Backend for the case-study application with PostgreSQL, TypeScript, Node.js and Express.js Stack
- Display a table with details of developers
- Ability to create a new User
- Ability to Edit existing User
- Generate a Random list for the intervention with a designated speaker
- Generate an alphabetised list of speakers with a designated speaker
- Pagination for the table component
- Language: Typescript
- Frontend development Library: ReactJS 18
- State container: Redux, Redux Toolkit
- CSS: Tailwind CSS
- HTTP Client: Axios
- Backend development Library: Node.js
- ORM: Prisma
- Database: Postgres
- Web application framework: Express JS
Prerequisite | Link |
Git | 🔗 |
Node 16 | 🔗 |
Yarn | 🔗 |
MongoDB* | 🔗 |
Docker* | 🔗 |
*You can have postgres either installed in your system or running in docker
Install dependencies:
Clone the github repository:
cd Intervention-Randomizer-UI
npm install
yarn install
Run the frontend:
npm run start
yarn start
Install dependencies:
Clone this git repository:
cd intervention-randomizer-api
npm install
yarn install
Run the backend
npm run serve
yarn serve
- If you have docker setup in your machine, you can follow the below steps to setup DB for the Application
Go to the API Project folder(intervention-randomizer-api) cloned in your local system
Build docker Image for Postgres:
docker build -t my-postgres-db ./ --no-cache
Check if image built:
docker images
$ docker images -a
my-postgres-db latest 38036a25ec7b 13 hours ago 379MB
Run the image as a container:
docker run -d --name my-postgresdb-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD={password} my-postgres-db
Make sure the beyond_play.sql file is present in the folder before running the container. This file creates the DB required for the application.
- If you have Postgres installed in your local system, create a Database called beyond_play and run the beyond_play.sql in postgres to create the DB and inject data.
Create a .env file in the project folder, add your Database URL:
If you're running in docker, the default username would be postgres unless specified otherwise
This project uses the following environment variables:
Name | Description | Default Value |
ORIGIN | Cors accepted values | "http://localhost:3000" |
PORT | Port on which the server runs | "3001" |
DATABASE_URL | Connection string for Postgres | "postgres://{username}:{password}@localhost:5432/beyond_play" |
These were not implemented due to time constraints but can be done as part of a future scope
- Unit Testing
- Ability to search and find individual user
- Error handling for custom error codes
- Security implementation with JWT and Passport
- Deploying to docker containers