No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2020-06-15
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import samsara
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import samsara
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import samsara
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining host is optional and default to = ""
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with samsara.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = samsara.SamsaraApi(api_client)
address = samsara.CreateAddressRequest() # CreateAddressRequest | The address to create.
# Create an address
api_response = api_instance.create_address(address)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling SamsaraApi->create_address: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
SamsaraApi | create_address | POST /addresses | Create an address |
SamsaraApi | create_attribute | POST /beta/attributes | [beta] Create an attribute |
SamsaraApi | create_carrier_proposed_assignment | POST /fleet/carrier-proposed-assignments | Create an assignment |
SamsaraApi | create_contact | POST /contacts | Create a contact |
SamsaraApi | create_driver | POST /fleet/drivers | Create a driver |
SamsaraApi | create_dvir | POST /fleet/dvirs | Create a mechanic DVIR |
SamsaraApi | create_industrial_asset | POST /industrial/assets | Create an asset |
SamsaraApi | create_tag | POST /tags | Create a tag |
SamsaraApi | create_user | POST /users | Create a user |
SamsaraApi | delete_address | DELETE /addresses/{id} | Delete an address |
SamsaraApi | delete_attribute | DELETE /beta/attributes/{id} | [beta] Deleting an attribute |
SamsaraApi | delete_carrier_proposed_assignment | DELETE /fleet/carrier-proposed-assignments/{id} | Delete an assignment |
SamsaraApi | delete_contact | DELETE /contacts/{id} | Delete a contact |
SamsaraApi | delete_industrial_asset | DELETE /industrial/assets/{id} | Delete an existing asset |
SamsaraApi | delete_tag | DELETE /tags/{id} | Delete a tag |
SamsaraApi | delete_user | DELETE /users/{id} | Delete a user |
SamsaraApi | generate_document_pdf | POST /fleet/documents/pdfs | Create a document PDF |
SamsaraApi | get_address | GET /addresses/{id} | Retrieve an address |
SamsaraApi | get_attribute | GET /beta/attributes/{id} | [beta] Retrieve an attribute |
SamsaraApi | get_attributes_by_entity_type | GET /beta/attributes | [beta] List all attributes by entity type |
SamsaraApi | get_contact | GET /contacts/{id} | Retrieve a contact |
SamsaraApi | get_data_input_data_feed | GET /industrial/data-inputs/data-points/feed | Follow a real-time feed of data points for data inputs |
SamsaraApi | get_data_input_data_history | GET /industrial/data-inputs/data-points/history | List historical data points for data inputs |
SamsaraApi | get_data_input_data_snapshot | GET /industrial/data-inputs/data-points | List most recent data points for data inputs |
SamsaraApi | get_data_inputs | GET /industrial/data-inputs | List all data inputs |
SamsaraApi | get_document_pdf | GET /fleet/documents/pdfs/{id} | Query a document PDF |
SamsaraApi | get_driver | GET /fleet/drivers/{id} | Retrieve a driver |
SamsaraApi | get_driver_efficiency | GET /beta/fleet/drivers/efficiency | [beta] List driver efficiency |
SamsaraApi | get_driver_tachograph_activity | GET /fleet/drivers/tachograph-activity/history | Get driver tachograph activity |
SamsaraApi | get_driver_tachograph_files | GET /fleet/drivers/tachograph-files/history | Get tachograph driver files |
SamsaraApi | get_dvir_defects | GET /fleet/defects/history | Get all defects |
SamsaraApi | get_dvir_history | GET /fleet/dvirs/history | Get all DVIRs |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment | GET /fleet/equipment/{id} | Retrieve a unit of equipment |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_locations | GET /fleet/equipment/locations | Get most recent locations for all equipment |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_locations_feed | GET /fleet/equipment/locations/feed | Follow feed of equipment locations |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_locations_history | GET /fleet/equipment/locations/history | Get historical equipment locations |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_stats | GET /fleet/equipment/stats | Get most recent stats for all equipment |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_stats_feed | GET /fleet/equipment/stats/feed | Follow a feed of equipment stats |
