Note: API Keys have replaced Access Tokens/Client ID & Secret
API Keys will now be used to authorize your Clarifai applications. You can go to an Application's detail page to create a new key . This change will not break existing applications - Access Tokens will be supported until late 2017. You can find more information on our blog.
Authentication to the API is handled through API Keys. You can limit the scope of an API Key, which enables the key to perform very specific operations on a given app, keeping your app secure.
To create an API Key, you can head over to the Application details page, and specify what scopes you want the key to have.
Authorize Applications
Select the application that you want to authorize using this key. An API Key cannot be used across multiple apps.
Key Description
Use this field to create a descriptive name for your API Key. As you start to create a lot of keys, you would need this field to keep track of what key is for what purpose. Note: this field is not used for any identification purposes.
You will see a list of scopes that you can add on to your API Key for the app that was selected. We recommend generating different keys for very specific purposes - this is the best approach to keep your app secure from malicious attacks. Do NOT share your API Key with other users. Here's a list of scopes that your key can have:
Note: API Keys do not expire. In case your API Key gets compromised, you should delete that key, and create a new one with the same scopes.
Authorize API Calls
After creating your API Key
, you are ready to make API calls. If you are using a client, authentication will be handled for you. If you are using the REST API, you will need to add the Authorization
header as described in the cURL example.
{% code-tabs %} {% code-tabs-item title="js" %}
const app = new Clarifai.App({apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'});
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="python" %}
from import ClarifaiApp
app = ClarifaiApp(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="java" %}
new ClarifaiBuilder("YOUR_API_KEY").buildSync();
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="csharp" %}
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Clarifai.API;
namespace YourNamespace
public class YourClassName
public static async Task Main()
var client = new ClarifaiClient("YOUR_API_KEY");
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="objective-c" %}
ClarifaiApp *app = [[ClarifaiApp alloc] initWithApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY"];
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="php" %}
use Clarifai\API\ClarifaiClient;
$client = new ClarifaiClient('YOUR_API_KEY');
{% endcode-tabs-item %}
{% code-tabs-item title="cURL" %}
curl -X POST \
-H 'Authorization: Key YOUR_API_KEY' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '
{% endcode-tabs-item %} {% endcode-tabs %}
If the API Key does not have the required scope(s), you will receive one of the following responses: 1. Rejected Request: if a large portion of the response requires a scope that is missing 2. Redacted Response: if majority of the response has the required scope(s), a small portion of the response will be redacted to not reveal unwarranted information