title | sidebar_position |
Admission Controller |
4 |
Homepage: https://scribesecurity.com
The Scribe Admission Controller is a component in your Kubernetes cluster that enforces policy decisions to validate the integrity of your supply chain.
It does this by checking resources that are being created in the cluster against admission rules, which determine if the resources are allowed.
This document provides instructions for installing and integrating the admission controller in your cluster, including options for both Scribe service and OCI registry integration.
The admission controller is built with Helm and is supported by the Scribe security team. To enable the admission logic, simply add the admission.scribe.dev/include
label to a namespace.
Valint admission controller
manages verification of evidence using a policy engine. The policy engine uses different evidence stores
to store and provide evidence
for the policy engine to query on any required evidence
required to comply with across your supply chain.
Each policy proposes to enforce a set of rules on the targets produced by your supply chain. Policies produce a result, including compliance results as well as evidence
referenced in the verification.
At the heart of Valint lies the policy engine
, which enforces a set of rules on the evidence
produced by your supply chain. The policy engine accesses different evidence stores
to retrieve and store evidence
for compliance verification throughout your supply chain.
Each policy
proposes to enforce a set of rules your supply chain must comply with.
Evidence can refer to metadata collected about artifacts, reports, events or settings produced or provided to your supply chain. Evidence can be either signed (attestations) or unsigned (statements).
Evidence can refer to metadata collected about artifacts, reports, events or settings produced or provided to your supply chain. Evidence can be either signed (attestations) or unsigned (statements).
admission controller
supports following evidence formats.
Format | alias | Description | signed |
statement-CycloneDX-json | statement | In-toto Statement | no |
attest-CycloneDX-json | attest | In-toto Attestation | yes |
statement-slsa | In-toto Statement | no | |
attest-slsa | In-toto Attestations | yes |
Note using pure
format is currently supported by the admission.
Each storer can be used to store, find and download evidence, unifying all the supply chain evidence into a system is an important part to be able to query any subset for policy validation.
Type | Description | requirement |
OCI | Evidence is stored on a remote OCI registry | access to a OCI registry |
scribe | Evidence is stored on scribe service | scribe credentials |
For details, see evidence stores integrations section
The admission-controller is installed using Helm.
Here are the steps to add the chart repository and install the admission-controller/
- Add the chart repository:
helm repo add scribe https://scribe-security.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace scribe
You can inspect the admission version by running the following command
helm search repo scribe/admission-controller
- Install the admission-controller:
helm install admission-controller -n scribe scribe/admission-controller
There are two evidence storer options for the admission-controller:
- Scribe service store
- OCI registry store
Admission supports both storage and verification flows for attestations
and statement
objects utilizing Scribe Hub as evidence store.
Integrating Scribe Hub with admission controller requires the following credentials that are found in the Integrations page. (In your Scribe Hub go to integrations)
- Client ID
- Client Secret
To install the admission-controller with Scribe service integration:
helm install admission-controller -n scribe scribe/admission-controller \
--set scribe.auth.client_id=$(CLIENT_ID) \
--set scribe.auth.client_secret=$(CLIENT_SECRET)
Credentials will be stored as a secret named
Admission supports both storage and verification flows for attestations
and statement
objects using an OCI registry as an evidence store.
Using OCI registry as an evidence store allows you to upload and verify evidence across your supply chain in a seamless manner.
- Write access to upload evidence using the
tool - Read access to download evidence for the admission controller
- Evidence can be stored in any accessible registry
Install admission with evidence store [oci-repo].
- [oci-repo] is the URL of the OCI repository where all evidence will be uploaded.
- For image targets only: Attach the evidence to the same repo as the uploaded image.
Example: If you upload an image
, read access is required forexample/my_image
If [oci-repo] is a private registry, attach permissions to the admission with the following steps:
- Create a secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry [secret-name] --docker-server=[registry_url] --docker-username=[username] --docker-password=[access_token] -n scribe
Note: The
must be hosted on theoci-url
you're adding the secret to. Example:oci-repo=my_org.jfrog.io/docker-public-local
Install admission with an OCI registry as the evidence store:
helm install admission-controller scribe/admission-controller -n scribe \ --set config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.enable=true \ --set config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.repo=[oci-repo] \ --set imagePullSecrets=[secret-name]
need to be replaced with values.
To enable Scribe admission in a namespace, add the label admission.scribe.dev/include
to the namespace.
Scribe admission logic will be triggered on all resources within the namespace that match any of the regular expressions specified by the glob
In order to enable admission on a namespace you must add admission.scribe.dev/include
label to it.
