This folder contains the firmware running on the four BIGTREETECH SKR V1.3 controller boards driving the PROBoter hardware platform. The code is basically a fork of the popular 3D printer firmware Marlin with some additional PROBoter-specific configurations and G-Code extensions.
The code is a fork of Marlin's bugfix-2.1.x branch with some PROBoter-specific modifications described below.
The firmware is configured for the following hardware installed in the hardware prototype of the PROBoter:
- Stepper driver: Trinamics TMC2130
- Mechanical transmission: Tooth belt (GT2 profile), 16 teeth pulley in all axes
Additional settings like homing directions, motor / drive and endstop configuration is done on a per-probe basis. Therefore, the firmware must be built individually for each controller board!
- M370 Perform circle centering of a single electrical probe. This routine is used during hardware calibration and described in the original PROBoter thesis.
- M371 Read the status of a custom evaluation board (currently not in use).
- M375 Set light intensity. This command is only executed by the board which is configured as light controller.
- M376 Read the currently set light intensity.
The firmware can be easily built using PlatformIO.
First install PlatformIO using pip:
pip install platformio
Select the probe / controller board by uncommenting the respective line in Configuration.h.
Example configuration to build the firmware for probe 1:
// @section PROBoter-specific configuration
// Enable PROBoter-specific functionality
#define PROBOTER
// Select the probe for which the firmware should be built
// !! Only select ONE probe at a time !!
#define PROBE_1
//#define PROBE_11
//#define PROBE_2
//#define PROBE_21
Finally, compile and upload the firmware to the controller board:
pio run -t upload
After a board reset the new firmware can be used :)