Python module to convert org or txt files into Anki question decks. Also offered as an Add-on for Anki Lists to Anki
Provides two command line scripts. First is to upload an org or txt files to Anki. The second allow quick notetaking and storage.
Based on AnkiConnect. An addon for Anki that provides a HTTP api for Anki.
- Supported file types
- What is an org file
- Using Org or text files
- Using Word or LibreOffice files
- Installation
- Comand line scripts
- Running tests
- Contributing
This project supports reading from both .org, .txt, .docx (Word) and odt (LibreOffice) files.
To use Word or LibreOffice files these must first be saved as HTML files. Please read the documentation on this.
An org files a basic text file, very similar to .txt files. The file type is from Org Mode for Emacs but really you don't need to know much about this.
This is all you need to know for this project.
Asterisks ( * ) are used to to create bullet point style lists.
.org files are series of lists
A list item for a question starts with *
A list item for a answer starts with **
A comment starts with a #
Examples are provided below.
* Question
** Answer 1
** Answer 2
* Another Question
** Another answer
Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system
Documentation on Org and Text files
Documentation on LibreOffice or Word files
Have the Anki app installed.
Installing the Anki plugin AnkiConnect.
i. For macOS users of anki-connect see note for macOS users
ii. For Windows users of anki-connect see notes for Windows users
To install this module from source on Linux or macOS:
git clone
cd org_to_ani
python3 install
If the org_to_anki
command returns a module not found
error try the using the following command:
pip3 install ./
instead of
python3 install
- Upload the default org file to Anki
org_to_anki /path/to/your/org/
- Upload the specified file to Anki
- Config in project root contains all the default values for running
- Default org file is located at ~/orgNotes/
- Default anki-connect url is
A number of extra libraries are used in testing
- To run unittests
python3 nosetests
All contributions are welcome. Please open a issue first to discuss your ideas! 4. Using Word or LibreOffice files