similarly) h/j/k/l. For faster  movement,  the
       Page  Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys are supported and do what you'd
       expect. To select a file or directory, press Enter.   To  abort,  press

       With  both selectors, do bear in mind that all files are shown, whether
       Fuse would be able to load them or not.

       Firstly, note that the vast majority of this section  applies  only  if
       you're  using the GTK user interface; if you're using one of the widget
       user interfaces, you'll get a very basic monitor which shows  the  cur-
       rent values of the registers and allows you to single step through exe-
       cution or continue.

       If you are using the GTK user interface,  Fuse  features  a  moderately
       powerful,  completely  transparent monitor/debugger, which can be acti-
       vated via the Machine, Debugger...  menu option. A debugger window will
       appear, showing the current state of the emulated machine: the top-left
       `pane' shows the current state of the Z80 and the last bytes written to
       any  emulated peripherals. The bottom-left pane lists any active break-
       points. Moving right, the next pane shows where the Spectrum's 64K mem-
       ory  map  (the `W?'  and `C?'  indicate whether each displayed chunk is
       writable or contended respectively).  Fuse tracks the memory mapping of
       the  overall  address space in 2KB chunks but will summarise the mapped
       pages where they are part of the same page  of  the  underlying  memory
       source  (e.g.  8KB page sizes in the Spectrum 128K and 4KB pages in the
       Timex clones' DOCK and EXROM banks).

       The next pane to the right has a disassembly, which by  default  starts
       at the current program counter, although this can be modified either by
       the `disassemble' command (see below) or by dragging the scrollbar next
       to  it.  The  next pane shows the current stack, and the final pane any
       `events' which are due to occur and  could  affect  emulation.  Any  of
       these  panes can be removed by use of the View menu. Below the displays
       are an entry box for debugger commands, and five buttons  for  control-
       ling the debugger:

              Evaluate the command currently in the entry box.

       Single Step
              Run precisely one Z80 opcode and then stop emulation again.

              Restart emulation, but leave the debugger window open. Note that
              the debugger window will not be updated while emulation is  run-

              Stop emulation and return to the debugger.

              Close the debugger window and restart emulation.

       Double-clicking  on  an entry in the stack pane will cause emulation to
       run until the program counter reaches the value stored at that address,
       while  double-clicking on an entry in the `events' pane will cause emu-
       lation to run until that time is reached.

       The main power of the debugger is via the commands entered into the en-
       try  box,  which are similar in nature (but definitely not identical to
       or as powerful as) to those in gdb(1).  In  general,  the  debugger  is
       case-insensitive,  and  numbers  will be interpreted as decimal, unless
       prefixed by either `0x' or `$' when they will be  interpreted  as  hex.
       Each command can be abbreviated to the portion not in curly braces.

       ba{se} number
              Change  the debugger window to displaying output in base number.
              Available values are 10 (decimal) or 16 (hex).

       br{eakpoint} [address] [if condition]
              Set a breakpoint to stop emulation and return  to  the  debugger
              whenever  an  opcode is executed at address and condition evalu-
              ates true. If address is omitted, it  defaults  to  the  current
              value of PC.

       br{eakpoint} p{ort} (re{ad}|w{rite}) port [if condition]
              Set  a  breakpoint to trigger whenever IO port port is read from
              or written to and condition evaluates true.

       br{eakpoint} (re{ad}|w{rite}) [address] [if condition]
              Set a breakpoint to trigger whenever memory location address  is
              read  from  (other  than  via an opcode fetch) or written to and
              condition evaluates true.  Address again defaults to the current
              value of PC if omitted.

       br{eakpoint} ti{me} time [if condition]
              Set  a  breakpoint  to occur time tstates after the start of the
              every frame,  assuming  condition  evaluates  true  (if  one  is

       br{eakpoint} ev{ent} area:detail [if condition]
              Set  a  breakpoint to occur when the event specified by area:de-
              tail occurs and condition evaluates to true.  The  events  which
              can be caught are:

