Here is the roadmap of the project. Items are a very high-level description of queued tasks. Tasks at the top of the queue may include subtask details. Project status: Proof of Concept, tracking single platform for now.
- Setup project skeleton
- Project file hierarchy with placeholder directories
- Basic Cmake
- GitHub build and test
- Vcpkg dependencies
- Clang-format (llvm-style)
- shows how to come to this file and discuss ideas.
- Dockerize based on jupyter/minimal-notebook.
- complete referenced architecture and design docs.
- shows basic user usage workflow.
- build and test labels.
- Coverage metrics -> and label for coverage.
- First basic_model: generator.
- Second basic_model: counter.
- Concept validation for Atomic models.
- Atomic Simulator
- Simulation worker builder.
- Simulation cache database.
- C++ coupled model definition.
- Coordinator.
- Root Coordinator.
- Coordinator process.
- Code transpiler for the high-level coupled model to the Coordination process.
- Expand documentation artifacts.
- Add packaging.
- Future work (and planning).