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This repository provides a demo Terraform configuration for deploying Rancher on an autoscaling AWS EC2 cluster using Rancher RKE2 as the underlying engine. The configuration supports both SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 and RedHat Enterprise Linux 8.

This deployment leverages a fork of modules provided by Rancher Federal


git clone
cd rke2-aws-tf-config/

Update default values from as needed. Then deploy with:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="yourawsaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yourawssecretkey"

terraform init
terraform apply

Upon completion of the deployment, allow a few additional minutes for the cluster to finalize initialization.

Terraform will print two values to console lb_url and rancher_bootstrap_password.

lb_url is the loadbalancer ingress url for reaching the Rancher UI.

rancher_bootstrap_password is the default password set for the Rancher admin user.

rancher_bootstrap_password is marked as 'sensitive' and may be read with:

terraform output rancher_bootstrap_password

Terraform will have generated a .pem file allowing you to SSH as ec2-user to the nodes. The IP or A-records can be retreived from the Rancher UI or the AWS Console.

If you wish to use kubectl/helm/etc. via SSH:

ssh -i demo-cluster.pem ec2-user@
sudo su -
export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
export PATH=${PATH}:/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin

kubectl get nodes
NAME                          STATUS   ROLES                       AGE   VERSION
ip-10-88-1-217.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>                      36m   v1.22.5+rke2r1
ip-10-88-1-67.ec2.internal    Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   35m   v1.22.5+rke2r1
ip-10-88-2-46.ec2.internal    Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   36m   v1.22.5+rke2r1
ip-10-88-3-40.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>                      36m   v1.22.5+rke2r1
ip-10-88-3-42.ec2.internal    Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   34m   v1.22.5+rke2r1