List of Topologically sorted nodes
For every node (u, v), u appears in any traversal before v
- We can topological sort of any DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graph)
5 4 2 3 1 0
- DFS Traversal
- Use a stack
- when you reach a node where you cannot dfs to any other node -> push it into stack
- Once you return to the main function: pop() stack elements & record them into a list, this list contains the topologically sorted nodes
class Solution
static void toposort(int currNode, boolean[] visited, LinkedList<Integer> stk, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> adj ) {
visited[currNode] = true;
for(int neighbour : adj.get(currNode)) {
if( !visited[neighbour] ) {
toposort(neighbour, visited, stk, adj);
static int[] topoSort(int n, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> adj) {
boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
LinkedList<Integer> stk = new LinkedList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(!visited[i]) {
toposort(i, visited, stk, adj);
int[] res = new int[stk.size()];
int i = 0;
while( !stk.isEmpty() ) {
res[i++] = stk.pop();
return res;
import collections
class Solution:
#Function to detect cycle in an undirected graph.
def isCycle(self, V: int, adj: List[List[int]]) -> bool:
vis = set()
q = collections.deque()
def bfs(ver):
q.append([ver, -1])
while q:
node, src = q.popleft()
for nb in adj[node]:
if nb not in vis:
q.append([nb, node])
elif nb != src:
return True
return False
for v in range(V):
if v not in vis and bfs(v):
return True
return False
- Failed to consider that input can be a disconnected graph (forgot the for-loop check for all vertices)