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AWS Auto Cleanup

Build Status Codacy Badge Codacy Badge

Release Release Date

Language serverless Python Black code style: prettier

Open source application to programmatically clean your AWS resources based on a whitelist and time to live (TTL) settings.

Table of Contents



  1. Install the Serverless Framework
npm install serverless --global
  1. Install AWS CLI
pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user
  1. Configure the AWS CLI following the instruction at Quickly Configuring the AWS CLI. Ensure the user you're configuring has the appropriate IAM permissions to create Lambda Functions, S3 Buckets, IAM Roles, and CloudFormation Stacks. It is best for administrators to deploy Auto Cleanup.

  2. Install Auto Cleanup

serverless create --template-url --path aws-auto-cleanup
  1. Change into the Auto Cleanup directory
cd aws-auto-cleanup
  1. Install Serverless plugins needed for deployment
serverless plugin install --name serverless-python-requirements
npm install serverless-iam-roles-per-function
npm install serverless-s3-remover
  1. Deploy Auto Cleanup to your AWS account
serverless deploy [--region <AWS region>] [--aws-profile <AWS CLI profile>]
  1. Invoke Auto Cleanup for the first time to create the necessary AWS Config rules and settings
serverless invoke --function AutoCleanup [--region <AWS region>] [--aws-profile <AWS CLI profile>] --type Event
  1. Check Auto Cleanup logs
serverless logs --function AutoCleanup [--region <AWS region>] [--aws-profile <AWS CLI profile>]


Auto Cleanup is deployed using the Serverless Framework which under the hood creates an AWS CloudFormation Stack allowing for a clean and simple removal process.

To remove Auto Cleanup from your AWS account, follow the below steps:

  1. Change into the Auto Cleanup directory
cd aws-auto-cleanup
  1. Remove Auto Cleanup from your AWS account
serverless remove [--region <AWS region>] [--aws-profile <AWS CLI profile>]


Default Values

When Auto Cleanup runs, it will populate auto-cleanup-settings or auto-cleanup-whitelist DynamoDB tables from then data files auto_cleanup/data/auto-cleanup-settings.json and auto_cleanup/data/auto-cleanup-whitelist.json.


Within the serverless.yml file, under functions > AutoCleanup > environment there is a LOGLEVEL attribute. By default, the log level is set to INFO. This can be changed to DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, CRITICAL based on your logging requirements.

Auto Cleanup will output all resource remove logs at the INFO level and logs of why resources were not removed at the DEBUG level.


Within the serverless.yml file, under functions > AutoCleanup > events > schedule there is a RATE and enabled attributes.

You can enable custom scheduling of the Lambda by following the instruction at Schedule Expressions Using Rate or Cron.

The enabled attribute allows you to quickly enable or disable the scheduling functionality.


Auto Cleanup uses two Amazon DynamoDB tables auto-cleanup-settings and auto-cleanup-whitelist.


The Settings table contains all key-value pair settings used by Auto Cleanup during runtime.

The resource category holds all the time to live settings for each service and resource pair. By default they are all set to 7 days.

The region category allows users to turn region scanning on and off to either expand their search or reduce the run-time of Auto Cleanup.

By default, the below settings are automatically inserted when Auto Cleanup is run.


The version is used to inform Auto Cleanup if new settings exist in the default data file that should be loaded into DynamoDB. If the version present in the default data file is greater than the version in DynamoDB table, the load will commence.

Key Value
Version x.x


Key Value
Dry Run True


Table includes the clean attribute which informs Auto Cleanup if the service should be cleaned up or not and the ttl attribute which stores the time to live number of days for that service resource type pair.

Service Resource Type Clean TTL
CloudFormation Stacks True 7
DynamoDB Tables True 7
EC2 Addresses True N/A
Instances True 7
Security Groups True N/A
Snapshots True 7
Volumes True 7
Elastic Beanstalk Applications True 7
EMR Clusters True 7
IAM Roles True 7
Lambda Functions True 7
RDS Instances True 7
Snapshots True 7
Redshift Clusters True 7
Snapshots True 7
S3 Buckets True 7


Table includes the clean attribute which informs Auto Cleanup if the region should be cleaned up or not.

Region Clean
ap-northeast-1 True
ap-northeast-2 True
ap-northeast-3 * False
ap-south-1 True
ap-southeast-1 True
ap-southeast-2 True
ca-central-1 True
cn-north-1 * False
cn-northwest-1 * False
eu-central-1 True
eu-north-1 True
eu-west-1 True
eu-west-2 True
eu-west-3 True
sa-east-1 True
us-east-1 True
us-east-2 True
us-west-1 True
us-west-2 True

Note: Some regions have clean set to false by default as they required special access from AWS

Dry Run

The dry_run setting is used to inform Auto Cleanup if it should be removing resources it finds to have overstayed their welcome. By default, dry_run is set to true. This means that no resource removal will occur, however Auto Cleanup will output relevant logs as if it had removed resources. This allows you inspect the resources Auto Cleanup will be removing as well as giving you ample opportunity to add those that shouldn't be removed to the Whitelist table.

Time to Live (TTL)

In order to understand which resources have overstayed their welcome, Auto Cleanup will look at the resources created date time or last modified date time (which ever exists) and compare that to the time to live setting for that particular service resource type. If the resources was created or last modified longer than the number of days for that resources time to live setting, it will be removed.

