New in 0.9.0, you may specify the amount of time you want to wait for any single task in an asyncblock by setting flow.taskTimeout to the desired number of milliseconds. If a task takes longer than the taskTimeout, an error will be raised in a similar way as if the async task itself had returned an error.
When a timeout occurs, the actual task itself cannot automatically be aborted. To perform cleanup manually, you may attach to the flow.on('taskTimeout') event source. Here is an example:
var asyncTask = function(callback) {
flow.errorCallback = callback;
flow.taskTimeout = 1000; //Wait up to 1 second for each task to complete in this block
flow.on('taskTimeout', function(info) {
//Perform cleanup here for the task that timed out (close sockets, file handles, etc.)
console.log('Task ' + info.key + ' timed out after running for ' + info.runtime + 'ms');
setTimeout(flow.add('timer'), 2000); //Add a task that takes 2 seconds to complete
//Code here will not run
To add a timeout for just a single task, use the alternate add syntax:
setTimeout(flow.add({key: 'timer', timeout: 1000}, 2000);
//Code here will not run
Note that timeout can be used in conjunction with ignoreError. This is a dangerous as other errors would be ignored as well.
setTimeout(flow.addIgnoreError({key: 'timer', timeout: 1000}, 2000);
flow.wait(); //The fiber will yield here for 1 second, then continue
//Code here will run
A better way to not treat timeouts as errors (new in 0.9.2):
setTimeout(flow.add({timeout: 1000, timeoutIsError: false}, 2000);
flow.wait(); //The fiber will yield here for 1 second, then continue
//Code here will run
flow.timeoutIsError = false;
setTimeout(flow.add({timeout: 1000}, 2000);
flow.wait(); //The fiber will yield here for 1 second, then continue
//Code here will run
Even if timeoutIsError is set to false, the taskTimeout event will still be emitted. Also, flow.wait will return undefined for the tasks that timed out.
A timeout may be explicitly defined on a queue call with the following syntax:
flow.queue({ key: 'timer', timeout: 1000, timeoutIsError: false}, function(callback){
setTimeout(callback, 2000);
flow.wait(); //The fiber will yield here for 1 second, then continue
//Code here will run