True or False
Use stack
data structure
- Open braces - put into stack
- Close braces - stack top must be it's complimentary opening brace else : it's an invalid parenthesis
- At end of iteration, if the stack is not not empty then - invalid parenthesis
- At end of iteration, if the stack is empty - valid parenthesis
class Solution {
public boolean isValid(String s) {
LinkedList<Character> stk = new LinkedList<>();
Map<Character, Character> compliment = new HashMap<>();
compliment.put(')', '(');
compliment.put('}', '{');
compliment.put(']', '[');
for(char brace : s.toCharArray() ) {
if(brace == '(' || brace == '{' || brace == '[') {
} else if(stk.isEmpty() || stk.pop() != compliment.get(brace) ) {
return false;
return stk.isEmpty();