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Base class defining the interface for source control implementations


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Scm Base

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Base class for defining the behavior between Screwdriver and source control management (SCM) systems


npm install screwdriver-scm-base


This is a promise based interface for interacting with a source control management system


The configure function takes in an object and resets the configuration values


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmUri String SCM URI to add the webhook to (e.g., ""
config.token String Access token for SCM
config.webhookUrl String The URL to use for webhook notifications
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Update the repository with the desired webhook configuration.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolves when the webhook is correctly attached to the repository
  2. Rejects when the repository was unable to be updated with the webhook configuration


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.checkoutUrl String Checkout url for a repo to parse
config.token String Access token for SCM
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Add deploy public key counterpart to the repository.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolves when the deploy key is successfully generated and added
  2. Rejects when the deploy key fails to generate or add


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Returns whether auto deploy key generation is enabled or not.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolves to true/false corresponding to the flag status


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.checkoutUrl String Checkout url for a repo to parse
config.rootDir String (optional) Root directory where source code lives (ex: src/app/component)
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context
config.token String Access token for scm

Expected Outcome

An scmUri (ex:, where 1234 is a repo ID number), which will be a unique identifier for the repo and branch in Screwdriver.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with an scm uri for the repository (e.g.: or
  2. Reject if not able to parse url


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
headers Object The request headers associated with the webhook payload
payload Object The webhook payload received from the SCM service

Expected Outcome

A key-map of data related to the received payload in the form of:

    action: 'opened',   // can be 'opened', 'reopened', 'closed', or 'synchronized' for type 'pr'; 'push' for type 'repo'
    branch: 'mynewbranch',
    checkoutUrl: '',
    hookId: '81e6bd80-9a2c-11e6-939d-beaa5d9adaf3', // webhook event uuid
    lastCommitMessage: 'This is the last commit message', // get a message of the last one from commits object
    prNum: 3,
    prRef: 'pull/3/merge',
    prSource: 'fork', // If type is 'pr', prSource is 'fork' or 'branch'
    scmContext: '',
    sha: '9ff49b2d1437567cad2b5fed7a0706472131e927',
    type: 'pr',         // can be 'pr' or 'repo'
    username: 'robin'  // should be the actor/creator of the webhook event (not necessarily the author)

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a parsed hook object
  2. Reject if not able to parse hook


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Yes
config.type String The type of action from Git (can be 'pr' or 'repo')
config.payload Object The webhook payload received from the SCM service
config.token String Access token for scm

Expected Outcome

An array of file paths that were changed:

['', 'folder/screwdriver.yaml'] // array of changed files

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with an array of files
  2. Reject if not able to parse hook


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.branch String Yes Pipeline branch String Yes Scm host (ex:
config.manifest String No Repo Manifest URL String Yes Scm org (ex: screwdriver-cd)
config.prRef String No PR branch or reference
config.repo String Yes Scm repo (ex: guide)
config.rootDir String No Root directory where source code lives (ex: src/app/component)
config.sha String Yes Scm sha
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Checkout command in the form of:

    name: 'sd-checkout-code', // must be 'sd-checkout-code' exactly
    command: 'git clone'

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a checkout command object for the repository
  2. Reject if not able to get checkout command


Internally calls getCheckoutCommand to get just the checkout command for a build, given a pipeline model and build configuration.

Required Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.pipeline PipelineModel Yes Pipeline model
config.job Object Yes Job config with repoManifest annotation Object Yes Build config with sha and possibly prRef


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Scm uri (ex:
config.token String Access token for scm
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Decorated url in the form of:

    url: '',
    name: 'screwdriver-cd/scm-base',
    branch: 'branchName'

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a decorated url object for the repository
  2. Reject if not able to get decorate url


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Scm uri (ex:
config.sha String Commit sha to decorate
config.token String Access token for scm
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Decorated commit in the form of:

    url: '',
    message: 'Use screwdriver to publish',
    author: {
        url: '',
        name: 'Dao Lam',
        username: 'd2lam',
        avatar: ''

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a decorate commit object for the repository
  2. Reject if not able to decorate commit


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.token String Access token for scm
config.username String Author to decorate
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Decorated author in the form of:

    url: '',
    name: 'Dao Lam',
    username: 'd2lam',
    avatar: ''

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a decorate author object for the repository
  2. Reject if not able to decorate author


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmUri String The scm uri to get permissions on (ex:
config.token String Access token for scm
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Permissions for a given token on a repository in the form of:

    admin: true,
    push: true,
    pull: true

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a permissions object for the repository
  2. Reject if not able to get permissions


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.organization String The scm organization to get permissions on (ex: screwdriver-cd)
config.username String The user to get permissions on (ex: foo)
config.token String Access token for scm
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Permissions for a given user on a organization in the form of:

    admin: false,
    member: true

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a permissions object for the organization
  2. Reject if not able to get permissions


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.scmUri String The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Access token for scm
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The commit sha for a given branch on a repository.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a commit sha string for the given scmUri
  2. Reject if not able to get a sha


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object Configuration Object
config.token String Access token for scm
config.owner String Owner of target repository
config.repo String Target repository
config.ref String Reference of the commit
config.scmContext String (optional) The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The commit sha for a ref on a repository.

