- [TF-901] Fix can not find module issue
- [PLAT-1203] Release with Node 18, no longer install npm@7 during build
- [PLAT-1178] Add Node 18 support, drop Node 12 and 14
- Fix node engines to remove node 10 include node 16
- [TT-9098] Convert from Mocha to Jest
- [OPS-213] GHActions: add Node 16 and remove Node 10
- [PLAT-89] Github: Dependabot AutoMerge
- [TT-8841] Migrate to github actions
- [TT-8027] Remove "," format in thousands due to problems when parsing in rails forms
- [TT-8018] Add valueOf method for backwards compatibility with v1.2.0
- [TT-7968] Using currency.js intValue for greater accuracy
- [TT-7922] Fixed some edge cases when initialising from string values
- [TT-5649] Update Mocha / EsLint and Rollup plugins
- [TT-5650] Remove Node6 support
- [TT-5860] Format now includes thousand's seperator
- [TT-6689] Update to Babel 7
- Add a rounding method
- [TT-4930] Update travis config to allow deployment
- Use production build for publish
- Remove coverage from dist js files
- Update build to use rollup-js
- Updated build and testing
- Using es2015 complied with babeljs
- Simplified tests with mocha
- [TT-1392] Changelog file