I found out about Break Free From Plastic’s Brand Audits through my involvement with the local Social Justice Cooperative of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Zero Waste Action Team, which I have been volunteering with for little over a year. One of my colleagues and friends proposed an audit in St. John’s, partially to contribute to the global audit and as part of a bigger project to understand the sources of plastic in our city. We completed our audit in October 2020 and are the first submission to BFFP from Newfoundland! You can find our data presented in this Shiny dashboard.
Then when I found out that the 2019 and 2020 global audit data was available online, my first thought was that it would make an excellent Tidy Tuesday dataset! Very nerdy, I know, but there you are. It’s an interesting dataset, with lots of room to play around and so many options for visualization, plus plastic pollution is an important topic to talk about and raise awareness of! You can read BFFP’s Brand Audit Reports for 2018, 2019 and 2020 to get an idea of what they’ve done with the data.
The data is available through Google Drive; you can find the 2019 data here and the 2020 data here. As far as I can tell, the 2018 data was not made public. There are more folders in the 2019 folder than 2020; I downloaded the Countries folder from 2019 to match the 2020 data format.
Just so you know what you’re getting into and how this blog is going to read, I’ll start by laying out my plan. In Part 1, I’ll manipulate the data so that all the CSV files are aggregated into one large data set with total counts by year, country, brands and type of plastic. Then, I’ll walk through replicating (Part 2) and extending (Part 3) BFFP’s dashboard using Shiny. If you want to have a peek at the end product, you can find the dashboard here.
Since there are a lot of files to import, we’re going to create a function that will not only import all of the files but collate them into a single data set. I’m going to import each year separately first, then merge the two years at the end.
I’ve adapted a function that a friend of mine, David Baker, made for me years ago when I had lots of files to import - I use it all the time now so thanks Dave! We’ll walk through each part one at a time before putting it all together and using it.
So, the first step is to gather all the file names found in a particular
folder using list.files
and then start importing the raw data in those
files. I’ll start with the first file in 2019 for now. Later, in the
function, we’ll run a loop that will go through all the files in the
fns <- list.files("./2019/", pattern=".csv")
pathname <- paste0("./2019/", fns[1])
rawdata <- read_csv(pathname)
Next, we want to extract the country name in the file title to add to the data as a new column. This will only apply to the 2019 data in the end, the 2020 data already has this information in the CSV files.
filetitle <- basename(fns[1]) %>%
str_sub(1, -5) #keep all characters except last 4
rawdata$Country <- filetitle
Ideally, every country would have submitted data for all types of plastic and all country files would have the same number of columns, but unfortunately that’s not the case for the 2019 data (it is for the 2020 data). Compare for example Argentina and Australia:
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## ParentCoFinal = col_character(),
## EMPTY = col_double(),
## HDPE = col_double(),
## LDPE = col_double(),
## O = col_double(),
## PET = col_double(),
## PP = col_double(),
## PS = col_double(),
## PVC = col_double(),
## `Grand Total` = col_double(),
## `number of events` = col_double(),
## `number of volunteers` = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 6 x 12
## ParentCoFinal EMPTY HDPE LDPE O PET PP PS PVC `Grand Total`
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Grand Total 0 215 55 607 1376 281 116 18 2668
## 2 Unbranded 0 155 50 532 848 122 114 17 1838
## 3 The Coca-Col~ 0 0 0 0 222 35 0 0 257
## 4 Secco 0 0 0 0 39 4 0 0 43
## 5 Doble Cola 0 0 0 0 38 0 0 0 38
## 6 Pritty 0 0 0 0 22 7 0 0 29
## # ... with 2 more variables: `number of events` <dbl>, `number of
## # volunteers` <dbl>
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## ParentCoFinal = col_character(),
## PET = col_double(),
## `Grand Total` = col_double(),
## `number of events` = col_double(),
## `number of volunteers` = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 2 x 5
## ParentCoFinal PET `Grand Total` `number of events` `number of volunteers`
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Woolworths Group 3 3 1 5
## 2 Grand Total 3 3 1 5
So, we need to create a function to add columns to those files missing them.
