Minimum Substring s
that contains all the letters of t
Sliding Windows
- Have to Maps to compare the occurance of each character
: contains char : counttMap
: used to match the char & count of sMap
- Two-pointer traversing of a string ( at each character ) :
- If s[end] exist in sMap
- Increment the value-count in
- If
value becomes equal tosMap
value =>++match
- Increment the value-count in
- While
match == sMap.size()
- Update the maxWindow length
- Increment the
pointer to reduce the window length
- If s[end] exist in sMap
class Solution {
public String minWindow(String s, String t) {
Map<Character, Integer> sMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Character, Integer> tMap = new HashMap<>();
for(char x : t.toCharArray() ) {
sMap.put(x, sMap.getOrDefault(x, 0) + 1);
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
int match = 0;
int minWin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int subStr = 0;
while( end < s.length() ) {
char x = s.charAt(end);
if( sMap.containsKey(x) ) {
tMap.put(x, tMap.getOrDefault(x, 0) + 1);
if( sMap.get(x) == tMap.get(x) ) {
while( match == sMap.size() ) {
// record current window
int currWin = end - start + 1;
if( currWin < minWin ) {
minWin = currWin;
subStr = start;
// decrement window length
char del = s.charAt(start);
if( sMap.containsKey(del) ) {
if( sMap.get(del) == tMap.get(del) ) {
tMap.put(del, tMap.get(del) - 1);
if( minWin == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return "";
return s.substring(subStr, subStr+minWin);
from collections import Counter
class Solution:
def minWindow(self, s: str, t: str) -> str:
if t == "":
return ""
tmap = Counter(t)
smap = {}
have, need = 0, len(tmap)
minLen = float('inf')
substr = [-1, -1]
l, r = 0, 0
while r < len(s):
if s[r] in tmap:
smap[s[r]] = 1 + smap.get(s[r], 0)
if smap[s[r]] == tmap[s[r]]:
have += 1
while need == have:
winLen = r - l + 1
if winLen < minLen:
minLen = winLen
substr = [l, r + 1]
if s[l] in tmap:
smap[s[l]] -= 1
if smap[s[l]] < tmap[s[l]]:
have -= 1
l += 1
r += 1
return s[substr[0]:substr[1]]
Edge cases:
- t = ""
- s = "", t = ""
- why is
& not 'len(t)' Because, have is increment only it match the values of a key. but a key can have >= 10 values too, in that case need cannot be 10, need should be 1, cuz when smap[key] == 10, have is incremented