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144 lines (131 loc) · 18.4 KB

Squirrelsong Light color theme

Squirrelsong Light

Available themes


Name Hex RGB
gray04 #4c4b4e 76, 75, 78
gray05 #5c595f 92, 89, 95
gray06 #6b676f 107, 103, 111
gray07 #78737d 120, 115, 125
gray08 #8c8792 140, 135, 146
gray09 #9c96a2 156, 150, 162
gray0a #a8a1af 168, 161, 175
gray0b #b8b1be 184, 177, 190
gray0c #c9c4cf 201, 196, 207
gray0d #dbd7e0 219, 215, 224
gray0e #e8e5eb 232, 229, 235
gray0f #f7f6f9 247, 246, 249
white #fdfdfe 253, 253, 254
green #9bae7e 155, 174, 126
greenLight #d1dac3 209, 218, 195
greenLighter #e7ebe0 231, 235, 224
greenContrast #667e44 97, 124, 60
teal #5f9b8d 95, 155, 141
tealLight #adccc5 173, 204, 197
tealLighter #d6e6e2 214, 230, 226
tealContrast #468173 63, 125, 111
blue #80a4be 128, 164, 190
blueLight #bfd1de 191, 209, 222
blueLighter #dfe8ef 223, 232, 239
blueContrast #527b98 78, 121, 151
purple #ac9bc5 172, 155, 197
purpleLight #d7cfe3 215, 207, 227
purpleLighter #ebe7f1 235, 231, 241
purpleContrast #806f9b 128, 106, 164
red #d67e76 214, 126, 118
redLight #e5ada8 229, 173, 168
redLighter #f3dcda 243, 220, 218
redContrast #c06159 188, 82, 72
orange #de9e59 222, 158, 89
orangeLight #eeceac 238, 206, 172
orangeLighter #f7e7d5 247, 231, 213
orangeContrast #bf8240 170, 99, 24
yellow #e4c158 230, 197, 101
yellowLight #e9d9a8 233, 217, 168
yellowLighter #f7f0de 247, 240, 222
yellowContrast #b39119 145, 113, 8
brightPink #e87da4 232, 125, 164
brightPinkLight #f0a8c2 240, 168, 194
brightPinkLighter #fae1ea 250, 225, 234
brightYellow #f5da70 245, 218, 112
brightYellowLight #f8e7a0 248, 231, 160
brightYellowLighter #fdf6de 253, 246, 222

Code colors

Where Color Hex Style
Foreground gray07 #78737d
Punctuation gray07 #78737d
Comment gray09 #9c96a2
Keyword, tag name purple #ac9bc5 Bold
Number, boolean orange #de9e59
Property, attribute name blue #80a4be
Variable blue #80a4be Italic
Function blue #80a4be Bold
String, RegExp, attribute value, inserted green #9bae7e
Type, namespace, colon teal #5f9b8d
Class, at-rule, operator teal #5f9b8d Bold
Deleted red #d67e76
Important red #d67e76 Bold
URL blueContrast #527b98
Selection background brightYellowLight #fdf6de
Line highlight background gray0f #f7f6f9
Background white #fdfdfe

UI colors

Where Color Hex Comments
Title text foreground, match foreground gray07 #4c4b4e
Text foreground gray07 #78737d
Secondary text foreground gray07 #8c8792
Disabled foreground gray09 #9c96a2
Active foreground gray04 #4c4b4e
Link foreground blueContrast #527b98
Link hover foreground blue #80a4be
Text background white #fdfdfe
Background gray0f #f7f6f9 Sidebars, popups
Button background gray07 #9c96a2
Active background gray0d #dbd7e0
Hover background gray0e #e8e5eb
Border gray0c #c9c4cf
Border light gray0e #e8e5eb
Border active gray04 #4c4b4e
Focus border gray07 #78737d
Icon gray08 #8c8792
Active icon gray04 #4c4b4e

ANSI colors

Name Color Hex
Black gray04 #4c4b4e
Black bright gray07 #78737d
White gray0f #9c96a2
White bright gray07 #c9c4cf
Blue blue #80a4be
Blue bright blueLight #bfd1de
Cyan teal #5f9b8d
Cyan bright tealLight #adccc5
Green green #9bae7e
Green bright greenLight #d1dac3
Magenta purple #ac9bc5
Magenta bright purpleLight #d7cfe3
Red red #d67e76
Red bright redLight #e5ada8
Yellow yellow #e4c158
Yellow bright yellowLight #e9d9a8