test.columns <- function(file){
column.names <- c("EMPTY", "HDPE", "LDPE", "O", "PET", "PP", "PS", "PVC")
for(j in 1:8){ #for each type of plastic in column.names
if(!column.names[j] %in% colnames(file)){ #if the column name is not a part of the file's column names
file$new <- 0 #create a new column
colnames(file)[ncol(file)] <- column.names[j] #name the column
#rearrange column order to match order of 2020 files
data <- select(file, "Country", "ParentCoFinal", "EMPTY", "HDPE", "LDPE", "O", "PET", "PP", "PS", "PVC", "Grand Total", "number of events", "number of volunteers")
Now, we combine all the steps above into a single function, looping through each file and collating them into one big data frame.
import2019 <- function(fns=list.files("./2019/", pattern=".csv")){
fulldata <- NULL
for(i in seq(along=fns)){ #go through each file one at a time
pathname <- paste0("./2019/", fns[i])
rawdata <- read_csv(pathname)
#Country information
filetitle <- basename(fns[i]) %>%
str_sub(1, -5) #keep all characters except last 4
rawdata$Country <- filetitle
#Add columns as necessary and rearrange all columns
rawdata <- test.columns(rawdata)
#Remove first row, which is the total for each plastic type category; this can easily be calculated later if needed
rawdata <- filter(rawdata, ParentCoFinal != "Grand Total")
#Add to full data set
fulldata <- rbind(fulldata, rawdata)
data_2019 <- import2019()
Since the 2020 data skips many of these steps, we’ll write a separate function for it:
import2020 <- function(fns=list.files("./2020/", pattern=".csv")){
fulldata <- NULL
for(i in seq(along=fns)){ #go through each file one at a time
pathname <- paste0("./2020/", fns[i])
rawdata <- read_csv(pathname)
#Remove rows where Parent_company is NULL or null; these are the plastic material type totals and are not always the first row
rawdata <- filter(rawdata, Parent_company != "NULL", Parent_company != "null")
#Add to full data set
fulldata <- rbind(fulldata, rawdata)
data_2020 <- import2020()
Now all that’s left to do is to add a column for year, ensure the column
names match, and then use a simple rbind
to create one single dataset
to explore if that’s what you’d like to do, or to use in our Shiny
dashboard we’re going to build next.
data_2019$Year <- 2019
data_2019 <- select(data_2019, Year, everything())
data_2020$Year <- 2020
data_2020 <- select(data_2020, Year, everything())
#rename 2019 columns
colnames(data_2019) <- colnames(data_2020)
data <- rbind(data_2019, data_2020)
#Write to file
write_csv(data, "aggregated_data.csv")
Now you have your data all in one place! You can of course stop here and work on any kind of further manipulation or visualization you’d like! I’ve been working on my Shiny skills so I went with making a Shiny dashboard. I’ve found that for large datasets like these, it’s helpful to have an interactive way to explore the data, especially to explore all the countries and brands. Next up, making a Shiny app!
To create a Shiny app in RStudio, go to File -> New File -> Shiny Web App. Name your project and choose a directory in which it will live. You can also choose whether you would like to make one file (app.R) or two files (ui.R/server.R). I prefer the single file option but that’s just out of habit and that fact that I’ve not been making particularly complicated apps. For a primer on Shiny, check out their website - I’ve been using it a lot while creating this, as well as the Shiny dashboards page.
The first thing to do is to set up all the packages, data, files, variables, etc. you’re going to need throughout your app. I’ve imported the data we just cleaned in Part 1 and created a vector that contains all the countries in the dataset to use in our drop-down menu. I also set a plot theme that I like. In this case, there isn’t much data manipulation needed, but maybe for other apps you have multiple datasets or you have a particular subset you know you’re going to use a lot. Those should be created here for the sake of efficiency: the code in this section is only ran once.
#Import data
data <- read_csv("aggregated_data.csv") %>%
replace_na(list(Grand_Total = 0, volunteers = 0)) #replaced any NAs present in the dataset with 0
#Set plot theme
#Country category list for selectInput choices; add a blank option at the front of the list
country_list <- c(".", unique(data$Country))
names(country_list) <- c("-", unique(data$Country))
Then, we define our UI, which will contain a header, a sidebar and a
body. Since the header will be simple, I’ll leave it for later when we
put the three parts together. So, I’ll start with the sidebar. This will
be pretty simple for now since we only have one tab to start with. You
ned a title that can be seen on the app, a tabName
that you’ll use to
refer to this tab in your code later, and you can add an icon. Since
it’s a trash audit, I went for a garbage can.