                     The Beta 128 interface is paged into or out of memory re-
                     The Didaktik 80 interface is paged into or out of  memory
                     The DISCiPLE interface is paged into or out of memory re-
                     The DivIDE interface is paged into or out of  memory  re-
                     The  DivIDE  interface is paged into or out of memory re-
                     The Interface 1 shadow ROM is paged into or out  of  mem-
                     The  Multiface  One/128/3  is paged into or out of memory
                     The Opus Discovery is paged into or out of memory respec-
                     The  +D  interface is paged into or out of memory respec-
                     An RZX recording finishes playing.
                     The SpeccyBoot interface is paged into or out of memory.
                     The Spectranet interface is paged into or out of memory.
                     The emulated tape starts or stops playing.
                     The ZXATASP interface is paged into or out of memory.
                     The ZXCF interface is paged into or out of memory.

              In all cases, the event can be specified as area:* to catch  all
              events from that area.

       cl{ear} [address]
              Remove  all breakpoints at address or the current value of PC if
              address is omitted. Port read/write breakpoints are unaffected.

       com{mmands} id <newline>
       <debugger command> <newline>
       <debugger command> <newline>
              Set things such that the specified debugger commands will be au-
              tomatically  executed  when breakpoint id is triggered. There is
              currently no user interface  for  entering  multi-line  debugger
              commands, so the only way to specify this command is on the com-
              mand-line via the --debugger-command option.

       cond{ition} id [condition]
              Set breakpoint id to trigger only when condition is true, or un-
              conditionally if condition is omitted.

              Equivalent to the Continue button.

       del{ete} [id]
              Remove breakpoint id, or all breakpoints if id is omitted.

       di{sassemble} address
              Set the centre panel disassembly to begin at address.

       ex{it} [expression]
              Exit  the  emulator  immediately,  using the exit code resulting
              from the evaluation of expression, or 0 if expression  is  omit-

              Exit from the current CALL or equivalent. This isn't infallible:
              it works by setting a temporary breakpoint at the  current  con-
              tents  of  the  stack pointer, so will not function correctly if
              the code returns to some other point or plays with its stack  in
              other  ways. Also, setting this breakpoint doesn't disable other
              breakpoints, which may trigger before this one.  In  that  case,
              the temporary breakpoint remains, and the `continue' command can
              be used to return to it.

       i{gnore} id count
              Do not trigger the next count times  that  breakpoint  id  would
              have triggered.

              Step  to the opcode following the current one. As with the `fin-
              ish' command, this works by setting a  temporary  breakpoint  at
              the next opcode, so is not infallible.

       o{ut} port value
              Write value to IO port port.

       pr{int} expression
              Print the value of expression to standard output.

       se{t} address value
              Poke value into memory at address.

       se{t} $variable value
              Set the value of the debugger variable variable to value.

       se{t} area:detail value
              Set  the value of the system variable area:detail to value.  The
              available system variables are listed below.

              Equivalent to the Single Step button.

       t{breakpoint} [options]
              This is the same as the  `breakpoint'  command  in  its  various
              forms,  except that the breakpoint is temporary: it will trigger
              once and once only, and then be removed.

       Addresses can be specified in one of two forms: either an absolute  ad-
       dresses,  specified by an integer in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF or as a
       `source:page:offset' combination, which refers  to  a  location  offset
       bytes  into  memory  bank  page, independent of where that bank is cur-
       rently paged into memory. RAM and  ROM  pages  are  indicated,  respec-
       tively,  by  `RAM'  and  `ROM'  sources (e.g. offset 0x1234 in ROM 1 is
       specified as `ROM:1:0x1234').  Other available sources are: `Betadisk',
       `Didaktik  80  RAM', `Didaktik 80 ROM', `DISCiPLE RAM', `DISCiPLE ROM',
       `DivIDE EPROM', `DivIDE RAM',  `DivMMC  EPROM',  `DivMMC  RAM',  `If1',
       `If2', `Multiface RAM', `Multiface ROM', `Opus RAM', `Opus ROM', `PlusD
       RAM', `PlusD ROM', `SpeccyBoot',  `Spectranet',  `Timex  Dock',  `Timex
       EXROM',  `uSource',  `ZXATASP' and `ZXCF'.  Please, note that spaces in
       memory   sources   should   be    escaped,    e.g.,    `break    Didak-
       tik\ 80\ ROM:0:0x1234'.   The 48K machines are treated as having a per-
       manent mapping of page 5 at 0x4000, page 2  at  0x8000  and  page 0  at
       0xC000;  the  16K Spectrum is treated as having page 5 at 0x4000 and no
       page at 0x8000 and 0xC000.

