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Custom API requests

Simón Olivo (Sarturo) edited this page Aug 2, 2020 · 7 revisions

In addition to the available functions, you can build your own GameJolt API request. You only need to know the endpoint and the necessary parameters. Remember that by default, the "game_id" parameter is already included in the request.

create_request(endpoint: String, params: Dictionary, options: Dictionary) -> GameJoltAPIRequest

Make a custom request to the GameJolt API


The path where you receive a resource or perform an action/feature provided by the GameJolt API.


The necessary parameters will depend on the service or resource to be requested.


  • 'ssl': bool (optional) If SSL is enabled (set to true), API requests are made by using the HTTPS protocol. (Enabled by default).

Signal Output:

  • api_request_completed(data: Array) Returns an array which include the following Dictionary element:
    • success: bool It will return true if the response is received and processed successfully.
    • [data]: Array The name of [data] will depend on the GameJolt API response. Depending on the API response it may contain an empty array, or contain more than one Dictionary element.
  • api_request_failed(error: String) Returns an error message.


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