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
menuItem("BFFP Dashboard", tabName = "BFFP", icon = icon("trash"))
For our tab contents, we need four items: (1) a drop-down menu to select the country, (2) a table showing the total number of plastics recorded for each year, (3) a box with two tabs showing the top 3 polluters for each year and (4) a plot illustrating the total number of plastics recorded each year.
These are placed within a tabItem
, which references the tabName
gave our tab in the sidebar in Step 2. I then put in a short sentence
describing the tab in header level 3 font.
The first of our four items takes input from the user so we’re going to
use one of Shiny’s widgets, selectInput
. It takes a tag that you’ll
use to refer to it in the server
portion of the code later, a title
that the user can see, the list of options (in this case our list of
countries we made earlier) and a default selection.
The other three modify the data to produce an output. We’ll use
and plotOutput
to produce tables and a plot,
respectively. Both these functions take a tag that you’ll use to refer
to it later.
I’ve organized these into rows and columns using the fluidRow
functions, which help you build your layout. As you can guess
from their names, fluidRow
creates a new row, and column
creates a
new column within that row. I’ve also placed our first table and the
plot in a box so that they can have titles, just like the BFFP
dashboard. Finally, I’ve used tabBox
with two tabPanel
s to create
the table showcasing the top polluters per year.
body <- dashboardBody(
tabItem(tabName = "BFFP",
h3("This tab approximately reproduces BFFP's dashboard, which can be found",
a("here", href = "https://www.breakfreefromplastic.org/globalbrandauditreport2020/"), "."),
column(width = 4,
selectInput("BFFP_country", "Select Country",
choices = country_list,
selected = "-"
column(width = 4,
box(title = "Total Number of Plastics Recorded", width = 12,
column(width = 8,
tabBox(title = "Top Polluters per year", width = 12,
tabPanel("2020", tableOutput("BFFP_2019Polluters")),
tabPanel("2019", tableOutput("BFFP_2020Polluters"))
box(title = "Recorded plastics", width = 12,
We can now put together our sidebar and body, and add a header to give the app a title, to make our UI.
ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = "Break Free From Plastic TidyTuesday by Sarah Sauve", titleWidth = 500),
Next, we fill the server function of the app, which will manipulate the
data and create outputs based on user input. This function is
essentially made up of a combination of reactive
and render
To create our first table, we’re going to create a reactive
to use the user input from selectInput
in the UI to filter our dataset
by Country. We’re then going to group the data by year before
calculating the total number of plastics found in that country each
year. Then, we’ll use renderTable
to output a table to the location we
want using the tag from the matching tableOutput
in the UI, in this
case “BFFP_total”.
total_table_reactfunc <- reactive({
data <- data %>%
filter(Country == input$BFFP_country) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarise(Total = sum(Grand_Total, na.rm = TRUE))
data$Year <- as.integer(data$Year) #to ensure proper data type for plot
data$Total <- as.integer(data$Total)
output$BFFP_total <- renderTable({
data <- total_table_reactfunc()
The next two tables are a little bit more involved. This is mostly
because I couldn’t figure out how to make one single function for both
years. So, I have the same pair of functions twice, once for 2019 and
once for 2020. The first of the pair is the reactive
function, which
filters the data by country, then year. Then we arrange the dataset from
largest polluter to smallest based on total plastic pollution using
and desc
. I’ve decided to take out “Unbranded” or it would
likely be the top polluter everywhere. We take the top 3 using head
and then transform the numbers into a percentage of total plastic found
in that country using mutate
. Finally, we assign the column names from
the BFFP dashboard.
The output is once again a simple renderTable
with the matching tag.