       Anywhere the debugger is expecting a numeric value, except where it ex-
       pects  a breakpoint id, you can instead use a numeric expression, which
       uses a restricted version of C's syntax; exactly  the  same  syntax  is
       used  for  conditional  breakpoints, with `0' being false and any other
       value being true. In numeric expressions, you can use integer constants
       (all  calculations  are  done  in integers), system variables, debugger
       variables, parentheses, the standard four numeric operations (`+', `-',
       `*'  and `/'), the (non-)equality operators `==' and `!=', the compari-
       son operators `>', `<', `>=' and `<=', bitwise and (`&'), or (`|')  and
       exclusive or (`^') and logical and (`&&') and or (`||').  Square brack-
       ets (`[' and `]') can be used  to  dereference  a  value;  for  example
       `[0x4000]' will give the value of the first byte of the screen.

       System  variables are specified via an `area:detail' syntax. The avail-
       able system variables are:

              The current AY-3-8912 register.
              The last byte written to DivMMC control port.
              The frame count since reset. Note that this variable can only be
              read, not written to.
              The current level of the tape input connected to the `EAR' port.
              Note that this variable can only be read, not written to.
              The last byte written to the ULA. Note that  this  variable  can
              only be read, not written to.
              The  last  byte  written  to  memory control port used by the ZX
              Spectrum +2A/3; normally addressed at 0x1ffd, hence the name.
              The last byte written to primary memory control port used by the
              ZX  Spectrum  128 and later; normally addressed at 0x7ffd, hence
              the name.
              The number of tstates since the last interrupt.
       z80: register name
              The value of the specified register. Both  8-bit  registers  and
              16-bit register pairs are supported. The MEMPTR / WZ hidden reg-
              ister is also supported. The (presumable) Q hidden  register  is
              also supported.
              The current interrupt mode of the Z80.
              1 if the specified interrupt flip-flop is currently set, or 0 if
              it is not set.

       The `poke finder' is a tool which is designed to make the task of find-
       ing  (infinite  lives etc.) pokes for games a bit easier: it is similar
       to the `Lifeguard' utility which was available for use with the  Multi-
       face.  It works by maintaining a list of locations in which the current
       number of lives (etc.) may be stored, and having the ability to  remove
       from that list any locations which don't contain a specified value.

       The  poke  finder dialog contains an entry box for specifying the value
       to be searched for, a count of the current number of possible locations
       and, if there are less than 20 possible locations, a list of the possi-
       ble locations (in `page:offset' format). The five buttons act  as  fol-

              Remove  from  the list of possible locations all addresses which
              have not been incremented since the last search.

              Remove from the list of possible locations all  addresses  which
              have not been decremented since the last search.

              Remove  from  the list of possible locations all addresses which
              do not contain the value specified in the `Search for' field.

              Reset the poke finder so that all locations are considered  pos-

              Close  the  dialog.  Note  that  this does not reset the current
              state of the poke finder.

       Double-clicking on an entry in the  list  of  possible  locations  will
       cause a breakpoint to be set to trigger whenever that location is writ-
       ten to.

