Uses to get two types of news
- top-headlines
- everything based on specific search parameters such as country, category, language etc...
- rvm (
- ruby interpreter (2.0+)
- required gems (see Gemfile)
- linux terminal
- newsapi Key (get one from
- mercury apiKey (get one from
Current State:
- gets top-headlines or everything
- saves result locally as pdf format
Modules and APIs involved in this project:
- newsapi
- locate-ip api
- mercury api
Features to add [coming soon...]
- add sortBy to queries
Setup usage with rvm and process event series:
- create a gemset
$ rvm gemset create <gemset>
eg.$ rvm gemset create get_my_news
- use created gemset
$ rvm <ruby version>@<gemset>
- install bundler gem
$ gem install bundler
- install necessary gems
$ bundle
- create folder 'articles' for articles saved as pdf
$ mkdir articles
- create folder 'api_keys' for various api-keys used
$ mkdir api_keys
- make script executable
$ chmod +x <script_name.rb>
- get api key for newsapi from
- run script
$ ./<script_name.rb>
- enter newsapi
Further Development [coming soon...]
- Task 1 - Search DuckDuckGo for a specific term, open first 10 results
- Task 1-1 crawl their content, save them individually as pdf.
- Task 1-2 get whois info on the news outlet, where is it located, who ownes it.
- Task 2- Gather RSS feeds from prominent news outlets