CoronaV is the second pandemic to ever hit Azeroth! Join in on the fun as we infect Azeroath across all servers, making light of the rough times everybody is going through.
Download this CoronaV project and copy the CoronaV folder to your World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/AddOns
folder. It is important that the name of the folder copied is CoronaV
When you log in, you have a twenty percent chance to contract the virus. If you're lucky enough, it'll be up to you to continue the pandemic by spreading it to those around you.
Spreading the virus is simple... Just go to the most populated area you can find and /cough
. If you are infected, anyone with the addon, within SAY chat distance will be exposed to the virus.
If you think you might have the virus, feel free to administer yourself a testing using the /coronav
command. Beware as tests are limited!
You will remain sick for one full hour! If you come across the virus after recovering, you might just contract it again.