       An example of how to use this may make things a bit clearer. We'll  use
       the  128K  version  of  Gryzor.  Load the game, define keys to suit and
       start playing. Immediately pause the game and bring up the poke  finder
       dialog.  We  note that we currently have 6 lives, so enter `6' into the
       `Search for' field and click `Search'. This reduces the number of  pos-
       sible  locations to around 931 (you may get a slightly different number
       depending on exactly when you paused the game). Play along  a  bit  and
       then  (deliberately)  lose a life. Pause the game again. As we now have
       5 lives, replace the `6' in the `Search for' field with a `5' and click
       `Search'  again.  This  then  reduces the list of possible locations to
       just one: page 2, offset 0x00BC. This is the only  location  in  memory
       which  stored  `6'  when we had 6 lives and `5' when we had 5 lives, so
       its pretty likely that this is where the lives count is stored. Double-
       clicking on the `2:0x00BC' entry in the dialog will set the appropriate
       breakpoint (you may wish to open the debugger at this point to  confirm
       this).  Play  along a bit more. When you next lose a life, emulation is
       stopped with PC at 0x91CD. Scrolling up a few addresses in  the  debug-
       ger's  disassembly pane shows a value was loaded from 0x80BC (our hypo-
       thetical lives counter), decremented and then stored again  to  0x80BC,
       which  looks  very much like the code to reduce the number of lives. We
       can now use the debugger to replace the  decrement  with  a  NOP  (`set
       0x91c9 0'), and playing the game some more after this reveals that this
       has worked and we now have infinite lives.

       Fuse supports multiface POKEs, allowing to modify specific  memory  ad-
       dresses in order to cheat (infinite lives, infinite ammo, etc.).

       The  `poke  memory' dialog contains a list of recently loaded POKEs and
       some entry boxes for adding custom POKEs:

              Sets the 128K memory bank (values `0' to  `7')  or  the  current
              memory mapping (value `8' or blank).

              Memory address to modify. Values in range 16384 to 65535 for 48K
              memory mode or 0 to 65535 for 128K memory banks. GTK UI also ac-
              cepts hex addresses.

              New  value  for the former address, in range 0 to 255. Value 256
              means "Prompt to the user later".

       It is possible to load POKEs from an  external  file  using  the  File,
       Open...   menu option or the drag-and-drop functionality in the GTK and
       Win32 UIs.  After loading a snapshot or tape, Fuse will try to automat-
       ically locate a POK file with the same file name. This means that if we
       open  `GAME.TAP',  then  Fuse  will  try   to   open   `GAME.POK'   and
       `POKES/GAME.POK'.  See for
       more details about this file format.

       POKEs loaded in the list can be activated or deactivated  as  the  user
       wants and will remain in memory until a machine reset.

       In  general, disk images for the +3 Spectrum are thought of as being in
       DSK format. However, this  is  actually  a  slight  oversimplification;
       there  are  in  fact  two similar, but not identical, DSK formats. (The
       difference can be seen by doing `head  -1  dskfile':  one  format  will
       start `MV - CPCEMU' and the other will start `EXTENDED').

       Fuse supports both the `CPCEMU' and `EXTENDED' formats.

       Fuse  supports  Betadisk  emulation in its Pentagon and Scorpion emula-
       tion, and also under 48K, TC2048, 128K and +2 (but not  +2A)  emulation
       if the Beta 128 interface option from the Options, Peripherals, Disk...
       dialog is enabled. When that option is used in 48K or TC2048  emulation
       the  Beta 128  auto-boot  in  48K machines option additionally controls
       whether the machine boots directly into the TR-DOS system. See the DISK
       FILE FORMATS section for more details on supported disk file formats.

       By  default,  Fuse  emulates  the Opus Discovery interface with the op-
       tional 2k RAM expansion and a second 40 track single sided disk  drive.
       See  the  DISK  FILE FORMATS section for more details on supported disk
       file formats. The Opus Discovery's printer port is  also  emulated  for
       output  only. (See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more details.) The
       Opus Discovery may only be used with 16K, 48K, 128K, TC2048 and +2 (not
       +2A)  emulation.   To  access disks, use the same syntax as Interface 1
       and Microdrives.

