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Lecture 02

Programming Fundamentals: Values, Types, and Variables

5 Pluviôse, Year CCXXXI

Song of the day: Dances by Воплі Відоплясова (BB) (1993)

Part 0: Getting Organised

One of the most underrated strategies for succeeding in this course is staying organised; keeping your files in places where you can readily find them will help you more than I can express in writing—you really have to see it to believe it. Go ahead and create a folder structure that looks like this:

 ├── hw
 │   └── assignment_1
 ├── labs
 │   ├── 00
 │   └── 01
 ├── lectures
 │   ├── 00_introduction
 │   │   └──
 │   ├── 01_fundamentals1
 │   └── 02_fundamentals2
 └── others


Figures 1 and 2: Your folder structure should look like this. You don't need to actually create the file yet. I just added it for illustration purposes.

You don't have to follow my naming convention (in fact, I use three different naming conventions above), but I strongly encourage you to find one that you like and stick to it. A couple of heuristics to follow when doing this are:

  1. Do not use spaces in the names of your folders and files. This will make more sense later in the semester, but spaces are poorly handled programmatically. If your file/folder name contains a space ( ), use underscores between words (i.e. something_like_this) or simply don't use spaces at all.
  2. Try to pick a naming convention that can be easily sorted. That is, putting numbers at the beginning of your folder names will allow you to sort them by that specific number.

That taken care of, let's take a look at IDLE, the canonical starting point with Python IDEs.

Part 1: Parts of a Program

The moment you open IDLE up. You will be met with the following window:


Figure 3: Your console, the IDLE Shell.

In order to create a new Python file (i.e. a file with the .py extension), you should navigate to the following menu:


Figure 4: Creating a new py file.

Clicking on New File will open a blank py file close to your console:


Figure 5: A blank py file (right).

We can then write a program, such as this simple Hello, World!, and save the file anywhere on your computer. In my case, I saved it on my Desktop, but I highly recommend creating a dedicated folder for this class.


Figure 6: The canonical Hello, World! program in Python.

To run our program, we have to navigate to the following top menu option:


Figure 7: Click on Run Module to run your code.

The window should switch over to the console, showing you the result of running your program:


Figure 8: The output of our py file being displayed on our console.

Part 2: Values and Types

The very first thing we will learn about is quite literally the reason why computer science exists: data—things like our ages, our grades, our names, etc..

The formal definition of a value is as follows:

Value (a.k.a. Objects): A number, string, or other kinds of data that can be stored in a variable or computed in an expression.

There's a couple of words in that sentence that you might have not seen before, but we'll get to them in due time. Just know that a value in Python is basically just a piece of data or information.

One quirk of Python is that all values are instances of an object. You'll learn the specifics of objects near the end of the semester, but for now we can be introduced to the most basic object types of the language:

Type Examples Description
int 1, 42, -101, 0 A data type representing a whole number (integer) value, positive or negative
float 3.1416, 22.7, -4.0, 1.0 A data type representing a floating-point (decimal-valued) number value, positive or negative, and is only an approximation. Be careful using them in calculations.
str "Cardcaptor Sakura", 'Viva la Revolución', '''Comments''', """"""" A data type representing a sequence of characters (string) characters. Can be enclosed using ', ", ''' (or """)

Figure 9: Three of the most common types in Python.

The keywords int, float, and str, aside from representing these three types, also serve as conversion functions:

>>> int(4.5)

>>> float(7)

>>> str(1.2)

>>> int('42')

>>> float('Liz and the Blue Bird')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Liz and the Blue Bird'

Code Block 1: Examples of valid and invalid type conversions in Python.

The process of converting values from one type to the other is often called type casting. So, code block 2, in order, reads as follows:

The value of the float value 4.5 casted as an integer is 4.

The value of the integer value 7 casted as a float is 7.0.

The value of the float value 1.2 casted as a string is '1.2'.

The value of the string value "42" casted as an integer is 42.

The value of the string value "Liz and the Blue Bird" casted as a float is invalid.

As you can see, casting to either an integer or a float from a string requires your string to contain a numeric value, and nothing else.

This is often a point of confusion for students. They will get, say, the string "3.15" as the answer for an operation. However, if the rest of the program operates on 3.15 assuming that it is a float number, your program will very likely crash. Being able to catch and recognize these errors takes some practice, but it is something you should be consciously watching out for from the beginning.

Part 2: Variables

Okay, so we have a way of representing data in the form of types, but how do we store this data so that we can use it in our programs? This is the job of variables.

A good way of thinking of variables is as boxes that store our belongings when we are moving. Usually, we store things in boxes to keep them safe and organized so that we can easily find and use them later on. Moreover, the best way to know which box holds what is to label them—like putting a piece of tape with the contents written on it.

That's basically the exact same process we use in programming to ensure that our data is stored and easily accessible to us.

For example, if we wanted to store the current year, we'd do something like this in Python:

current_year = 2022

In this statement, current_year is the name of the variable, = is the assignment operator, and 2021 is the value.

If I try doing this in IDLE's console, you'll see this:


Figure 10: A visualization of Python storing the integer value 2021 inside a variable called current_year.

Now, I could have called this variable anything I wanted. As long as your variable names start with an alphabetic character or an underscore (_), you are not restricted in any way:


Figure 9: A visualization of Python storing integer and string values inside variables _name, current_year, x.

Technically speaking a variable represents a value store in your computer's memory. When you create a variable, you are basically telling your computer something like this:

Hey, I want you to store the string of characters "Sebastián" inside a memory address. I want you to call this memory address _name so I know where I can find this string if I ever need it.

In memory, this might look like this

                │               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                │                │———————————│
                │         unused │ mem_loc a │
  "Sebastián"   │                │———————————│
       |        │         unused │ mem_loc b │     
       |        │                │———————————│
       |        │         unused │ mem_loc c │
       v        │                │———————————│
    _name ------│--------> _name │ mem_loc d │
                │                │———————————│
                │         unused │ mem_loc e │
                │                │———————————│
                │               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Programmer                     Computer

Figure 11: The memory model of creating a variable called _name, which is storing the string value "Sebastián". The identifier name is only for you to be able to easily access this value. To your computer, though, this is just memory location d (memo_loc d).

Now, of course, not all variable names are understood equally. Just like labels on boxes, giving your variables relevant, explicative names is the way to go. In this class, in particular, make sure to follow these rules in order to not get points taken off:

  1. Make sure your variables have useful names (i.e. favor acceleration_of_gravity = 9.81 over aog = 9.81).
  2. Do not, and I repeat, do not give your variables single-letter variable names. This will always be penalized (with a single exception that we won't get into for a while).
  3. Follow either snake-case (sound_euphonium_2), or camel-case (soundEuphonium2); this, of course, means that variables are case-sensitive (i.e. hello_world and HELLO_WORLD are two different, completely unrelated variable names).
  4. They cannot be a Python keyword (if, def, while, etc.).

A couple of technical terms that you should be aware of are namespace and object space. Simply put, the namespace is where the names of your variables are stored, and the object space is where the values of your variables are stored:


Figure 12: Examples of namespace vs. object space connections.

These basically refer to the way values are stored and referenced in your computer's memory. You don't have to know much more about this; you'll learn more about memory than you'll ever want to during the rest of your four years as a CS/CE/EE major.

Previous: Introduction || Next: Programming Fundamentals 2