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Scott Tsai's $HOME/bin

C / C++

  • cc-defines -- dump gcc's builtin macro definitions
  • cc-linker-script -- dump gcc's default linker script
  • cc-config -- dump gcc's build configuration. Useful when examining vendor cross compiler toolchains.
  • cc-compile -- compile program from STDIN and print assembly to STDOUT
  • compilefunc -- generate assembler output on STDOUT for specified functions
  • gdbdis -- disassemble a function or memory range through GDB
  • gdbx -- examine memory through GDB
  • gdb-info-scope -- Use gdb to list the variables local to a scope. Shows DWARF debug info.
  • gdb-info-{functions,variables,types,line} -- show functions, variables etc through GDB
  • function-is-not-used
  • dwarf-analyze-gcc-switches -- analyze which files where compiled with what flags when -grecord-gcc-switches is used
  • elf-interp-dump -- show .interp section content of ELF files

macOS / OSX / iOS

  • otool-rpath -- print the RPATH from a Mach-O binary
  • otool-needed -- print the shared libraries and frameworks required by a Mach-O binary
  • otool-install-name -- print the INSTALL NAME of a shared library or framework (similar to a SONAME)
  • focus-follows-mouse{,off} -- turn focus-follows-mouse on/off using yabai

Software Development

  • hostlookup-trace -- trace hostname lookup operations through GDB
  • lsof-listening -- list programs listening for TCP connections
  • lsof-udp -- list programs bound to UDP ports
  • http-static-server -- HTTP server that serves static content in CWD
  • git-clean -- delete files not tracked by git
  • git-config-credential-libsecret -- use libsecret as the Git credentil helper


  • pyindent -- a copy of cpython/Tools/scripts/
  • pytraceback-to-grep -- convert Python traceback to a file:line format similar to grep


  • django-secret-key-gen -- generate random SECRET_KEY for

Command Line / Shell Scripting

  • clipboard-print -- print X11 clipboard to STDOUT
  • clipboard-zh-tw-quote -- add Taiwanese style quotation marks to clipboard content
  • clipboard-html-escape -- convert '&', '<', '>' to HTML-safe sequences
  • clipboard-copy -- copy file content to X11 clipboard
  • clipboard-open-file-line -- open $EDITOR to filename:line in X11 clipboard
  • argv-print -- debug command line argument passing in scripts
  • realpath -- like realpath(3), recent GNU coreutils now ships a realpath binary
  • crypt -- compute salted hash with crypt(3)
  • md5crypt -- compute MD5 salted hash with crypt(3) (glibc extension)
  • sha256crypt -- compute SHA256 salted hash with crypt(3) (glibc extension)
  • sha512crypt -- compute SHA512 salted hash with crypt(3) (glibc extension)
  • lc -- line count
  • range -- range 1 10 prints 1 to 9 (similar to seq(1))
  • dict-grep -- grep word in dictionary file
  • random-file -- choose N random files in CWD
  • size-sum -- add up the size of the files named in STDIN
  • zip-dir -- zip up a directory
  • slice -- print a subset of lines from STDIN like head(1) or tail(1)
  • vim-pager -- use vim as a pager like more(1)
  • xdg-rename-by-content -- change file extension to match file type detected from content
  • terminal-colors-list -- list colors supported by terminal
  • prompt-str-gen -- generate a str with terminal underline and color control codes
  • treels -- flat, ls -l like output with tree
  • prefix -- print first N characters from STDIN

System Administration / DevOps

  • utc-timestamp -- Unix timestamp (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) for current time in UTC
  • ssh-pubkey-from-pem -- convert SSH public key from PEM to .ssh format
  • remote-domain-socket-proxy -- connect to a remote Unix domain socket through a local one. e.g. MySQL remote administration.
  • iptables-allow-{daap,http,mdns,nfsv4,samba,ssh,soundwire,steam} -- open port(s) with iptables
  • iptables-allow-mdns-over-host-nat -- allow mDNS (avahi) over host NAT mostly for libvirt VMs.
  • iptables-reject-hinet-youtube-servers -- workaround to get faster YouTube connections in Taiwan
  • iptables-reject-slow-akaimai-bloomberg-tv -- workaround for watching in Taiwan
  • iptables-list-INPUT -- list firewall input rules
  • iptables-save -- save iptables rules across reboots
  • ntp-sync -- sync system time through NTP
  • disk-{scan,deactivate} -- useful for eSATA hotplug. Nicer than scsi-rescan in sg3_utils.
  • git-repo-add-email-notifications -- configures email notification in git repositories.
  • vm-start -- manage virtual machines through "virsh" / libvirt
  • mdns-discover -- use avahi-browse to discover network services
  • expressvpn-virtmanager-workaround -- restart virtmanager networks after ExpressVPN disconnect
  • generate-random{,-password} -- use openssl to generate a random password
  • generate-ed25519-keypair -- use openssl to generate a ed25519 keypair
  • smbclient-browse -- browse available shares on an SMB host using smbclient
  • rsync-eta -- estimate time left for rsync transfer


