PowerShell wrapper for manipulating Alternate Data Streams.
Inspired by a short video by DrapsTV, and a python wrapper pyADS for manipulating ADS on Windows.
Beginning with PowerShell 3.0, Microsoft made interacting with the ADS of a file much easier as paths with :
were very hard to interact with since it is an illegal character in a filename. This is a small wrapper for manipulating and retrieving alternate data streams of a given File.
Copy the module folder to one of the paths in your PSModulePath
$env:PSModulePath -replace ";","`r`n"
And then just import.
Import-Module PoshADS
Get-Help PoshADS
#List ADS for File
Get-Item VisibleFile.txt | PoshADS
#Remove all hidden data streams from file
PoshADS VisibleFile.txt -RemoveAll
#Add contents of a file as a hidden ADS to the host file
Get-Item VisibleFile.txt | PoshADS -AddFile 'C:\HiddenContent.txt'
#Extract all ADS to a given output directory
PoshADS VisibleFile.txt -Extract -OutputDirectory "C:\ADSOutput_VisibleFile"
Import-Module PoshADS
# Load all files in the given directory to the hostfile as alternate data streams
$hostFile = 'C:\Users\pschwartz\host.txt'
$files = Get-ChildItem C:\Users\pschwartz\hide -Recurse
ForEach ($f in $files) {
PoshADS $hostFile -AddFile $($f.FullName) | out-null
# List the ADS
PoshADS $hostFile
Import-Module PoshADS
# Remove all "downloaded from internet" data streams
Get-ChildItem C:\Users\pschwartz\Downloads -Recurse | % { PoshADS $_.FullName -RemoveStream "Zone.Identifier" | Out-Null }
Get-ChildItem C:\Users\pschwartz\Downloads -Recurse | % { PoshADS $_.FullName }
###License MIT