Namespaces will trigger Scribe admission logic on all its resources *matching any regular expression specified by the glob
Use the following command to add the admission.scribe.dev/include
label to a namespace:
kubectl label namespace my-namespace admission.scribe.dev/include=true
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
admission.scribe.dev/include: "true"
name: my-namespace
To enable admission for a specific set of images, add regular expressions to match the image names. Regular expressions uses the perl regular expression format.
helm upgrade admission-controller scribe/admission-controller -n scribe \
--set config.admission.glob={[list of regular expressions]} -n scribe
For example: This will match images that have the string nginx or busybox in their name.
helm upgrade admission-controller scribe/admission-controller -n scribe \
--set config.admission.glob={\.\*busybox:\.\*,\.\*nginx:\.\*} -n scribe
Note the escaping of .
and *
when using Bash
glob: [list of regular expressions]
For example: This will match images that have the string nginx or busybox in their name.
# -- Select admitted images by regex
- .*nginx:.*
- .*busybox:.*
Admission supports both verification flows for attestations
(signed) and statement
(unsigned) objects utilizing OCI registry or Scribe service as an evidence store.
By default, admission will require signed evidence (
helm upgrade admission-controller scribe/admission-controller -n scribe \
--set config.verify.input-format=[format]
# -- Select required evidence type
input-format: [format]
The following table lists the supported evidence types:
Format | alias | Description | signed |
statement-cyclonedx-json | statement | In-toto Statement | no |
attest-cyclonedx-json | attest | In-toto Attestation | yes |
statement-slsa | In-toto Statement | no | |
attest-slsa | In-toto Attestations | yes |
- statement=statement-cyclonedx-json
- attest=attest-cyclonedx-json
After installing the admission you you want to upload evidence .
# Generating evidence, storing on [my_repo] OCI repo.
valint bom [target] -o [attest, statement, attest-slsa,statement-slsa] -E \
# Generating evidence, storing on [my_repo] OCI repo.
valint bom [target] -o [attest, statement, attest-slsa,statement-slsa] --oci --oci-repo=[my_repo]
For image targets only you may attach the evidence in the same repo as the image.
valint bom [image] -o [attest, statement, attest-slsa,statement-slsa] --oci
Uninstall the chart by running
helm uninstall -n scribe admission-controller
Key | Type | Default | Description |
config.admission.glob | list | [] |
Select admitted images by regex |
config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.enable | bool | true |
OCI evidence enable |
config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.repo | string | "" |
OCI evidence repo location |
config.attest.default | string | "sigstore" |
Signature verification type |
config.context.name | string | "" |
Scribe Project Key |
config.verify.input-format | string | "attest" |
Evidence format |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
OCI evidence store secret name |
scribe.auth.client_id | string | "" |
Scribe Client ID |
scribe.auth.client_secret | string | "" |
Scribe Client Secret |
scribe.service.enable | bool | false |
Scribe Client Enable |
For the full list of available values see the following section.
Key | Type | Default | Description |
commonNodeSelector | object | {} |
commonTolerations | list | [] |
config.admission.glob | list | [] |
Select admitted images by regex |
config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.enable | bool | true |
OCI evidence enable |
config.attest.cocosign.storer.OCI.repo | string | "" |
OCI evidence repo location |
config.attest.default | string | "sigstore" |
Signature verification type |
config.context.name | string | "" |
Scribe Project Key |
config.verify.input-format | string | "attest" |
Evidence format |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
OCI evidence store secret name |
scribe.auth.client_id | string | "" |
Scribe Client ID |
scribe.auth.client_secret | string | "" |
Scribe Client Secret |
scribe.service.enable | bool | false |
Scribe Client Enable |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
webhook.env | object | {} |
webhook.extraArgs.structured | bool | true |
webhook.extraArgs.verbose | int | 2 |
webhook.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
webhook.image.repository | string | "scribesecuriy.jfrog.io/scribe-docker-public-local/valint" |
webhook.image.version | string | "v0.1.5-15-admission" |
webhook.name | string | "webhook" |
webhook.podSecurityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
webhook.podSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "all" |
webhook.podSecurityContext.enabled | bool | true |
webhook.podSecurityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
webhook.podSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1000 |
webhook.replicaCount | int | 1 |
webhook.secretName | string | "" |
webhook.securityContext.enabled | bool | false |
webhook.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65532 |
webhook.service.annotations | object | {} |
webhook.service.port | int | 443 |
webhook.service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
webhook.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
webhook.webhookName | string | "admission.scribe.dev" |