SamsaraApi | get_equipment_stats_history | GET /fleet/equipment/stats/history | Get historical equipment stats |
SamsaraApi | get_hos_clocks | GET /fleet/hos/clocks | Get HOS clocks |
SamsaraApi | get_hos_logs | GET /fleet/hos/logs | Get HOS logs |
SamsaraApi | get_industrial_assets | GET /industrial/assets | List all assets |
SamsaraApi | get_organization_info | GET /me | Get information about your organization |
SamsaraApi | get_safety_events | GET /fleet/safety-events | List all safety events. |
SamsaraApi | get_tag | GET /tags/{id} | Retrieve a tag |
SamsaraApi | get_user | GET /users/{id} | Retrieve a user |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle | GET /fleet/vehicles/{id} | Retrieve a vehicle |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_locations | GET /fleet/vehicles/locations | Locations snapshot |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_locations_feed | GET /fleet/vehicles/locations/feed | Locations feed |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_locations_history | GET /fleet/vehicles/locations/history | Historical locations |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_stats | GET /fleet/vehicles/stats | Stats snapshot |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_stats_feed | GET /fleet/vehicles/stats/feed | Stats feed |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_stats_history | GET /fleet/vehicles/stats/history | Historical stats |
SamsaraApi | get_vehicle_tachograph_files | GET /fleet/vehicles/tachograph-files/history | Get tachograph vehicle files |
SamsaraApi | list_addresses | GET /addresses | List all addresses |
SamsaraApi | list_carrier_proposed_assignments | GET /fleet/carrier-proposed-assignments | Retrieve assignments |
SamsaraApi | list_contacts | GET /contacts | List all contacts |
SamsaraApi | list_drivers | GET /fleet/drivers | List all drivers |
SamsaraApi | list_equipment | GET /fleet/equipment | List all equipment |
SamsaraApi | list_tags | GET /tags | List all tags |
SamsaraApi | list_user_roles | GET /user-roles | List all user roles |
SamsaraApi | list_users | GET /users | List all users |
SamsaraApi | list_vehicles | GET /fleet/vehicles | List all vehicles |
SamsaraApi | patch_industrial_asset | PATCH /industrial/assets/{id} | Update an asset |
SamsaraApi | patch_tag | PATCH /tags/{id} | Update a tag |
SamsaraApi | replace_tag | PUT /tags/{id} | Update a tag |
SamsaraApi | update_address | PATCH /addresses/{id} | Update an address |
SamsaraApi | update_attribute | PATCH /beta/attributes/{id} | [beta] Update an attribute |
SamsaraApi | update_contact | PATCH /contacts/{id} | Update a contact |
SamsaraApi | update_driver | PATCH /fleet/drivers/{id} | Update a driver |
SamsaraApi | update_dvir | PATCH /fleet/dvirs/{id} | Resolve a DVIR |
SamsaraApi | update_dvir_defect | PATCH /fleet/defects/{id} | Update a defect |
SamsaraApi | update_user | PATCH /users/{id} | Update a user |
SamsaraApi | update_vehicle | PATCH /fleet/vehicles/{id} | Update a vehicle |
- Address
- AddressGeofence
- AddressGeofenceCircle
- AddressGeofencePolygon
- AddressGeofencePolygonVertices
- AddressResponse
- AssetCreate
- AssetDataInput
- AssetDataInputLastPoint
- AssetDataOutput
- AssetLocation
- AssetPatch
- AssetResponse
- AssetResponseLocationDataInput
- AssetResponseParentAsset
- AssetResponseRunningStatusDataInput
- Attribute
- AttributeEntity
- AttributeExpanded
- AttributeExpandedAllOf
- AttributeExpandedResponse
- AttributeResponse
- AttributeTiny
- CarrierProposedAssignment
- CarrierProposedAssignmentDriver
- CarrierProposedAssignmentResponse
- CarrierProposedAssignmentVehicle
- Contact
- ContactResponse
- ContactTinyResponse
- CreateAddressRequest
- CreateAddressRequestGeofence
- CreateAttributeRequest
- CreateAttributeRequestEntities
- CreateCarrierProposedAssignmentRequest
- CreateContactRequest
- CreateDriverRequest
- CreateDriverRequestAttributes
- CreateDriverRequestCarrierSettings
- CreateDvirRequest
- CreateTagRequest
- CreateUserRequest
- CreateUserRequestRoles
- CurrentDutyStatus
- DataInputListResponse
- DataInputResponse
- DataInputResponseAllOf
- DataInputSnapshot
- DataInputSnapshotAllOf
- DataInputSnapshotResponse