And repeat for 2020.
polluters2019_reactfunc <- reactive({
country <- filter(data, Country == input$BFFP_country)
data <- country %>%
filter(Year == 2019) %>%
arrange(desc(Grand_Total)) %>%
select(Parent_company, Grand_Total) %>%
filter(Parent_company != "Unbranded") %>%
head(n = 3) %>%
mutate("%" = (Grand_Total/sum(country$Grand_Total))*100)
colnames(data) <- c("Polluters", "Recorded Plastics", "%")
output$BFFP_2019Polluters <- renderTable({
data <- polluters2019_reactfunc()
polluters2020_reactfunc <- reactive({
country <- filter(data, Country == input$BFFP_country)
data <- country %>%
filter(Year == 2020) %>%
arrange(desc(Grand_Total)) %>%
select(Parent_company, Grand_Total) %>%
filter(Parent_company != "Unbranded") %>%
head(n = 3) %>%
mutate("%" = (Grand_Total/sum(country$Grand_Total))*100)
colnames(data) <- c("Polluters", "Recorded Plastics", "%")
output$BFFP_2020Polluters <- renderTable({
data <- polluters2020_reactfunc()
Next, we’ve got to make our plot. This is made easier by the fact that
we’ve already processed the data to get the numbers we need to make our
first table. So, we simply insert the appropriate reactive
function we
wrote earlier into ggplot
! I chose a bar plot here instead of a line
since we only have two values.
output$BFFP_plot <- renderPlot({
aes(x = as.factor(Year), y = Total)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", width = .7) +
Finally, we put all of those chunks together into a server function, like this:
server <- function(input, output) {
#Total national output per year
total_table_reactfunc <- reactive({
data <- data %>%
filter(Country == input$BFFP_country) %>%
group_by(Year) %>%
summarise(Total = sum(Grand_Total, na.rm = TRUE))
data$Year <- as.integer(data$Year)
data$Total <- as.integer(data$Total)
output$BFFP_total <- renderTable({
data <- total_table_reactfunc()
output$BFFP_plot <- renderPlot({
aes(x = as.factor(Year), y = Total)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", width = .7) +
#Tables for top 3 polluters per year
polluters2019_reactfunc <- reactive({
country <- filter(data, Country == input$BFFP_country)
data <- country %>%
filter(Year == 2019) %>%
arrange(desc(Grand_Total)) %>%
select(Parent_company, Grand_Total) %>%
filter(Parent_company != "Unbranded") %>%
head(n = 3) %>%
mutate("%" = (Grand_Total/sum(country$Grand_Total))*100)
colnames(data) <- c("Polluters", "Recorded Plastics", "%")
output$BFFP_2019Polluters <- renderTable({
data <- polluters2019_reactfunc()
polluters2020_reactfunc <- reactive({
country <- filter(data, Country == input$BFFP_country)
data <- country %>%
filter(Year == 2020) %>%
arrange(desc(Grand_Total)) %>%
select(Parent_company, Grand_Total) %>%
filter(Parent_company != "Unbranded") %>%
head(n = 3) %>%
mutate("%" = (Grand_Total/sum(country$Grand_Total))*100)
colnames(data) <- c("Polluters", "Recorded Plastics", "%")
output$BFFP_2020Polluters <- renderTable({
data <- polluters2020_reactfunc()
You can now run, or even publish your app!
So far the BFFP dashboard has been useful to practice my Shiny skills, but it doesn’t provide quite enough detailed data for my taste. So, here we’re going to add a new tab where we can investigate the data by brand and plastic material type.
We’re going to need a couple more things in our global area for this new
section. The first is the DT
package for really nicely formatted,
searchable tables, and the second is a list of brands to create a brand
drop-down menu like we did for countries in the BFFP dashboard. There
are many more brands than there are countries, so we’re going to start
making that more manageable by removing all brands with a Grand_Total
of plastics of 0.
#Brand list for selectInput choices; remove brands with a Grand Total of 0 items
item_brands <- filter(data, Grand_Total != 0)
brand_list <- c(".", unique(item_brands$Parent_company))
names(brand_list) <- c("-", unique(item_brands$Parent_company))
Then, we move to our UI. We’re making a new tab, so we need to add a menu item to our sidebar. The two-tab sidebar looks like this:
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
menuItem("BFFP Dashboard", tabName = "BFFP", icon = icon("trash")),
menuItem("Brand Spotlight", tabName = "Brands", icon = icon("copyright"))
We’re going to add contents to our new tab by adding to the body portion
of our app. This new contents goes under a new tabItem
, which goes
within the tabItems
function that we used to make the body (the new
tab is placed in context in the next code chunk, with the context
commented out).
