R CMD check results clean on 5 platforms via GitHub Action (Mac, Windows and Ubuntu on current and Ubuntu on devel and oldrel), plus devtools::check_win_devel, _release, and oldrelease plus check_rhub. No problems with revdep_check.
fixed \itemize problems created by deprecation of \item{}{}
fix intermittent bug in writeFindFn2xls
- I believe I've fixed all the problems identified in CRAN checks and in emails from Prof. Ripley, EXCEPT for the NOTE that, "The following object is masked from 'package:utils': ?" This is code that Duncan Murdoch contributed to this package around 2009, and I don't know how to suppress it. I asked R-pkg-devel. Ben Bolker replied, "This is harmless and should be accepted by CRAN". If you disagree, I could use guidance on how to eliminate it without eliminating the functionality for which Duncan contributed code.
- Some checks complained incorrectly that, "there is no package called 'mgcv' ... 'survival' ... 'boot' ... 'MASS' 'lattice'". No other errors, warnings or notes were reported on 5 GitHub Actions (R-release on Mac, Windows, Ubuntu plus R-devel and -oldrel on Ubuntu, all latest), plus my local machine (macOS 11.7.7 with R 4.3.0), Winbuilder with R-release, R-oldrel, and R-devel, and R-hub.
2021-03-29 / 31:
- local macOS 11.6.5, R 4.1.3: no errors, warning, notes
- GitHub Actions *- windows, macOS, ubuntu (release): Check *- ubuntu (devel): no package called ‘rcmdcheck’:
- ---> Isn't this a problem with ubuntu (devel), not with sos?
- R-hub builder: OK
- Winbuilder on R-release, R-oldrelease, and R-devel all OK
- revdepcheck checked 4 dependencies, all 4 OK.
- local macOS 11.5.2, R 4.1.1
- All 4 GitHub Actions:
- R 4.1.0 on Win10, Mac & Ubuntu 20.04
- plus R-devel on Ubuntu 20.04
- Winbuilder: R-release, R-devel, R-oldrelease
- R-hub: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, R-devel, 32/64 bit:
- local macOS 11.4, R 4.1.0
- All 4 GitHub Actions:
- R 4.1.0 on Win10, Mac & Ubuntu 20.04
- plus R-devel on Ubuntu 20.04
- Winbuilder: R-release, R-devel, R-oldrelease
- R-hub: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, R-devel, 32/64 bit:
- R-hub:
- Debian Linux, R-devel, GCC,
- Ubuntu Linux 20.04.1 LTS, R-release, GCC
- Fedora Linux, R-devel, clang, gfortran