Repository for well-known algorithms. Each the algorithm is located in selected brach or in other repository. С++ or C# implementation for each algorithm is located by link in discription. References to wikipedia about algorithms are available.
The repository will be updated continuously.
|-| Heap. Theory [C# Implementation]
|+| Merge. Theory C# Implementation
|-| Quick sort. Theory. [C# Implementation]
|-| Insertion Sort. Theory [C# Implementation]
|+| Counting Sort. Theory C# Implementation
Data structure
|+| Priority queue (based on the heap). Theory C# Implementation
Dynamic programming
|+| Largest consecutive subsequence Theory C# Implementation
|+| Edit distance Theory C# Implementation
|+| Knapsack Theory C# Implementation
Search in text
|+| Search pattern in text. Rabin-Karp algorithm. Theory C++ Implementation
|-| Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm. Theory [Implementation]
Numerical algorithms.
|+| Fibonacci number. Theory C# Implementation
|+| Huffman Coding and Huffman Decoding. Theory C# Implementation for coding C# Implementation for decoding
|+| Binary Search. Theory C# Implementation
|-| Karatsuba Algorithm. Theory [Implementation]
Numerical methods
|+| Approximation. Theory C++ Implementation
|+| Gauss method. Theory C++ Implementation
|+| Numeric integration. Theory C++ Implementation
|+| Interpolation. Theory C++ Implementation
|+| Progon method. C++ Implementation
|+| Runge–Kutta method. Theory C++ Implementation
|+| Seidel method. Theory C++ Implementation
Algorithms of discrete mathematics.
|-| Sieve of Eratosthenes. Theory [Implementation]
|-| Euclidean algorithm. Theory [Implementation]
Algorithms on graphs.
|-| Breadth-first search. Theory [Implementation]
|-| Depth-first search. Theory [Implementation]
|-| K-means clustering. Theory [Implementation]
Random Generator
|-| Mersenne Twister. Theory [Implementation]
Computational geometry
|-| Voronoi diagram. Theory [Implementation]
Travelling salesman problem.
|+| Ant Algorithm for Travelling salesman problem. Theory C# Implementation
Algorithm for TicTacToe.
|-| Ant Algorithm for TicTacToe.
Hash Functions
|+| Polynomial hash function or rolling hash. Theory C++ Implementation
Parallel computation
|+| Map Reduce Theory C++ Implementation
Signal and image processing
|-| Fast Fourier transform Theory [Implementation]