On this tab, I’ve decided to have (1) a drop-down selection list of brands, (2) an info-box that shows how many countries that brand was found in, (3) a plot that shows the number of pieces of plastic found for each type of plastic materials and (4) a table showing all the data for that brand for browsing/more detail.
Since there are 9,000+ brands in this brand audit, I wanted the option
to search the list. Otherwise, scrolling would take much too long! It
turns out that Shiny has such a function; it’s called selectizeInput
and it takes the same arguments as selectInput
The reactive info box is generated by the infoBoxOutput
function, the
plot by plotOutput
and the data table by dataTableOutput
, with is
the DT
version of a data table.
#body <- dashboardBody(
# tabItems(
# tabItem(tabName = "BFFP", "All the previous tab contents"),
tabItem(tabName = "Brands",
h3("This tab presents the BFFP data based on brands and includes the breakdown of plastic types."),
p("When there is no brand selected, feel free to browse the data using the search function in the table below for inspiration!"),
column(width = 4,
selectizeInput("brands", "Browse or type in box to select brand",
choices = brand_list,
selected = "-",
multiple = FALSE
column(offset = 4, width = 3,
infoBoxOutput("Brands_countries", width = 12)
box(title = "Plastics type breakdown", width = 12,
# )
We’re going to add to the server function to provide contents for the new objects we put in the UI. Each of these code chunks go in the server function that we made earlier.
First, the info box, using renderInfoBox
and assigning it to the
appropriate output. I start with an if/else statement so that when no
brand is selected, there isn’t an error or an NA in the info box. When a
brand is selected (the else portion), then we can count the number of
unique countries where that brand was found. We then insert that number
into an infoBox
with the selected brand as the title and the number of
countries as subtitle, with a hashtag icon and coloured red.
output$Brands_countries <- renderInfoBox({
if(input$brands == "."){
unique_countries <- "0"
unique_countries <- length(unique(brand_selection_reactfunc()$Country))
input$brands, paste(unique_countries, "countries"),icon = icon("hashtag"),
color = "red", fill = TRUE
Second, the plot. This plot requires some data manipulation to get to
the information and format we need to feed to ggplot
. So, we’ll write
a reactive
function to filter the data by brand, then sum the total
number of pieces of waste for each plastic type for each year using a
combination of group_by
and summarise
. Finally, we’ll need to pivot
the data so that the type of plastic becomes a variable. I name the
columns and ensure Year
is a factor for ease of plotting. The output
of this reactive function is then used in renderPlot
to create a bar
graph assigned to the corresponding output.
brand_plot_reactfunc <- reactive({
data <- data %>%
filter(Parent_company == input$brands) %>%
group_by(Parent_company, Year) %>%
summarise(Empty = sum(Empty),
HDPE = sum(HDPE),
LDPE = sum(LDPE),
O = sum(O),
PET = sum(PET),
PP = sum(PP),
PS = sum(PS),
PVT = sum(PVC)
) %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(3:10))
colnames(data) <- c("Company", "Year", "MaterialType", "Count")
data$Year <- as.factor(data$Year)
output$Brands_plot <- renderPlot({
aes(x = MaterialType, y = Count, fill = Year)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", width = 0.7) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("blue", "orange"))
Last but not least, our data table. The data manipulation here is fairly
simple, I’ve just filtered by brand and removed the num_events
columns. The reactive
function also starts with an
if/else statement here so that when there’s no brand selected, the full
data set is displayed. This allows users to search the entire data set,
which could be useful to find inspiration for what kind of information
they’d like to see plotted. Instead of using Shiny’s renderTable
we’re going to use renderDataTable
from the DT
package. It makes
much nicer, scrollable and searchable tables, which is very useful for
very large tables like this one.
brand_selection_reactfunc <- reactive({
if(input$brands == "."){
data <- data %>%
filter(Parent_company == input$brands) %>%
select(-num_events, -volunteers)
output$Brands_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
rownames = FALSE)
When it’s all put together, it looks like this! You can find the code and data on GitHub here.