Expected Promise response

  1. Resolve with a commit sha string for the given owner, repo and ref
  2. Reject if not able to get a sha


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.buildStatus String Yes The screwdriver build status to translate into scm commit status
config.context String No The status context
config.description String No The status description
config.jobName String No Optional name of the job that finished
config.pipelineId Number No The pipeline id
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.sha String Yes The scm sha to update a status for
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.url String No The target url for setting up details

Expected Outcome

Update the commit status for a given repository and sha.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve when the commit status was updated
  2. Reject if the commit status fails to update


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.path String Yes The path to the file on scm to read
config.ref String No The reference to the scm repo, could be a branch or sha
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The contents of the file at path in the repository

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with the contents of path
  2. Reject if the path cannot be downloaded, decoded, or is not a file


Expected Outcome

A configuration that can be passed to the bell OAuth module to authenticate users.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with a valid bell configuration


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The list of objects consist of PR names and refs (either a branch or a sha) for the pipeline. For example:

  name: 'PR-5',
  ref: '73675432e1288f67332af3ecd0155cf455af1492'
}, {
  name: 'PR-6',
  ref: 'dfbbc032fa331a95ee5107d1f16e9ff5f7c9d2fa'

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with the list of objects consists of PR names and refs
  2. Reject if the input or output is not valid


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.prNum Integer Yes The PR number used to fetch the PR
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The object consists of PR name, sha, ref, and url for the pipeline.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with the object consists of PR name, sha, ref, and url
  2. Reject if the input or output is not valid


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.prNum Integer Yes The PR number used to fetch the PR
config.comment String Yes The PR comment
config.scmContext String No The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The object consisting of PR comment ID, create time, and username.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with the object consists of PR comment ID, create time, and username
  2. Reject if the input or output is not valid


No parameters are required.

Expected Outcome

The array of scm context names (e.g. [, gitlab:my-gitlab])

Expected Response

  1. The array of scm context names


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.hostname String Yes The scm host name (ex:

Expected Outcome

The matching scm context name string (e.g.

Expected Response

  1. The matching scm context name


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Description
headers Object The request headers associated with the webhook payload
payload Object The webhook payload received from the SCM service

Expected Outcome

The received webhook is available or not as boolean.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with the received webhook is available or not.
  2. Reject if the input or output is not valid


The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.scmUri String Yes The scm uri (ex:
config.token String Yes Access token for scm

Expected Outcome

The array of objects consisting of branch names.

Expected Promise Response

  1. Resolve with an array of objects consisting of branch names.

getDisplayName (overriding needs only the case of scm-router)

The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Description
scmContext String The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

The display name of scm context

Expected Response

  1. The display name of scm context

getReadOnlyInfo (overriding needs only the case of scm-router)

The parameters required are:

Parameter Type Description
scmContext String The name of scm context

Expected Outcome

Read-only SCM config

Expected Response

  1. Read-only SCM config


Parameter Type Required Description
config Object Yes Configuration Object
config.checkoutUrl String Yes Checkout url for a repo
config.token String Yes Access token for scm
config.title String Yes Pull request title
config.message String Yes Pull request message

Expected Outcome

An object containing information of new pull request

Expected Response

  1. Pull request object


Required parameters:

Parameter Type Description
config Object The config object
config.token String The github token to interact with the graphql api
config.slug String The github enterprise slug
config.login String The github user's login name

Expected Outcome

  1. Returns True or False


To make use of the validation functions, the functions to override are:

  1. _addWebhook
  2. _addDeployKey
  3. _autoDeployKeyGenerationEnabled
  4. _parseUrl
  5. _parseHook
  6. _getChangedFiles
  7. _getCheckoutCommand
  8. _decorateUrl
  9. _decorateCommit
  10. _decorateAuthor
  11. _getPermissions
  12. _getOrgPermissions
  13. _getCommitSha
  14. _addPrComment
  15. _updateCommitStatus
  16. _getFile
  17. _getOpenedPRs
  18. _getBellConfiguration
  19. _getPrInfo
  20. stats 
  21. _getScmContexts
  22. _getScmContext
  23. _canHandleWebhook 
  24. _getBranchList
  25. _openPr
  26. getDisplayName (overriding needs only the case of scm-router)
  27. getReadOnlyInfo (overriding needs only the case of scm-router)
  28. _isEnterpriseUser
class MyScm extends ScmBase {
    // Implement the interface
    _getFile(config) {
        // do stuff here to lookup scmUri
        return Promise.resolve('these are contents that are gotten')

const scm = new MyScm({});
    scmUri: '',
    path: 'screwdriver.yaml',
    token: 'abcdefg'
}).then(data => {
    // do something...


npm test


Code licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE file for terms.