--------------downloading the library-------------- Downloading taxonomy for database Kraken2StandardDB_k_25_hbv_hg Downloading nucleotide gb accession to taxon map... done. Downloading nucleotide wgs accession to taxon map... done. Downloaded accession to taxon map(s) Downloading taxonomy tree data... done. Uncompressing taxonomy data... done. Untarring taxonomy tree data... done. Downloading human library from NCBI for database Kraken2StandardDB_k_25_hbv_hg Step 1/2: Performing ftp file transfer of requested files Step 2/2: Assigning taxonomic IDs to sequences All files processed, cleaning up extra sequence files... done, library complete. Masking low-complexity regions of downloaded library... done. virus first and last tax ids are: 9000000, 9000073 scan_fasta_file.pl: unable to determine taxonomy ID for sequence hbv_ref7 Building database with virus hbv_hg and k 25 For k = 25 : Minimizer length = 22 For k = 25 : Minimizer spaces = 4 Creating sequence ID to taxonomy ID map (step 1)... Sequence ID to taxonomy ID map complete. [0.014s] Estimating required capacity (step 2)... Estimated hash table requirement: 4258685804 bytes Capacity estimation complete. [1m55.059s] Building database files (step 3)... Taxonomy parsed and converted. CHT created with 6 bits reserved for taxid. Completed processing of 705 sequences, 3298430636 bp Writing data to disk... complete. Database files completed. [12m9.290s] Database construction complete. [Total: 14m4.430s] Command being timed: "./kraken2-build --build --db Kraken2StandardDB_k_25_hbv_hg --kmer-len 25 --minimizer-len 22 --minimizer-spaces 4" User time (seconds): 831.80 System time (seconds): 7.99 Percent of CPU this job got: 99% Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 14:04.47 Average shared text size (kbytes): 0 Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0 Average stack size (kbytes): 0 Average total size (kbytes): 0 Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 5200656 Average resident set size (kbytes): 0 Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 53 Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 240404 Voluntary context switches: 1339265 Involuntary context switches: 1298005 Swaps: 0 File system inputs: 12158 File system outputs: 0 Socket messages sent: 0 Socket messages received: 0 Signals delivered: 0 Page size (bytes): 4096 Exit status: 0 done with k= 25 --------------downloading the library-------------- Downloading taxonomy for database Kraken2StandardDB_k_18_hbv Downloading nucleotide gb accession to taxon map... done. Downloading nucleotide wgs accession to taxon map... done. Downloaded accession to taxon map(s) Downloading taxonomy tree data... done. Uncompressing taxonomy data... done. Untarring taxonomy tree data... done. virus first and last tax ids are: 9000000, 9000073 scan_fasta_file.pl: unable to determine taxonomy ID for sequence hbv_ref7 Building database with virus hbv and k 18 For k = 18 : Minimizer length = 16 For k = 18 : Minimizer spaces = 3 Creating sequence ID to taxonomy ID map (step 1)... No preliminary seqid/taxid mapping files found, aborting. Command exited with non-zero status 1 Command being timed: "./kraken2-build --build --db Kraken2StandardDB_k_18_hbv --kmer-len 18 --minimizer-len 16 --minimizer-spaces 3" User time (seconds): 0.02 System time (seconds): 0.01 Percent of CPU this job got: 90% Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.04 Average shared text size (kbytes): 0 Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0 Average stack size (kbytes): 0 Average total size (kbytes): 0 Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 9348 Average resident set size (kbytes): 0 Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 0 Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 2847 Voluntary context switches: 59 Involuntary context switches: 16 Swaps: 0 File system inputs: 62 File system outputs: 0 Socket messages sent: 0 Socket messages received: 0 Signals delivered: 0 Page size (bytes): 4096 Exit status: 1 --------------downloading the library-------------- Downloading taxonomy for database Kraken2StandardDB_k_22_hbv Downloading nucleotide gb accession to taxon map... done. Downloading nucleotide wgs accession to taxon map... done. Downloaded accession to taxon map(s) Downloading taxonomy tree data... done. Uncompressing taxonomy data... done. Untarring taxonomy tree data... done. virus first and last tax ids are: 9000000, 9000073 scan_fasta_file.pl: unable to determine taxonomy ID for sequence hbv_ref7 Building database with virus hbv and k 22 For k = 22 : Minimizer length = 19 For k = 22 : Minimizer spaces = 3 Creating sequence ID to taxonomy ID map (step 1)... No preliminary seqid/taxid mapping files found, aborting. Command exited with non-zero status 1 Command being timed: "./kraken2-build --build --db Kraken2StandardDB_k_22_hbv --kmer-len 22 --minimizer-len 19 --minimizer-spaces 3" User time (seconds): 0.02 System time (seconds): 0.02 Percent of CPU this job got: 27% Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.17 Average shared text size (kbytes): 0 Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0 Average stack size (kbytes): 0 Average total size (kbytes): 0 Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 9376 Average resident set size (kbytes): 0 Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 20 Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 2845 Voluntary context switches: 103 Involuntary context switches: 18 Swaps: 0 File system inputs: 4110 File system outputs: 0 Socket messages sent: 0 Socket messages received: 0 Signals delivered: 0 Page size (bytes): 4096 Exit status: 1