       Fuse supports emulating the +D disk and printer interface. See the DISK
       FILE  FORMATS  section for more details on supported disk file formats.
       The +D's printer port is emulated. (See the PRINTER  EMULATION  section
       for  more  details.) The +D may only be used with 48K, 128K and +2 (not
       +2A) emulation.  To access disks, you will first need to load G+DOS, by
       inserting  a  disk  containing  the DOS file (+SYS) and entering "RUN".
       Once DOS is loaded, you can load to/from +D disks  by  prefixing  file-
       names with `dn' where `n' is the number of the drive in use.  For exam-
       ple, `LOAD d1"myfile"' would load the file named `myfile' from the emu-
       lated drive 1.  Microdrive syntax may also be used.

       To save a snapshot, choose the Machine, NMI menu option, and then press
       `4' to save a 48K snapshot, or `5' to save a 128K snapshot.  When  sav-
       ing a 128K snapshot, you must then press Y or N to indicate whether the
       screen changed while saving the snapshot, to finish  saving.   You  can
       also  choose  `3' to save a screenshot to disk.  Holding Caps Shift to-
       gether with any of these options will cause  the  +D  to  save  to  the
       `other' drive to the one used last.

       Options  `1' and `2' allow screenshots to be printed (in monochrome, in
       normal and large formats respectively) if printer emulation is enabled.
       For saving and loading of snapshots, and saving of screenshots to disk,
       G+DOS must be loaded first, but printing of  screenshots  can  be  per-
       formed without loading G+DOS.

       Finally, `X' will return from the NMI menu.

       Fuse supports Didaktik 80 (and Didaktik 40) emulation.  It emulates the
       original version of the Didaktik 80, running MDOS 1 and with  a  WD2797
       floppy  controller.  See the DISK FILE FORMATS section for more details
       on supported disk file formats.  The Didaktik 80 may only be used  with
       16K,  48K and TC2048 emulation.  To press the Didaktik 80's `SNAP' but-
       ton, choose the Machine, Didaktik SNAP menu option.

       Fuse supports emulating the DISCiPLE disk and  printer  interface,  al-
       though it does not currently support emulation of the Sinclair Network,
       or support emulation of a DISCiPLE attached to a 128K machine. See  the
       DISK  FILE FORMATS section for more details on supported disk file for-
       mats, which are the same as for +D emulation as  described  above.  The
       DISCiPLE's printer port is emulated. (See the PRINTER EMULATION section
       for more details.) The DISCiPLE may only be used with 48K emulation  at
       present.  To access disks, you will first need to load GDOS, by insert-
       ing a disk containing the DOS file (SYS) and entering "RUN".  Once  DOS
       is  loaded,  you can load to/from DISCiPLE disks by prefixing filenames
       with `dn' where `n' is the number of the drive in  use.   For  example,
       `LOAD  d1"myfile"' would load the file named `myfile' from the emulated
       drive 1.  Microdrive syntax may also be used.

       Snapshots can be saved in a similar manner to that of  the  +D  as  de-
       scribed  above, but note that GDOS on the DISCiPLE contains a bug which
       causes corruption as soon as the NMI button is pressed, affecting  sav-
       ing  of  snapshots,  and also loading of snapshots that were originally
       saved with a +D or SAM Coup.  This will cause corruption  even  when  a
       screenshot  is  printed,  or  if  the menu is never even entered in the
       first place (due to Caps Shift not being pressed down, as  is  required
       for  the  DISCiPLE),  provided  that  GDOS  is loaded.  This bug is not
       present in G+DOS on the +D.  (Note: this was caused by saving/restoring
       the  AF  register  twice  in the NMI handler, where both AF and the AF'
       shadow register should have been saved/restored.)

       The NMI button works slightly differently on the DISCiPLE than  on  the
       +D.   Caps  Shift must be held down whilst pressing the NMI button, and
       there is no `X' option to exit the menu.  Also, printing of screenshots
       requires  GDOS  to  be  loaded.  Depending on the UI that you're using,
       holding down Caps Shift whilst choosing the Machine,  NMI  menu  option
       may  be  slightly  tricky,  or even impossible.  For the GTK UI, ensure
       that the Shift key is held before entering on the  Machine  menu.   For
       the widget UI, it does not seem possible to perform this action.

