This Book Recommendation Service Application provides to the following functionalities:
- People can add/delete/update/get or get all the user(s) or the book(s)
- People can rate books and also can get books that rated themselves.
- People can get the recommended books by given User Id
- The used recommendation algorithm is User-Based Collaborative Filtering using K-Nearest Neighbors with Pearson
The following technologies used in this project:
- Programming Language: Java 8
- Framework: Spring Boot 2.1.5
- Database: MySQL 8.0.16
- Others: RESTful API, Postman
The following design patterns were used.
- Three Tier Architecture,
- Concrete and Abstract Factory Design,
- Dependency Injection.
How to use this application service? Good Question! please follow the instructions:
- Import the sfa-db.sql to MySQL database
- Make sure the MySQL connection password should be set in
- Make sure books.txt file is not empty
- Start the Book Recommendation Service Application
- Use the Postman API collection for API Requests.
That's All!