  • {ca-,}cert-gen -- generate x509 certificate with openssl
  • ca-cert-install-on-{fedora,mac} -- install and trust self-signed certificate
  • openssl-inspect-{csr,pem} -- inspect Certificate Signing Request and PEM files
  • openssl-test-connect -- debug TLS handshake connect
  • mac-list-keychains -- list keychains on Mac OS

Text Encoding Conversion

  • big5 -- convert STDIN from big5 to utf8
  • gb2312 -- convert STDIN from gb2312 to utf8
  • utf16 -- convert STDIN from utf16 to utf8
  • unzip-big5 -- extract a zip file that uses big5 for filenames

Fedora / RHEL Related

  • rpmbuild-in-dir -- run rpmbuild assuming all source files are in CWD
  • rpmspec-in-dir -- run rpmsec assuming all source files are in CWD
  • rpmchangelog -- rpm -q --changelog
  • rpmlint-pattern -- run rpmlint on files whose name matches pattern
  • rpm-name-strip-version
  • rpm-review-files-provides-requires -- review RPM content after packaging
  • {ygin,yin,yinlocal,ylist,yre,yupdate} -- yum {group install,install,localinstall,list,remove,update}
  • {dgin,din,dinlocal,dlist,dre,dupdate,dbuilddep} -- dnf {group install,install,localinstall,list,remove,update,builddep}
  • dnf-wrapper -- implementation of the dnf shorthands
  • {d,y}update-review -- review the YUM or DNF log file in VIM. See yum_update_log.vim for key bindings
  • -- part of yupdate-review
  • yum_update_log.vim -- part of yupdate-review. Key bindings for showing changelog, provides, requires etc
  • fedora-source-query -- query Fedora build dependencies
  • src-install -- install the source for a file that comes with the OS
  • yum-febootstrap -- create chroots from Fedora repositories with yum
  • yinchroot -- install package(s) in chroot
  • graphics-stack-versions -- list Linux graphics stack component versions on the running system
  • airplane-mode-{on,off} -- under Linux, turn bluetooth and WiFi on/off (implemented with rfkill)

Audio / Video Encoding and Conversion

  • sine-wave-audio -- play a sine wave test sound pattern (via GStreamer)
  • sine-wave-save -- save a sine wave test sound pattern as a RAW or WAV file
  • video-extract-audio -- extract audio streams from video files for (rough, useful for music videos from YouTube)
  • video-to-gif -- convert video file to GIF
  • audio-transcode-for-google-music -- transcode audio files not support by Google Music to a suitable format.
  • mp4-faststart-optimize -- remux MP4 file into 'faststart' format for streaming using ffmpeg
  • qtfaststart-list-moov -- check whether MP4 file is in 'faststart' format
  • ffmpeg-h264-mp4-faststart -- convert video to the H264 in MP4 format optimized for streaming
  • ffmpeg-h264-mkv -- convert video to H264 in MKV format
  • ffmpeg-webm-360p -- convert video to the WebM format through ffmpeg
  • flv-to-mp3 -- covnert audio tracks in FLV to an MP3
  • pulseaudio-rtp-serve -- broadcast audio from Linux through RTP in PCM or MP3 format
  • pulseaudio-simple-serve -- listen for connections and serve PCM audio


  • imgs-to-pdf -- convert bitmap images to a multipage PDF
  • pdf-to-imgs -- convert PDF to multiple imgs. one file per page.
  • pdf-to-jpg -- convert single page PDF to JPEG
  • vector-to-png -- convert SVG to PNG
  • pdf-pages -- merge multiple pages from a source PDF into one
  • pdf-{add,remove}-password -- remove password from PDF (with qpdf)
  • pdf-remove-metadata -- remove Author, Title etc metadata from PDF file
  • svg-to-pdf -- use linkescope to convert SVG to PDF
  • gnome-recently-used-clear -- clear the recently used files list in GNOME
  • alarm -- play an alarm sound
  • xnest -- start a nested Xnest server through startx
  • bbs-{ptt,ptt2} -- telnet to the PTT or PTT2 BBS sites
  • bbs -- telnet to a BBS site. Somehow they're still popular in Taiwan
  • document-files-in-README -- help maintain this README


Scott Tsai's $HOME/bin






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