       Fuse  supports several disk image formats in its +D, Didaktik, DISCiPLE
       and Beta 128 emulation.

       For reading:

              Ultra    Disk    Image;    for    specification    please    see
         or     http://zx-

              This is the only image format which can store all  the  relevant
              information  of  the recorded data on a magnetic disk, so it can
              be used for any non standard disk format. Fuse can read all  ex-
              tended track types too (mixed FM/MFM, or tracks with `WEAK' data
              or even compressed tracks too).

              UKV Spectrum Debugger disk image format.

       .MGT .IMG
              DISCiPLE/+D file formats.

              For compatibility with SAM Coup disk images using these formats.
              Note  that  SAM  Coup  `.DSK'  images  share  the same format as

       .D80 .D40
              Didaktik 80 and Didaktik 40 file formats.

              TR-DOS disk image. TRD and SCL sectors are  loaded  interleaved,
              therefore  you  might  experience problems with TR-DOS ROMs that
              use the turbo format (sequential sectors); for detailed informa-
              tion             please            see  

              A simple archive format for TR-DOS disk files. For specification
              please see

              Teledisk image format; Fuse supports only files which do not use
              the "Advanced Compression" option. Detailed description found in

              CPC  disk  image format; Fuse supports the plain old and the new
              extended CPC format too. Further information please see the  THE
              .DSK   FORMAT  section  and  the  CPCEMU  manual  section  7.7.1
             or         the

       .OPD .OPU
              Opus Discovery file formats.

       Fuse  supports  most  of  the above formats for writing: .UDI .FDI .MGT
       .IMG .SAD .D80 .D40 .TRD .SCL .OPD .OPU .DSK (only the old CPC format).

       You can save disk images with any output format, just select the appro-
       priate  extension.  (e.g.  `elite3.udi' to save as an UDI file). If the
       appropriate libraries were available when libspectrum(3) was  compiled,
       than  Fuse will try to create UDI images with compressed tracks to save
       disk space.  There is a .LOG `image' format for debugging purpose. This
       is a plain text file that contains three dumps of the loaded disk image
       at different details.  Not all image formats can store all disk images.
       You  cannot  save  a disk image with an inappropriate format that loses
       some information (e.g. variable track length or sector length).

       Some copy protections have what is  described  as  `weak/random'  data.
       Each  time  the sector is read one or more bytes will change, the value
       may be random between consecutive reads of the same sector.   Two  disk
       image formats (Extended DSK and UDI) can store this type of data.  Fuse
       can read and use weak sector data from EDSK and UDI files when present,
       and can save back weak sector data to UDI image format.

       Fuse  can save movies with sound in a specific file format (FMF).  This
       recording is very fast, and has a moderate size, but you  need  to  use
       the  fmfconv(1)  program in fuse-utils(1) to convert into regular video
       and/or audio files.  The --movie-compr option allows  you  to  set  the
       compression  level  to None, Lossless or High. If zlib(3) is not avail-
       able, only None is valid. The default when Zlib is available  is  Loss-
       less.   Recording  a  movie  may slow down emulation, if you experience
       performance problems, you can try to set compression to None.

       Fuse records every displayed frame, so by default the recorded file has
       about  50  video  frame  per second. A standard video has about 24-30/s
       framerate, so if you set Options/General/Frame rate 1:n or the  equiva-
       lent  --rate command line option to 2 than recording frame rate reduces
       about 25/s. The exact frame rate depends on  the  Z80  clock  frequency
       which varies depending on the specific emulated machine.

       Note:  You can see all of the "gfx" effects only if the Fuse frame rate
       option is set to 1, but in most cases you can safely use 2. Also, movie
       recording stops if the emulated machine is changed.