- DataInputTinyResponse
- DataInputsTinyResponse
- Defect
- DefectPatch
- DefectResolvedBy
- DefectResponse
- DefectsResponse
- DocumentPdfGenerationRequest
- DocumentPdfGenerationResponse
- DocumentPdfGenerationResponseData
- DocumentPdfQueryResponse
- DocumentPdfQueryResponseData
- Driver
- DriverActivationStatus
- DriverCarrierSettings
- DriverEfficienciesResponse
- DriverEfficienciesResponseData
- DriverEfficiency
- DriverEldRuleset
- DriverEldRulesetCycle
- DriverEldRulesetDailyOffDuty
- DriverEldRulesetRestBreak
- DriverEldRulesetRestart
- DriverEldRulesetShift
- DriverEldRulesetUsShortHaulType
- DriverEldSettings
- DriverLocale
- DriverResponse
- DriverStaticAssignedVehicle
- DriverTachographActivityResponse
- DriverTinyResponse
- DriverVehicleGroupTag
- Dvir
- DvirAuthorSignature
- DvirResponse
- DvirSecondSignature
- DvirSignature
- DvirThirdSignature
- DvirTrailer
- DvirTrailerDefectsItems
- DvirVehicle
- DvirsListResponse
- Equipment
- EquipmentEngineRpm
- EquipmentEngineSeconds
- EquipmentEngineState
- EquipmentFuelPercent
- EquipmentGatewayEngineSeconds
- EquipmentGatewayEngineState
- EquipmentGatewayJ1939EngineSeconds
- EquipmentGpsOdometerMeters
- EquipmentInstalledGateway
- EquipmentListResponse
- EquipmentLocation
- EquipmentLocationsListResponse
- EquipmentLocationsListResponseData
- EquipmentLocationsResponse
- EquipmentLocationsResponseData
- EquipmentObdEngineSeconds
- EquipmentObdEngineState
- EquipmentResponse
- EquipmentStatsListResponse
- EquipmentStatsListResponseData
- EquipmentStatsResponse
- EquipmentStatsResponseData
- ExtendedDriverTinyResponse
- FftSpectraDataPoint
- FftSpectraDataPointFftSpectra
- GatewayTiny
- GetAttributesByEntityTypeResponse
- HosBreak
- HosClocks
- HosClocksForDriver
- HosClocksResponse
- HosCycle
- HosDrive
- HosLogEntry
- HosLogsForDriver
- HosLogsResponse
- HosShift
- HosViolations
- InlineResponse200
- J1939D1StatusDataPoint
- J1939D1StatusDataPointValue
- ListAddressesResponse
- ListCarrierProposedAssignmentResponse
- ListContactsResponse
- ListDriversResponse
- ListIndustrialAssetsResponse
- ListTagsResponse
- ListUserRolesResponse
- ListUsersResponse
- ListVehiclesResponse
- Location
- LocationDataPoint
- LocationDataPointGpsLocation
- LocationDataPointGpsLocationPlace
- LocationType
- NumberDataPoint
- OrganizationInfo
- OrganizationInfoCarrierSettings
- OrganizationInfoResponse
- PaginationResponse
- ParentTag
- PatchTagRequest
- ReplaceTagRequest
- ResolvedBy
- SafetyEvent
- SafetyEventBehaviorLabel
- SafetyEventBehaviorLabelSource
- SafetyEventBehaviorLabelType
- SafetyEventCoachingState
- SafetyEventDriver
- SafetyEventLocation
- SafetyEventVehicle
- SafetyEventsListResponse
- StandardErrorResponse
- StringDataPoint
- TachographActivity
- TachographActivityListWrapper
- TachographDriverFile
- TachographDriverFileListWrapper
- TachographDriverFilesResponse
- TachographVehicleFile
- TachographVehicleFileListWrapper
- TachographVehicleFilesResponse
- Tag
- TagAllOf
- TagResponse
- TagTinyResponse
- TaggedObject
- TinyTag
- TrailerNameOnlyResponse
- TrailerTinyResponse
- UpdateAddressRequest
- UpdateAttributeRequest
- UpdateContactRequest
- UpdateDriverRequest
- UpdateDvirRequest
- UpdateUserRequest
- UpdateVehicleRequest
- User
- UserAuthType
- UserResponse
- UserRole
- UserRoleAssignment
- UserRoleAssignmentRequest
- UserTinyResponse
- Vehicle
- VehicleAuxInputType
- VehicleAuxInputType1
- VehicleAuxInputType10
- VehicleAuxInputType2
- VehicleAuxInputType3
- VehicleAuxInputType4
- VehicleAuxInputType5
- VehicleAuxInputType6
- VehicleAuxInputType7
- VehicleAuxInputType8
- VehicleAuxInputType9
- VehicleHarshAccelerationSettingType
- VehicleLocation
- VehicleLocationAddress
- VehicleLocationReverseGeo
- VehicleLocationTime
- VehicleLocationsListResponse
- VehicleLocationsListResponseData
- VehicleLocationsResponse
- VehicleLocationsResponseData
- VehicleResponse
- VehicleStaticAssignedDriver
- VehicleStatsAmbientAirTempMilliC
- VehicleStatsAmbientAirTempMilliCWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsAuxInput
- VehicleStatsAuxInputDecoration
- VehicleStatsAuxInputWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsBarometricPressurePa
- VehicleStatsBarometricPressurePaWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsBatteryVoltage
- VehicleStatsBatteryVoltageWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsDecorations
- VehicleStatsDecorationsAmbientAirTemperatureMilliC
- VehicleStatsDecorationsBarometricPressurePa
- VehicleStatsDecorationsBatteryMilliVolts
- VehicleStatsDecorationsDefLevelMilliPercent
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEcuSpeedMph
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEngineCoolantTemperatureMilliC
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEngineLoadPercent
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEngineOilPressureKPa
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEngineRpm
- VehicleStatsDecorationsEngineStates
- VehicleStatsDecorationsFuelPercents
- VehicleStatsDecorationsGps
- VehicleStatsDecorationsGpsDistanceMeters
- VehicleStatsDecorationsGpsOdometerMeters
- VehicleStatsDecorationsIntakeManifoldTemperatureMilliC
- VehicleStatsDecorationsObdEngineSeconds
- VehicleStatsDecorationsObdOdometerMeters
- VehicleStatsDefLevelMilliPercent
- VehicleStatsDefLevelMilliPercentWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEcuSpeedMph
- VehicleStatsEcuSpeedMphWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineCoolantTempMilliC
- VehicleStatsEngineCoolantTempMilliCWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineImmobilizer
- VehicleStatsEngineImmobilizerWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineLoadPercent
- VehicleStatsEngineLoadPercentWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineOilPressureKPa
- VehicleStatsEngineOilPressureKPaWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineRpm
- VehicleStatsEngineRpmWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsEngineState
- VehicleStatsEngineStateSetting
- VehicleStatsEngineStateWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsFaultCodes
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesIgnitionType
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesJ1939
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesJ1939Lights
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesJ1939TroubleCode
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesOBDII
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesOBDIITroubleCode
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesPassengerDtc
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesPassengerMonitorStatus
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesPassengerMonitorStatusValue
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValue
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueJ1939
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueJ1939CheckEngineLights
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueJ1939DiagnosticTroubleCodes
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueJ1939VendorSpecificFields
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueObdii
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueObdiiConfirmedDtcs
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueObdiiDiagnosticTroubleCodes
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesValueObdiiMonitorStatus
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesVendorSpecificFields
- VehicleStatsFaultCodesWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsFuelPercent
- VehicleStatsFuelPercentWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsGps
- VehicleStatsGpsDistanceMeters
- VehicleStatsGpsDistanceMetersWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsGpsOdometerMeters
- VehicleStatsGpsOdometerMetersWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsIntakeManifoldTempMilliC
- VehicleStatsIntakeManifoldTempMilliCWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsListGps
- VehicleStatsListResponse
- VehicleStatsListResponseData
- VehicleStatsListSyntheticEngineSeconds
- VehicleStatsNfcCardScan
- VehicleStatsNfcCardScanCard
- VehicleStatsNfcCardScanWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsObdEngineSeconds
- VehicleStatsObdEngineSecondsWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsObdOdometerMeters
- VehicleStatsObdOdometerMetersWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsResponse
- VehicleStatsResponseData
- VehicleStatsSyntheticEngineSeconds
- VehicleStatsTime
- VehicleStatsTirePressure
- VehicleStatsTirePressureWithDecoration
- VehicleStatsTirePressures
- VehicleSummary
- VehicleTinyResponse
All endpoints do not require authorization.