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Lecture 21

Object-Oriented Programming

6 Floréal, CCXXXI

Song of the day: White Awakening by Les Rallizes Dénudés (1960s).

Part 1: OOP Review

The __init__() Method

In the file, create a class called Song that will be created by the user with the following attributes:

Attribute Type
song_title str
artist str
album str
genre str
length_in_seconds int

Table 1: Attributes passed in by the user to create a Song object.

See the following sample behavior below showing the creation of a Song object called a_random_song:

a_random_song = Song("The Girls Are Alright!", "saya", "The Girls Are Alright! — EP", "Indie", 271)

In addition to these 5 variables, inside the Song class's __init__, define a 6th attribute called play_count. The user needn't pass this variable in, as all songs begin with a play count of 0. Once your __init__ is properly implemented, your class should behave as follows:

a_random_song = Song("The Girls Are Alright!", "saya", "The Girls Are Alright! — EP", "indie", 271)


The Girls Are Alright!
The Girls Are Alright! — EP

The play() Method

Then, then define a method called play(). Quite simply, when this method is called, object's play_count will be increased by 1. It does not accept any parameters:

a_random_song = Song("The Girls Are Alright!", "saya", "The Girls Are Alright! — EP", "indie", 271)
num_of_plays = 10 
for time in range(num_of_plays):




Part 2: Anatomy of a Method Invocation

Last time, we left our Character class's definition looking like this:

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, health, attack, defense): = name = health
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

    def get_health(self):
        print("{} has {}pp remaining.".format(,

    def attack_enemy(self):
        return self.attack

Code Block 1: Our Character class, currently.

So, essentially:

  • Four (4) attributes: name, health, attack, defense.
  • Two (2) methods: get_health(), attack_enemy().

When we instantiate (i.e. create an instance/object of this class/type, we would do something like this:

protagonist = Character("Kasane Randall", 100, 142, 99)

Part-by-part, it is:

  • protagonist: The namespace reference (variable) to this Character object.
  • Character: Reference to the Character class.
  • (...): The instantiation operator i.e. the operator that creates an instance of this class.

In order to instantiate our object with some initial values (i.e. "Kasane Randall", 100, 142, 99), our class definition would need an __init__() method:

    def __init__(self, name, health, attack, defense): = name = health
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

That is, the string "Kasane Randall" is passed into the initializer and assigned to the Character object's name attribute ( inside the class definition), 100 will be assigned to the health attribute, etc. If you do not define an __init__() method, the class will still be created, but without any instance variables:

class Character:

empty_character = Character()  # this does not fail


<__main__.Character object at 0x7f9b50093c70>

That is, an object of the Character class exists at memory location 0x7f9b50093c70.

Now, as a quick reminder of what a method is, it's just a function that is bound to an object of a specific class. Common examples that we've used in class are string methods such as split() and strip(). This means that the str class definition probably looks like this:

class str:
    def split(self, separator=' '):
        # method definition here
    def strip(self, character):
        # method definition here

Just like split() and strip(), we could call out Character instance methods by using the dot . operator:

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, health, attack, defense): = name = health
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

    def get_health(self):
        print("{} has {}pp remaining.".format(,

    def attack_enemy(self):
        return self.attack

protagonist = Character("Paul McCartney", 100, 50, 50)


Paul McCartney has 100pp remaining.

When we make a call to get_health(), Python looks at the method definition inside the Character class's definition, and protagonist.get_health() becomes self.get_health(). Now, get_health() makes use of this object's name and health attributes, which we can access within the class definition using and

Part 3: Special Methods

So, now we've reached a point where the following behavior bothers me:

title = "Purple"
artist = "Lil Wayne"
album = "Jeff"
genre = "Hip-hop"
length = 123

new_song = Song(title, artist, album, genre, length)


<__main__.Song object at 0x7f9ea81282e0>

I don't particularly care about the name of the file in which this class is being defined in, nor do I care about its exact location in my computer's memory. I care a lot more about the Song object's title and artist. This information is a lot more pertinent to what this object is supposed to represent—an irl song.

So how can we change the behavior of our custom-made objects so that they are formatted nicely when we print them?

The answer to this question lies in special methods, of which there are many. Today, we will look at __str__().

The __str__() Method

In order get us a nice string representation of an object, we need to define its behavior when being casted into a string. That's what the __str__() method defines:

class Song:
    def __str__(self):
        Returns informal representation of Song object.
        :return: A string
        string_representation = ____________________  # however we choose to "stringify" our object

        return string_representation

The question we must now ask ourselves is:

When I print a Song object, what information do I want showing up?

Unless you have specific instructions from your boss (or the final exam's prompt), this is largely up to you. How about we include its title, artist, and album?

def __str__(self):
    string_representation = "{}, by {} ({})".format(self.song_title, self.artist, self.album)
    return string_representation

Let's see it in action now:

new_song = Song(song_title="Maxwell's Silver Hammer", artist="The Beatles", album="Abbey Road", genre="Classic Rock", 


Maxwell's Silver Hammer, by The Beatles (Abbey Road)

Much nicer.

Part 4: Program Structure

Classes must be defined before use, just like functions do:

protagonist = Character()

class Character:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Character' is not defined

Also, a common convention is to define one class per file. For example, let's say we had a Weapon class in

from random import random

class Weapon:
    def __init__(self, name, power): = name
        self.power = power
        self.brittleness = round(random(), 2)

    def get_power_boost(self):
        return round(self.power * self.brittleness, 2)

Let's modify our Character class to get a Weapon object attribute as well:

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, weapon, health, attack, defense): = name
        self.weapon = weapon = health
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

    def get_health(self):
        print("{} has {}pp remaining.".format(,

    def attack_enemy(self):
        return self.attack + self.weapon.get_power_boost()

weapon = Weapon("Master Sword", 42)
protag = Character("Link", weapon, 100, 50, 50)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<input>", line 16, in <module>
NameError: name 'Weapon' is not defined

This makes sense; if we don't import the Weapon class definition into, it will have absolutely no idea of what it is. So let's do that:

from weapon import Weapon

class Character:
    def __init__(self, name, weapon, health, attack, defense): = name
        self.weapon = weapon = health
        self.attack = attack
        self.defense = defense

    def get_health(self):
        print("{} has {}pp remaining.".format(,

    def attack_enemy(self):
        return self.attack + self.weapon.get_power_boost()

def main():
    weapon = Weapon("Master Sword", 42)
    protag = Character("Link", weapon, 100, 50, 50)

    print("{} attacks enemy with {} power!".format(, protag.attack_enemy()))

if __name__ == '__main__':

Possible output:

Link attacks enemy with 92.42 power!