       The  recorded  sound sampling rate and the channel number is equal with
       the Fuse generated sound sampling rate (44100 Hz by default) and  chan-
       nel  number (mono by default). The common sampling frequencies in stan-
       dard video files are 44100 Hz and 48000 Hz.  If  you  use  --sound-freq
       command line option you can change the frequency.

       You  can  record  stereo  sound  if you use AY stereo separation or the
       equivalent --separation command line switch.

       You can use fmfconv(1) to convert recorded movie file into  a  standard
       video file.


       fuse  --movie-start output.fmf --rate 2 --sound-freq 44100 --separation

       start video recording about 25/s video frame rate and 44100 Hz sampling
       frequency stereo sound default compression level.

       Assuming  the  appropriate libraries were available when libspectrum(3)
       was compiled, snapshots, tape images, dock cartridges and input record-
       ing  files  (RZX)  can  be  read  from  files compressed with bzip2(3),
       gzip(3) or zip(3) just as if they were uncompressed. In the  zip  case,
       only  the  first  supported  file  found  inside the archive is loaded.
       There is currently no support for reading compressed +3, DISCiPLE/+D or
       Beta disk images.

       The poke finder can't search outside `normal' RAM.

       The  libao  file  output devices not work properly with the GTK UI.  No
       error reporting, but the created file does not contain any sound  data.
       If  you  use a `weak' machine alsa09 makes a lot of clicks and pops and
       will output `ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.'  error messages.


       bzip2(3),   fmfconv(1),   fuse-utils(1),    gzip(3),    libspectrum(3),
       ogg123(1), xspect(1), xzx(1), zip(3).

       The comp.sys.sinclair Spectrum FAQ, at

       Philip Kendall (

       Matan  Ziv-Av  wrote the SVGAlib and framebuffer UIs, the glib replace-
       ment code, and did some work on the OSS-specific  sound  code  and  the
       original widget UI code.

       Russell  Marks  wrote  the sound emulation and OSS-specific sound code,
       the joystick emulation, some of the printer code, and the original ver-
       sion of this man page.

       John  Elliott's  lib765 and libdsk libraries were used for the original
       +3 disk and disk image support.

       Ian Collier wrote the ZX Printer emulation (for xz80).

       Darren Salt wrote the original versions of the code for  +3  emulation,
       SLT support, MITSHM support (for the Xlib UI), TZX raw data blocks, RZX
       embedded snapshots and compression, the Kempston  mouse  emulation  and
       made many improvements to the widget code.

       Alexander Yurchenko wrote the OpenBSD/Solaris-specific sound code.

       Fredrick  Meunier  wrote  the  TC2048, TS2068, Pentagon and Spectrum SE
       support, the CoreAudio sound code, as well as maintaining the OS X port
       and importing the graphics filter code.

       Ludvig  Strigeus  and  The  ScummVM project wrote the original graphics
       filter code.

       Dmitry Sanarin wrote the original Beta disk  interface  emulation  (for

       Witold Filipczyk wrote the TC2068 support.

       Matthew Westcott wrote the AY logging code and the DivIDE emulation.

       Marek  Januszewski  wrote  various bits of code to make Fuse work under
       Win32, including the DirectDraw user interface.

       Sergio Baldov made many improvements to the Win32 UI.

       Stuart Brady wrote the DISCiPLE and +D  emulation,  Scorpion  emulation
       and the HP-UX sound code.

       Garry  Lancaster wrote the 8-bit IDE, ZXATASP and ZXCF interface emula-

       Gergely Szasz wrote the Interface 1, Microdrive  emulation  and  Didak-
       tik 80  emulation, the PAL TV scalers, the TV 3x scaler, the movie log-
       ging code, the ALSA and libao sound code,  the  PD765  disk  controller
       used in the +3 and made many improvements to the widget code.

       Michael  D  Wynne wrote the original Opus disk interface emulation (for

       Patrik Persson wrote the SpeccyBoot emulation.

Version 1.6.0                 27th February, 2021                      fuse(1)