At any time, you may modify the time to live settings for any service resource type within the auto-cleanup-settings Amazon DynamoDB table.


The Whitelist table allows users to add their resources to prevent removal.

The Whitelist table as the following schema and comes pre-populated with Auto Cleanup resources to ensure Auto Cleanup does not remove itself:

Column Format Description
resource_id <service>:<resource type>:<resource name> Unique identifier of the resource. This is a custom format base on the service (e.g., EC2, S3), the resource type (e.g., Instance, Bucket) and resource name.
expire_at EPOCH timestamp EPOCH timestamp no later than 7 days from insert date
comment Text field Comment field describing the resource and why it has been whitelisted
owner_email Email address Email address of the resource owner in case they need to be contacted regarding the whitelisting

Adding resources to the Whitelist table will ensure those resources are not removed by Auto Cleanup.

The below table lists the resource attribute that should be used for unique identification of resources for whitelisting.

Resource ID Attribute Example Value
CloudFormation Stacks Stack Name cloudformation:stack:my_cloudformation_stack
DynamoDB Tables Table Name dynamodb:table:my_dynamodb_table
EC2 Elastic IPs Allocation ID ec2:address:eipalloc-03e6c42893296972f
EC2 Instances Instance ID ec2:instance:i-0326701a029dbf9d0
EC2 Security Groups Group ID ec2:security_group:sg-09ef7b767c3ff4071
EC2 Snapshots Snapshot ID ec2:snapshot:snap-00c8c90db9fdceb3c
EC2 Volumes Volume ID ec2:volume:vol-0e1a431b9503a43aa
Elastic Beanstalk Applications Application Name elasticbeanstalk:application:my-app
EMR Clusters ID emr:cluster:j-KCXVNHG2W4QK
IAM Roles Role Name iam:role:auto-cleanup-role
Lambda Functions Function Name lambda:function:my_lambda_function
Redshift Instances Cluster Identifier redshift:instance:my_cluster
Redshift Snapshots Snapshot Identifier redshift:snapshot:my_cluster_snapshot
RDS Instances DB Instance Identifier rds:snapshot:my_rds_instance
RDS Snapshots DB Snapshot Name rds:snapshot:my_rds_instance_snapshot
S3 Buckets Bucket Name s3:bucket:auto-cleanup-bucket

Resource Tree

An ASCI resource tree (example below) is generated with each invocation of the application. The tree is exported into the ResourceTreeBuckett objects within the serverless.yml file.

This tree allows users to visualise their AWS resources in a simple fixed width text editor.

├── ap-southeast-2
│   ├── CloudFormation
│   │   └── Stacks
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-dev
│   │       └── auto-cleanup-production
│   ├── DynamoDB
│   │   └── Tables
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-settings-dev
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-settings-production
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-whitelist-dev
│   │       └── auto-cleanup-whitelist-production
│   ├── EC2
│   │   ├── Addresses
│   │   │   ├── eipalloc-05065c5fa7c5b481d
│   │   │   └── eipalloc-0b4c35908a9347747
│   │   ├── Instances
│   │   │   ├── i-01e008e103b99d5b2
│   │   │   └── i-07440be98bfa9a15a
│   │   ├── Security Groups
│   │   │   ├── sg-61f46719
│   │   │   └── sg-fbfa6983
│   │   ├── Snapshots
│   │   │   ├── snap-00c8c90db9fdceb3c
│   │   │   └── snap-0c416b329cacc4175
│   │   └── Volumes
│   │       ├── vol-0db31d5473b5669b0
│   │       └── vol-0e0b7da76435d07ff
│   ├── EMR
│   │   └── Clusters
│   │       ├── j-2EZVIAN6FFOT0
│   │       └── j-YR3UZD1ULRGI
│   ├── Elastic Beanstalk
│   │   └── Applications
│   │       └── my-application
│   ├── Lambda
│   │   └── Functions
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-dev
│   │       └── auto-cleanup-production
│   └── Redshift
│       ├── Clusters
│       │   └── redshift-cluster-1
│       └── Snapshots
│           ├── rs:redshift-cluster-1-2019-04-29-19-16-08
│           └── rs:redshift-cluster-1-2019-04-30-03-16-21
├── global
│   ├── IAM
│   │   └── Roles
│   │       ├── auto-cleanup-dev-ap-southeast-2-lambdaRole
│   │       └── auto-cleanup-production-ap-southeast-2-lambdaRole
│   └── S3
│       └── Buckets
│           ├── auto-cleanup-dev-resourcetreebucket-servian
│           ├── auto-cleanup-dev-serverlessdeploymentbucket-1xa94mmahew4r
│           ├── auto-cleanup-dev-serverlessdeploymentbucket-2ftdllozuhia
│           ├── auto-cleanup-production-resourcetreebucket-servian
│           └── auto-cleanup-production-serverlessdeploymentbucke-1l0x00s8wpz9g
└── us-east-1
    ├── CloudFormation
    │   └── Stacks
    │       └── cc-iam-stack
    └── EC2
        ├── Addresses
        │   └── eipalloc-0b7a547aba879ec06
        ├── Instances
        │   └── i-0cbfb68a0d6e42c99
        └── Volumes
            └── vol-0921cdc9b3e6fc85a